
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Knoxville City Council met Dec. 16

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Knoxville Police Department | City of Knoxville

Knoxville Police Department | City of Knoxville

City of Knoxville City Council met Dec. 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Eiker, Gruner, Hillier, Hope, Moore, Rainey, Reed and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Chief Poyner, Attorney McCoy and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: None. Also present: Ms. Penny Flesner.

Public Comments: Clerk Wilt thanked the Council for the Christmas bonus and for the Employee/Board Christmas Party.

Approval of Minutes: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the Minutes of the December 2, 2024 City Council Meeting. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed by voice vote with no dissent.


Attorney Report: No report.

Engineer Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.

City Clerk’s Report: No report.

Payment of City Bills: Alderman Gruner moved to approve payment of the City Bills.

Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.


• Mayor Myers noted that the monthly departmental operating reports were available in the online Council packet.


1. Storage Waiver Agreement: The current City storage lease does not allow for routine work or maintenance on stored items, but a waiver for one time necessary work is needed. Attorney McCoy drafted an agreement, which can be issued by any City of Knoxville representative. Alderman Hope moved to approve the Storage Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement. Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

2. Draft Resolution – Terrace Opening Fee: Attorney McCoy presented a draft resolution establishing permit fee amounts for the opening of streets, sidewalks, terraces, or rightof-ways, which would add $50.00 per property for multiple addresses. However, there is no waiver provision for larger scale projects that affect ten or more properties. This will be discussed at the January 6, 2025 Council meeting, adding a provision that the Council will set the fee for larger projects on a case by case basis.


1. Knoxville Community Fire Protection District Request for TIF Funds for Pumper Tanker Fire Truck: 

The Knoxville Community Fire Protection District sent a letter requesting financial assistance to purchase a new pumper tanker fire truck to replace the current 2001 truck. Alderman Eiker moved to approve the distribution of $10,000.00 in TIF funds to the Knoxville Community Fire Protection District. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) No vote (Hillier).

2. Ordinance 2024-12 – Annex 749 US Hwy 150 East into the City of Knoxville:

Alderman Gruner moved to approve Ordinance 2024-12 – Annex 749 US Hwy 150 East into the City of Knoxville. Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

3. Ordinance 2024-13 – Annex 747 US Hwy 150 East into the City of Knoxville:

Alderman Gruner moved to approve Ordinance 2024-13 – Annex 747 US Hwy 150 East into the City of Knoxville. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

4. Clear Water Main Right of Way – West Edge of Knoxville: Alderman Eiker moved to contract with Kirgan’s Property Solutions to clear the water main right of way on the west edge of Knoxville, under the supervision of Water Superintendent Mike Johnson.

Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes. The right of way will need to be accessed through private property, and the property owners are in approval of Kirgan’s access.

5. Flock Safety Cameras: Earlier in 2024, the Knox County Sheriff’s Department installed multiple cameras throughout Knox County that can read for specific license plates. There are currently two installed in Knoxville. The Sheriff’s Department is requesting a onetime fee of $3,841.66 to assist with the purchase cost. The request was tabled to verify if there are any additional or recurrent fees associated with the cameras.

6. Resolution 2024-48 - Hire Full Time Police Officer James Thorp: Alderman Gruner moved to approve Resolution 2024-28 - Hire Full Time Police Officer James Thorp, contingent on his passage of the power test and his background check. Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

Mayor’s Report:

• A note from Ms. Penny Flesner was circulated, thanking the Council for the Christmas bonus and for the Employee/Board Christmas Party. 

• The Christmas Parade, luminary display, and downtown business open house event on December 7, 2024, was a success.

• The Employee/Board Christmas Party was held on December 15, 2024, and was a success with 63 in attendance.

• Bruner, Cooper and Zuck was able to map water lines as part of the lead line replacement project earlier this year. This will allow for installation of additional and better shut-offs in a future project.

• A new backhoe has been ordered from Birkey’s to hold the 2024 price.

• The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 7:00 pm.

Committee Reports

• Administration: No report.

• Cemetery: No report.

• Economic Development: No report.

• Parks: No report.

• Police: No report.

• Sanitation: No report.

• Streets: Alderman Eiker noted that the transfer of the old box to the new salt truck is still in process.

• Water/Sewer: No report.

Adjourn: At 7:35 PM, Alderman Gruner moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.
