
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council met Jan. 6

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Brian Daw, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

Brian Daw, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

City of Monmouth City Council met Jan. 6

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen Jay Grant, Brad Bone, Brian Daw, Jim Conard, Juan Pinedo and Kevin Ferry Absent: Alderwoman Susan Twomey and Alderman VanVleet Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, Woodard and Curran Public Works Director Brayden Bledsoe, Communications Director Ken Helms, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer


A. Approval of December 16, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Ferry to approve the December 16, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Bone, Daw, Conard, Pinedo and Ferry NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman VanVleet MOTION CARRIED.


A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (All inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

1. Andrea Monroe, MACC and MCAP Executive Director

Andrea gave the following updates:

❖ She thanked the Council and the City for all the support that they gave for the Christmas on the Square event. In spite of the construction, she felt it was a successful event.

❖ As part of her job in MCAP, she completed her Economic Development courses in Naperville.

❖ Goals for the 1st quarter of 2025 are:

1) Reaching out to businesses to determine what they are looking for to grow their business, what they might need help with and how can the Chamber help.

2) Start a C.E.O. Program for high schoolers and young professionals.

This program is designed for those people who don’t want to go to college or are just recently out of college and want to start a business but don’t know the steps to follow. The program will teach these entrepeneurs how to write a business plan along with how to explore grant opportunities.

B. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda will not be discussed unless a request is made to remove an item for discussion).

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the bills as presented. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, Grant and Bone NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman VanVleet MOTION CARRIED.


A. Building and Zoning December Report – Director Clark

✓ Total Solar Permit Revenue for 2024 was $37,075 with $26,100 received after expenses.

✓ In 2024, The ZBA had 5 requests approved by the Council and the Plan Commission had 2 requests approved by the Council.

✓ The City received $212,000.00 in grant funds for the demolition of houses deemed unsalvageable of which $86,528 has been spent for the demolition of four houses. This leaves $125,472.00 to be spent on demolitions. Two more have been put out for bid and the bids will be opened at City Hall on Friday, January 17th.. The lowest bid will then be brought to Council for approval on January 21st.

✓ Two houses that were scheduled for demolition at 508 S. D Street and 602 North C Street have been purchased for rehabilitation with one completed and the other still in the process.

✓ There were 8 demolitions done by private owners.

✓ All demolitions were completed following demolition requirements for proper asbestos abatement and disposal of debris.

✓ Completed projects in 2024 were: Y.M.C.A. Youth Facility, Jamieson Community Care Center at 1120A S. Main, Dame Fine Coffee at a new location along with storage units at the same location at 504 N. Main Street, ICS new gymnasium, Jimmy Johns and a shop and warehouse on West 10th Avenue.

B. Woodard and Curran November Report – Director Bledsoe

➢ This past month, Advanced Plumbing and Mechanical has been pot-holing residential service lines to determine the material they are composed of and reporting this information back to the City. They have completed pot-holing 300 residences this month. This information will be used for better planning and maybe to use for funding applications. The City is opening bids for Phase I of the Lead Service Line Replacement, beginning in the South side, on January 8th at 11:00 a.m. here in City Hall.

➢ In November at the North Wastewater Treatment Plant, the gallon per minute output dropped significantly in Well #9. The motor was pulled and it was determined that it was totally burned up and needed to be replaced immediately to be able to produce the water that the City needs to produce for that area. The cost for replacement is $61,000.00.

C. Bar Screen Repair Approval – Wastewater Treatment Plant

Director Bledsoe explained that one of the first procedures at the WWTP is for water to go through a bar screen which catches trash and bricks from the incoming water. The bar screen’s components are old and getting worn out and debris is getting through, which can cause damage to other parts of the treatment system. It is critical to replace the bar screen along with electrical components and minor plumbing. Estimates from three local contractors were received with the lowest total bid coming in at $56,091.82. Director Bledsoe is recommending approval of this bid. It was moved by Alderman Bone and seconded by Alderman Grant to approve the bid of $56,091.82 for the replacement of the bar screen at the WWTP. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, Grant and Bone NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman VanVleet MOTION CARRIED.

D. TIF Building Rehabilitation Program – Patton Block Roof

City Administrator Steinbrecher explained that Midwest Bank as owner of the Patton Block Building applied for reimbursement under the Downtown TIF Commercial Building Rehabilitation Program for the replacement of the existing roof on the Patton Block Building. Dowers Roofing submitted a bid of $76,530.00 of which Midwest qualified for the 30% reimbursement of $22,959 through the TIF Building Rehabilitation Program. This reimbursement would be paid only after satisfaction of all the guideline requirements and completion of the project along with a Certificate of Occupancy having been issued by the City.

The Administration is recommending approval. It was moved by Alderman Ferry and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the application by Midwest Bank for financial reimbursement under the TIF Building Rehabilitation Program for the replacement of the roof on the Patton Block Building. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, Grant and Bone NAY: none ABSENT: Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman VanVleet MOTION CARRIED.


There was none to consider


It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman Grant to adjourn the January 6th meeting at 6:20 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman VanVleet, who were absent.
