Mercer County School District 404 Board Members | Mercer County School District 404
Mercer County School District 404 Board Members | Mercer County School District 404
Mercer County School District 404 Board of Education Building and Grounds Committee will meet Feb. 18
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Public Comment (see participation protocol on back)
3. Building Updates
3.1. 10-year Health Life Safety Study (December 2027)
3.2. Overall HVAC maintenance
3.3. Snow removal & salting
3.4. Building related items
3.4.1. Apollo & NBE punch lists
3.4.2. MCJH HVAC (controls) & windows
3.4.3. HS Project Plan update
4. Summer 2025 Project Plans
4.1. ELC - potential HVAC & domestic water downsizing
4.2. APOLLO - security, kitchen, small scale concrete, exterior lighting, landscaping
4.3. NBE - building demo, PREK classrooms, parking lot, playground
4.4. MCJH - security, small scale concrete, exterior lighting, landscaping, parking lot sealing, potential HVAC controls
4.5. MCHS - vocational HVAC, potential house move
5. Building & Grounds Personnel
5.1. Custodial coverage & scheduling
5.2. Full-time Maintenance job posting update
6. Action Items
6.1. Approval of Committee meeting minutes from January 15, 2025
6.2. Approval of Recommendations to the BOE
6.2.1. Approve Joy HVAC and domestic water downsizing ($10,153)
6.2.2. Award Apollo Kitchen Bid to MSI ($137,320)
6.2.3. Move forward with summer project plans as listed above
6.2.4. Hire full-time maintenance staff as proposed
7. Adjourn