Organization Directory
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Abingdon United Methodist Church
Most recent 08/31/19 - ABINGDON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Family Fun Day: Hiking
Altona United Methodist Church
Most recent 05/25/19 - ALTONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Bethany Baptist Church
Most recent 04/06/19 - BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH: Have a question for our leaders?
Biggsville United Methodist Church
Most recent 02/17/19 - BIGGSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Narnia Book Club
Central Congregational Church
Religion | Churches, Synagogues & Mosques
Most recent 01/04/20 - CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: Officially the Christmas season in the church
Corpus Christi
Most recent 02/22/25 - Galesburg Reporter area weekly mass times
Douglas United Methodist Church
Religion | Churches, Synagogues & Mosques
Most recent 06/10/20 - DOUGLAS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Volunteers are working to put together the Adventure Explorer kits
Faith Bible Church
Religion | Churches, Synagogues & Mosques
Most recent 01/11/20 - FAITH BIBLE CHURCH: Come join us January 26th