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Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook
City of Knoxville City Council met Feb. 17
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clerk Wilt administered the Oath of Office to Police Officer James Thorp.
Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Gruner, Hillier, Hope, Moore, Rainey, Reed and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Attorney McCoy, Chief Poyner and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: Alderman Eiker. Also present: Officer James Thorp, Mr. Jason Thorp, Mrs. Darcy Thorp, Ms. Alexya Wyers, Mr. Fred Crandall, Mrs. Iva Crandall, Officer Michael Duncan, Officer Brandon Blake, Ms. Austin King, Mrs. Melanie Tuthill, Miss Lainey Tuthill, Miss McKinley Cowman, Mr. Aaron Steele, Ms. Penny Flesner.
Public Comments: None
Approval of Minutes: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the Minutes of the February 3, 2025 City Council Meeting. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed by voice vote with no dissent.
Attorney Report: No report.
Engineer Report: No report.
Treasurer’s Report: No report.
City Clerk’s Report: No report.
Payment of City Bills: Alderman Gruner moved to approve payment of the City Bills.
Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
• Mayor Myers noted that the monthly departmental operating reports were available in the online Council packet.
1. Flock Safety Cameras: Knox County Sheriff’s Department currently has one camera in place on Hwy 9 across from Hardee’s Restaurant that will read license plates and search for a particular plate as needed. Knoxville works with the Sheriff’s Department to utilize this technology. The County is requesting that the City contract with them for an annual fee of $3,000.00 to assist with their costs. Alderman Hillier moved to contract with the
Knox County Sheriff’s Department for one camera annually for $3,000.00. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
1. Knoxville High School Project Graduation: Miss Lainey Tuthill asked the City to sponsor Project Graduation, a fun, substance-fee event for graduating Knoxville High School seniors on May 10, 2025. Alderman Hillier moved to donate $2,075.00 to KHS Project Graduation, which is $25.00 for each of the 83 seniors. Alderman Taylor seconded the motion which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
2. Resolution 2025-03 – Aggregate Purchase of Electricity: Rock River Energy Services is again working with several communities to combine to sign a municipal aggregation contract, since electric prices change daily. Alderman Rainey moved to approve Resolution 2025-03 – Aggregate Purchase of Electricity, granting the Mayor, or a designee, authority to approve a contract. Alderman Hope seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent. This is similar to Resolution 2024-42 from June 17, 2024. The Council also reviewed renewal rates for the street light account and for the city building electric supply, which both expire May 31, 2025. By general consent, the Mayor was directed to approve the street light contract for 24 months with Constellation, and the city building electric supply contract for 24 months with Homefield Energy, unless the Mayor could select a more favorable contract at the time of signing.
3. Resolution 2025-04 – Authorizing to Sign Loan Documents: A resolution is required to authorize Mayor Myers to sign loan application forms for the IL Environmental Protection Agency for the pending Sewer Lining Project L17 4660. Alderman Gruner moved to approve Resolution 2025-04 – Authorizing to Sign Loan Documents.
Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
4. Right of Way Large Project Fee – Brightspeed: Resolution 2025-01 Amending Permit Fee Amounts for Right of Ways, adopted on January 6, 2025, did not define the rate to charge for large projects. Brightspeed has a large project pending. Alderman Gruner moved to charge the standard fee of $50.00 per property for large projects, or $500.00, whichever is less. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
5. Approve July 4, 2025 Fireworks: Alderman Hillier moved to allow $10,000.00 for the annual fireworks display at James Knox Park on July 4, 2025, with a rain date of July 5, 2025. Alderman Moore seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.
Mayor’s Report:
• Met with Engineer Cooper concerning the proposed downtown street and sidewalk project. The initial cost is $1.7 million, including a $100,000.00 mobilization fee. Each replacement street light costs $30,000.00. Funding could come from TIF and from Motor Fuel Tax. Quotes should be available for the March 3, 2025 Council meeting.
• Pending large projects: James Knox Park pond revamping, new Courthouse roof.
• There was a large discrepancy between the cost of repairing the Newman School roofheavy snow damage and what the insurance company paid out. Mayor Myers is working with the insurance company for resolution.
• The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 7:00 pm.
Committee Reports
• Administration: No report.
• Cemetery: No report.
• Economic Development: No report.
• Parks: No report.
• Police: Alderman Moore stated that purchasing three more body cameras costing a total of $5,127.00 would supply the entire department. There is a possibility of obtaining a grant to pay for these mandated cameras. The item will be discussed at the March 3,
2025 Council meeting. • Sanitation: No report.
• Streets: No report
• Water/Sewer: No report.
Adjourn: At 7:38 PM, Alderman Gruner moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.