Letha Clark, County Board District #3 | McDonough County Republicans | Facebook
Letha Clark, County Board District #3 | McDonough County Republicans | Facebook
McDonough County Board Law & Legal Committee met Dec. 9
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Law & Legal Committee held its monthly meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the McDonough County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, Law Library. Committee Members present included Committee Chair
Joe Erlandson, Vice Chair Ken Durkin, Clayton Cook, Travis Hiel, Ryan Litchfield, Terra Litchfield, and Terry Thompson.
Member Jack Lowderman was absent. Other persons in attendance were Chris Adams, Dave Schaab, Deborah Cousins, Sheriff Nick Petitgout, County Chair Eric Blakeley, County Board Secretary Sara Kluthe, and County Clerk Jeremy Benson.
Chair Erlandson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Review & Approve November 4, 2024 Minutes
Member Durkin moved with a second by Member T. Litchfield to approve the minutes with corrections. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Waste Management Update
Dave Schaab gave the report. Schaab offered to give a tour in the spring, he explained his reports and how the landfill operates.
Tri-County Recycling
Veteran’s Assistance and Van Report
7 Veterans were given assistance in November, they made 4 trips to Iowa and 1 to Quincy. Member Durkin informed the Committee that gift certificates in the amount of $100.00 were given to each Veteran that receives assistance. Total assistance to include the gift cards amounted to $2,839.00.
Sheriff’s Report
Sheriff Nick Petitgout gave the report. He has two new deputies that have completed the academy and will receive training for approximately three months. He believes that the new FOP contract will help retain employees. Petitgout also informed the Committee that the new body cameras are working great.
Assessor’s Office Update
Assessor Deborah Cousins gave the report. Cousins answered some questions and explained what the requirements are to combine parcel index numbers, and how farm and timber ground are assessed.
Discuss Solar Ordinance
Chair Erlandson informed the Committee that he has communicated with RWE regarding a solar ordinance. Member Durkin has created a draft ordinance compiled from information he has received from several other Counties. He has given the draft to State’s Attorney Kwacala for review.
Discuss Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Ordinance
Assessor Cousins informed the Committee that she has had a tax payer approach her regarding the storage of solar energy. The batteries that store the energy are the size of large shipping containers and are stored in large warehouse buildings. She suggests that the Committee consider creating an ordinance for the placement of these warehouses as the batteries are moderately dangerous. Member Durkin has already started a draft ordinance for this.
Discuss Tri-County Resources and Waste Management Council Contract
There is a contract in place with Tri-County Resources and Waste Management Council with McDonough County, Mercer County, and Warren County. The contract needs to be reviewed, Waste Management is not providing as much funding as they have in the past and the fund is depleting. Tri-County Resources is not providing monthly reports, and they have quit coming to meetings. County Chair Blakeley will set up a meeting with them to discuss the contract and potential changes, and discuss their accountability.
Claims Review and Approval
Member Hiel moved with a second by Member T. Litchfield to approve the claims as submitted. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Other Items as Needed
Chair Erlandson explained the meeting process, and how the Committees and Board operate. He gave a brief overview of several items that have generated from the Law & Legal Committee which include the wind farm ordinance, C02 pipeline, marijuana tax, solar ordinance, FOP contract, and legal matters along with lawsuits.
Executive Session
Public Comment
Chris Adams with the McDonough County Health Department requested a copy of the draft solar ordinance. He also expressed that there is a great need for medicine disposal, Adams requested that when they meet with Tri-County to let them know that there is great interest in medicine disposal.
County Board Chair Comments
Chair Blakeley welcomed the new Board Members, he informed the Committee that they will go into executive session at the January meeting and requested that everyone attend.
Member R. Litchfield moved with a second by Member Hiel to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.