
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Nov. 19


Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 board members. | Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 board members. | Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Nov. 19

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: President Arvanitis called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm

Board of Education Members

Present - Mrs. Athena Arvanitis, President; Mrs. Elizabeth Hosler, Vice-President; Mrs. Courtenae Trautmann, Secretary; Mrs. Kelly Asseff; Mrs. Kara Caforio; and Dr. Kelly Henry

Absent – Mr. Jim Collins (arrived at 5:40pm)

President Arvanitis stated there are 6 board members present, 1 board members absent, a quorum is present.


Present - Dr. Keisha Campbell, Superintendent; Mrs. Tonya Daniels, Chief of Staff & Communications; Mr. Rudy Gomez, Exec. Dir. Technology; Ms. Kerry Leuschel, Asst. Superintendent of School Leadership; Mrs. Katie Lyons, Asst. Superintendent of Teaching & Learning; Dr. Kevin Rubenstein, Asst. Superintendent of Student Services; Dr. Joe Schumacher, Asst. Superintendent of Human Resources; Mr. Chris Whelton, Asst. Superintendent of Finance & Operations

Absent – none

Closed Session

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to adjourn to closed session at 5:33 pm to discuss matters relating to The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; AND The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10); AND Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Caforio seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Caforio, Mrs. Asseff, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Hosler and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Reconvene to Open Session

The Board adjourned from closed session at 7:34 pm and reconvened to open session.

Pledge of Allegiance: Board members led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance


Madison Early Childhood Education Center Spotlight

Dr. Susan Kondrat, Principal of Madison Early Childhood Center shared a presentation highlighting the “Peer Buddies” program at Madison where elementary Students are buddies with Pre-K Students. They come in and read or participate in activities, games, or assist with transitions with their Pre-K buddy. This approach integrates content areas with social emotional skills and benefits both groups of students.

Field Elementary School Spotlight

Heidi Thomas, Principal of Field Elementary School shared a presentation that highlighted Field’s focus on math conceptual understanding. The program highlighted the RDW process: Read: Students read and analyze a math problem carefully to understand what’s being asked. Draw:They use a visual model to represent the problem, making abstract concepts concrete. Write:They write a mathematical equation and a statement to solve the problem and explain their reasoning. 

State Tennis Recognition

The Board of Education extends heartfelt congratulations to York Girls' Tennis player Lizzie Isyanov for earning second place individually at the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Class 2A State meet. Lizzie's outstanding achievement reflects her dedication, tireless work ethic, and sportsmanship, bringing honor to York Community High School, District 205, and the Elmhurst community.

Additionally, the Board congratulates the York Girls' Tennis team for their exceptional performance, placing fourth at the IHSA Class 2A State meet. This accomplishment highlights the team's dedication, teamwork, and perseverance throughout the season, culminating in recognition among the top high school tennis programs in Illinois. The team's success, including the efforts of state tournament players Lizzie Isyanov, Josie Coan, and CJ Coan, brought pride and distinction to York, District 205, and the Elmhurst community. The Board expresses deep appreciation for their remarkable season and achievements.

Mrs. Trautmann read the proclamation, and the Board offered an applause and congratulations to the team for their outstanding accomplishments.

PSRP (Paraprofessionals & School-Related Personnel) Appreciation Day

Board President Arvanitis, on behalf of herself and the entire board, shared a message celebrating PSRP Appreciation Day. She expressed heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable contributions of PSRP staff to the families, students, and staff of District 205. To further honor their dedication, Mrs. Tonya Daniels presented a video thanking and celebrating the remarkable PSRPs. The message concluded with a sincere thank you to all PSRP staff in District 205 for their unwavering commitment to inspiring, supporting, and building strong connections with students, staff, and the community.

Board Member Appreciation Day

Dr. Campbell announced that last week was Board Member Appreciation and expressed her deep gratitude to the Board of Education members for their unwavering dedication and volunteer service to the school community. She praised their commitment to the success of students, staff, and schools, acknowledging the countless hours they dedicate to preparation, decision-making, and focusing on the district's needs. While much of their work is visible during meetings, Dr. Campbell highlighted the significant behind-the-scenes contributions, such as reviewing materials, attending events, collaborating with community organizations, and engaging in meaningful discussions. She commended the board for modeling the district’s core values, including effective communication, collaboration, creative problem-solving, and prioritizing students. Dr. Campbell emphasized their selfless service and the positive impact they have on both the schools and the broader community. She concluded by expressing gratitude on behalf of the staff, families, and students for their dedication and excellence. Dr. Campbell finished by stating that a video celebrating our amazing board members would be shown at the end of the meeting.

