William Walters - Superintendent, Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276 | Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276
William Walters - Superintendent, Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276 | Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276
Abingdon-Avon Community Unit No. 276 Board of Education met March 12
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Opportunity for Public Comment: (This is the time when visitors may request to address the Board of Education on any item germane to the role and function of the Board of Education. When the Board President so directs, people should stand, give their name and begin their statements. Persons must refrain from making any personal comments regarding any individual. The Board President reserves the right to limit presentations to five minutes.)
4. Correspondence/Scheduled Visitors:
Corey Pevitz (H.S. Soc. Science Teacher) – Smithsonian Project
5. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6. Approval of Agenda
7. Consent Agenda*(The Consent Agenda includes matters of usual business of the Board that may be approved through one motion, second, and roll call vote, unless it is determined that one or more items be removed from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion or because one or more negative votes may be anticipated.)
7.1 Approval of Minutes
7.1.1 February 18, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes
7.2 Financial Reports – February 28, 2025
7.2.1 District Fund Balance Report* $5,550,748.23
Cash Balance (February 28, 2025) $276,352.98
Money Market (February 28, 2025) $3,774,395.25
CDs $1,500,000.00 Activity Accounts (February 28, 2025) $222,876.20 Payroll for February 2025 $545,965.61 (2 payrolls)
Approval of Payment for up-t0-date March Bills
8. Principals’ Report Summaries
8.1 Mrs. Anderson, AAHS
8.2 Mrs. Scherpe, HGS
8.3 Mrs. Craver, AES/AAMS
8.4 Mrs. Andrews, Curriculum Director
9. Superintendent’s Report/Discussion Items
9.1 Financial Update
10. New Business
10.1 Current Openings (Updates given at Board Meeting)
11. Action Items/Possible Action Items
11.1 Consider for Approval the IHSA Membership Renewal for 2025-2026
11.2 Consider for Approval the Addition of Junior High & High School Wrestling for 2025-2026
12. Executive Session
Action to enter into closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) - to consider evaluation, resignation, compensation, disciplinary action, or dismissal of specific employees, or specific individuals who serve as independent contractors, of the District; (2) – deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; (10) – other matters relating to individual students; (21) – discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, including semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes.
13. Action Items/Possible Action Items
13.1 Consider for Approval the March 2025 Personnel Report
14. Discussion Items
15. Adjournment