Dr. Tony Sanders, State Superintendent of Education | Illinois State Board of Education
Dr. Tony Sanders, State Superintendent of Education | Illinois State Board of Education
Illinois State Board of Education Performance Evaluation Advisory Council Training Committee met Nov. 25
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Amy Alsop (IFT) Present
Kay Dugan (IPA) Absent
Larry Frank (IEA) Present
Anna Mae Grams-Pullappally (CPS) Present
Carrie Hruby (IASA) Present
Mark Klaisner (IARSS) Absent
Dr. Dawn Bridges (IASA) Present
Kate Schumacher (IFT) Absent (joined meeting later)
Jodi Scott (IARSS) Present
Sonya Spaulding (IARSS) Present
Karen Triezenberg (IPA) Present
Others in attendance:
Suzana Ustabecir (CPS)
Diana Zaleski (IEA)
Vince Camille (ISBE)
Jessica Tobias (ISBE)
Crystal Strohkirch (ISBE)
II. ISBE Update
a. Dr. Jason Helfer, chief education officer-instruction at ISBE, asked Dr. Frank and Ms. Hruby to present the recommendations of the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) Training Committee regarding the American Institutes for Research report at the ISBE Board meeting on Feb. 20, 2024.
III. Welcome Guests
No guests were in attendance.
IV. Public Comment
There were no public comments.
V. Approve Minutes
Ms. Triezenberg motioned for approval of the minutes from the Oct. 17 and Oct. 18, 2024, PEAC Training Committee meetings. Ms. Spaulding made a second.
Amy Alsop (IFT) Yes
Kay Dugan (IPA) Absent
Larry Frank (IEA) Yes
Anna Mae Grams-Pullappally (CPS) Yes
Carrie Hruby (IASA) Yes
Mark Klaisner (IARSS) Absent
Dr. Dawn Bridges (IASA) Yes
Kate Schumacher (IFT) Absent
Jodi Scott (IARSS) Yes
Sonya Spaulding (IARSS) Yes
Karen Triezenberg (IPA) Yes
VI. New Business
a. Strategic planning conversation
i. The group compiled the accomplishments of the PEAC Training Committee and identified key topics for future focus. Members prioritized the top three topics and discussed strategies for addressing them moving forward. The priorities are
1) shoring up the systems that will be implemented, 2) maintaining student growth as a central focus in the training content, and 3) shifting the emphasis to the 2022 Danielson Framework for all state training tools.
b. Operating Rules for PEAC 2.0
i. The group members clarified that, concerning the Rules Of Procedure (ROP) and Bylaws, the providers nominate individuals and the state superintendent makes the appointments. Ms. Tobias will send ISBE’s Legislative Affairs team and Dr. Helfer the recommendations for the ROP and Bylaws that the group created.
c. Plan to shoot AA No. 2001 videos
i. The group discussed the videos that need to be updated. The West40 video team is available on Dec. 12 to shoot videos. The group watched two videos from the current training to help determine what changes are necessary. The specific changes required for the videos have not yet been determined. ISBE and the General Assembly will decide whether changes are made related to student growth in Part 50 of the Illinois Administrative Code. Dr. Frank and Ms. Scott will discuss these details during the PEAC Training Committee meeting on Nov. 26, 2024, and will communicate with the rest of the PEAC Training Committee.
ii. The next PEAC Training Committee meeting, scheduled from 9-10 a.m. on Nov. 26. 2024, will begin with breakout rooms for smaller work groups.
VII. Adjourn
Rather than adjourning the meeting, the group decided to call a recess until 9 a.m. the next day, Nov. 26, 2024.