Public Comments:

There were three public comments during the meeting:

The first speaker expressed concerns over the declining SAT test scores at York, questioning the underlying issues. They felt that money is not the problem, noting a 5% tax increase and a student cost of $19,000. The speaker also questioned curriculum choices being made across the district, specifically mentioning concerns raised by third parties about Math and English Language Arts.

The second speaker mentioned that the information they were about to share was from the Elmhurst Patch and asked for confirmation on its accuracy. They expressed concern over a 16% tax increase over the past three years and questioned whether taxes would continue to rise. They also asked what the money was being used for, citing declining test scores and asking what the district’s plan was to address this. The speaker noted a drop in enrollment while the district continues to hire staff, and requested transparency regarding where the money is going. They also voiced concern over administration bonuses and questioned whether these would be distributed this year.

The third speaker raised an issue regarding accessibility at Jackson School, specifically mentioning a classroom located in the basement that is not accessible by elevator. While their concerns had been addressed with building administration, they suggested that the district look into this issue moving forward to ensure that all students have full access to all areas of the school.

 Approval of Board Meeting Minutes  

Approval of Regular and Committee of the Whole Board Meeting Minutes- October 15, 2024 & October 29, 2024

Approval of Closed Session Minutes- October 15, 2024

President Arvanitis asked if there were any changes to minutes and hearing no changes, the minutes were declared to stand as presented.  

Reports and Presentations

Estimated Tax Levy

Elmhurst District 205’s 2024 estimated tax levy reflects a 4.92% total increase, driven by a 3.4% CPI, estimated new construction EAV of $60 million, and a 2.43% increase in bond and interest levies. Each school district is required to certify annually and return to the respective county clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December, its Certificate of Tax Levy. Prior to the adoption of its aggregate levy, the Board of Education must estimate the dollar amount of the aggregate levy for the current year. If the aggregate levy is more than 105% of the prior year's extension, a notice must be published in the newspaper indicating that a public hearing will be held to approve the proposed tax levy increase. We will publish the notice of proposed tax increase in the Elmhurst Suburban Life. 

The board questioned or commented on the following:

The board thanked Chris Whelton for his presentation and encouraged everyone interested in learning about the tax levy and the tough decisions involved in the annual budget process to review available resources, such as the district’s financial status, five-year projections, finance committee meetings, and other materials, to gain a deeper understanding of potential outcomes and future risks.

Consent Agenda Items

Mrs. Arvanitis asked if any board members would like to pull an item from consent. Mrs. Caforio requested to pull Item D: "Approve Posting of the 2023-2024 Report Card" for further discussion. A motion was then made.

Mrs. Caforio explained that she requested the item be pulled for further discussion because, at the recent COW meeting on October 30, the reports were reviewed. She emphasized the importance of understanding that a significant amount of data and various components contribute to the scores. She also wanted the community to be aware that the board spent the entire meeting discussing these subjects and asked Dr. Campbell to provide a high-level recap of how the data is used once it’s received.

Dr. Campbell responded by outlining the district’s ongoing process of data analysis and continuous improvement. She explained that administrators meet regularly to analyze both academic and learning environment data, with a focus on identifying strengths and areas for growth. In May and June, the district reviews yearly data to highlight achievements and opportunities. The district partners with ECRA to monitor student growth and align outcomes with improvement efforts, ensuring an equitable environment where all students can succeed.

Dr. Campbell noted that there has been significant growth in the younger grades, attributed to intentional, focused work. This work is now being expanded to middle and high school levels to support continued growth across all demographic groups. Professional development, curriculum shifts, and increased complexity of texts and tasks are part of the efforts to provide a cohesive approach to the curriculum.

She also mentioned that the district has seen substantial improvement in student proficiency, especially in elementary grades. Learning from this success, similar strategies are being implemented in secondary grades. The board was informed of steady increases in students’ proficiency in ELA and math, as measured by the IAR assessments, including the highest percentage of D205 students achieving proficiency since the IAR’s inception in 2018-19.

Additionally, the current freshman class showed impressive growth, with more students demonstrating proficiency in ELA and math when comparing their 5th-grade results to 8th-grade results.

