Monmouth City Mayor Rod Davies | City of Monmouth Website
Monmouth City Mayor Rod Davies | City of Monmouth Website
City of Monmouth City Council met Feb. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen Jay Grant, Susan Twomey, Brian Daw, Jim Conard, Juan Pinedo and John VanVleet Absent: Aldermen Brad Bone and Kevin Ferry Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Attorney Marcum Spears, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, Woodard and Curran Public Works Director Brayden Bledsoe, Communications Director Ken Helms, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer
A. Approval of February 3, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes
It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve the February 3, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo and VanVleet NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (All inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)
1. Swearing-in of MFD Captain – Travis Bitner
City Clerk Susan Trevor swore-in Travis Bitner as Captain for the Monmouth Fire Department.
B. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda will not be discussed unless a request is made to remove an item for discussion).
1. Approval of Bills
It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderwoman Twomey to approve the bills as presented. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
A. MFD January Report – Chief Rexroat
The Department responded to 129 calls in January.
There were two structure fires responded to in January:
1- South 6th Street
2- MABAS response on structure fire on old Route 34 right outside of town
The Department along with other area agencies participated in an “Active Shooter Incident management” training class that was held at Monmouth college and taught by instructors from the Illinois Fire Service Institute. The Class provided the framework for the most effective command structure when responding to an incident involving an active threat.
The Board of Police and fire Commissioners recently conducted testing to establish a new promotional list for the rank of Captain.
Service Anniversaries: Captain Gary Carson—12 years and Assistant Chief Craig Cozadd – 20 years
B. MPD January Report – Chief Switzer
• YTD statistics are in the published report.
• Officers spent 14 hours in court time for various traffic and criminal cases.
• The Department participated in a reunification tabletop exercise that was conducted with school district administrators.
• The dispatchers received their initial EMD certification.
• An MPD officer completed his mandated state training.
• As Chief, I attended a training seminar on the Voices Act.
C. Approval of Redevelopment Agreement with JV Enterprises, Inc. (Pizza Hut)
Administrator Steinbrecher explained that the owner of Pizza Hut requested TIF incentives for their Redevelopment Project. These incentives are provided by the City from incremental increases in real estate taxes from this property, which is in the Monmouth Main Street TIF District and therefore qualifies for use of TIF financing. The City has agreed to reimburse the Developer a sum not to exceed $186,775.00. There are no general tax dollars involved and the Administration is recommending approval of the agreement. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the TIF Redevelopment Agreement with JV Enterprises, Inc. as presented. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry
D. Approval of Purchase of Well #9 VFD and Filter
Public Works Director Bledsoe explained that a new motor was installed in Well #9 at our North Water Treatment Plant about a year ago. The power from the electric grid that powers the well pump has had power surges, which causes conditions harmful to the operation of the well motor. The VFD and electrical filters manage the surges and protect our equipment which allows it to have a longer life span. Our current VFD and electrical filter are over a decade old and need to be replaced. The purchase price of the VFD and electrical filter is $9,626.20 and the removal and installation of them is $11,695.00, which brings the total cost to $21,331.20. It was moved by Alderman Conard and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve the abovereferenced proposals to replace the VFD and electrical filter at the North Water Treatment Plant. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, VanVleet, Grant and Alderwoman Twomey
NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
A. 1st Reading
1. 25-001, Setback Variance on Rear Property Line – 404 North B Street
Director Clark explained that the Zoning Board of Appeals met on Wednesday, February 12th to consider a request for a setback variance of two feet from the South property line to construct a new detached garage at 404 North B Street. All requirements have been met and no objections were voiced by the neighbors. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Daw to approve Ordinance 25-001 as presented. AYE: Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, VanVleet, Grant, Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman Daw NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
2. 25-002, Approving the Redevelopment Plan and Projects for the Monmouth North Commercial TIF District
Beck Oil approached the City to qualify for TIF reimbursement for updating and enlarging their facility. As part of the Main Street TIF District they would not have enough time to amortize their costs as that District is set to expire in 2044; therefore, it would be more prudent to create a new TIF District consisting of six properties, which is what Ordinance 25-002 establishes.
25-003, Designating the Redevelopment Project Area for the Monmouth North Commercial TIF District
The current Beck Oil property is not large enough to accommodate their proposed upgrade; therefore, it became necessary to vacate Maple City Drive to the North of their current facility and also to annex a piece of property to the north of Maple City Drive. Ordinance 25-003 accomplishes this.
25-004, Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the Monmouth North Commercial TIF Redevelopment Plan, Projects and Area
This ordinance establishes financing for the North commercial TIF Redevelopment District.
25-005, Approving the First Amendment to the Monmouth Main Street TIF District Redevelopment Project Area
Ordinance 25-005 amends the Monmouth Main Street TIF District to allow the removal of the Beck Oil property from this district and allows it to establish its own North Commercial TIF District such as was done for Fareway Foods.
The Administration is recommending approval of the above stated ordinances as explained by Administrator Steinbrecher.
It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve Ordinances 25-002, 25-003, 25-004 and 25-005 collectively as presented. AYE: Alderman Pinedo, VanVleet, Grant, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw and Conard NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
A. Per Illinois Statute 5ILCS 120/2 to consider collective Bargaining
1. It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman Conard to go into Executive Session at 6:16 p.m. AYE: Aldermen VanVleet, Grant, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard and Pinedo NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
2. It was moved by Alderwoman Twomey and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to return to Regular Session at 6:30 p.m. AYE: Aldermen VanVleet, Grant, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard and Pinedo NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
A. Approval of June 17, 2024 Executive Session Minutes
It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the June 17, 2024 Executive Session Minutes as presented. AYE: Alderman Grant, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo and VanVleet NAY: none ABSENT: Aldermen Bone and Ferry MOTION CARRIED.
It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman Grant to adjourn the February 18th meeting at 6:31 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Alderman Bone and Alderman Ferry, who were absent.