While attendance at York High School has improved, the SAT outcomes showed a decrease in the percentage of students meeting ISBE benchmarks for EBRW and math. In response, the district is partnering strategically to enhance student achievement, focusing on aligning core coursework with research, standards, and effective instructional practices. Dr. Campbell outlined several initiatives being implemented at York to support students, teachers, and leaders during the transition from SAT to ACT, including optional prep classes and in-classroom support for English students in 10th and 11th grades.

Dr. Campbell concluded by stating that a high-quality curriculum, paired with professional learning and excellent teaching, leads to improved student outcomes. The district remains committed to ensuring all students experience high levels of education, engagement, and empowerment, preparing them for college, career, and life. She expressed confidence in the team of district and school leaders who are dedicated to elevating outcomes for all students.

Approve Posting 2023-2024 Report Card

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to Approve Posting 2023-2024 Report Card

Mrs. Caforio moved and Mrs. Trautmann seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Caforio, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Asseff, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Mrs. Arvanitis then returned to the consent agenda.

Personnel Report

Financial Reports

FOIA- Freedom of Information Act Report

Approve Posting 2023-2024 Report Card- This item was pulled for further discussion.

Disposal of Surplus Property

Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student A)

Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student B)

Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student C & D)

Supplemental Staffing Contracts

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Personnel Report; B. Financial Reports; C. FOIA- Freedom of Information Act Requests;

E. Disposal of Surplus Property; F. Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student A); G. Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student B); H. Approve resolution regarding student residency (Student C & D); I. Supplemental Staffing Contracts

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Caforio, Dr. Henry, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Asseff, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Agenda Action Items

Approve Resolution Regarding Estimated Amounts Necessary to Levy for Year 2024

Following the presentation of the Estimated Tax Levy, the Board of Education voted on the resolution regarding the estimated amounts to be levied for the year 2024, as well as the notice of the proposed tax increase to be published in the Elmhurst Suburban Life.

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to approve the Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be Levied for the Year 2024, and the notice of the proposed tax increase for publication in the Elmhurst Suburban Life.  

Mrs. Asseff moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Asseff, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Caforio, Mr. Collins, Dr. Henry, and Mrs. Hosler voted aye. Motion carried.

Approve 2025-2026 Course Proposals

The Board of Education reviewed eight new courses for the 2025-2026 school year at D205 York Community High School. These courses, to be taught by current staff with no additional sections planned, include Yearbook 1, Yearbook 3: Editorial, Journalism 3: Editorial, Industrial Technology Survey, Music Production Survey, Music Production Survey Leaders, Industrial Technology Survey Leaders, and Piano 2. The new courses are designed to expand learning opportunities in areas such as journalism, yearbook production, industrial technology, and music. Some courses, like Yearbook 3 and Journalism 3: Editorial, provide advanced options for students taking on leadership roles, while Piano 2 adds a second level to the performing arts curriculum. The industrial technology and music production surveys also offer additional elective options for students in the multi-needs program.

President Arvanitis asked for a motion

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Dr. Henry seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Caforio, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Asseff, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Approve Maintenance Grant

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is offering a $50,000 School Maintenance Grant for capital projects in the 2025 fiscal year. As part of the District’s 10-year life cycle replacement plan, the replacement of the Roof Top Unit (RTU) in the Multi-purpose Room (MPR) at Jefferson Elementary School is scheduled for the summer of 2025 and qualifies for this grant. By applying the ISBE grant funds to this project, the District’s cost will be reduced from an estimated $150,000 to $100,000. The Board of Education is being asked to certify the application for the ISBE School Maintenance Grant for FY 2025 to support this capital project.

The board questioned or commented on the following:

The board highlighted that the $168 million referendum, which resulted in only a $5 average annual increase per household, has allowed us to keep all 13 buildings on track with Mr. Schmidt’s 10-year plan, ensuring we avoid major costly repairs. We have been investing $3-4 million annually for ongoing maintenance and are grateful for the grant, which further supports our budget and addresses critical maintenance needs.

President Arvanitis asked for a motion

Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Caforio, and Mrs. Asseff voted aye. Motion carried.

Superintendent's Communication

D205 Highlights

National Blue Ribbon Ceremony

Jefferson Elementary School was proudly honored at the National Blue Ribbon Schools ceremony in Washington, D.C., a recognition that underscores the school’s exceptional achievements and commitment to excellence. This prestigious award celebrates Jefferson’s dedication to fostering a high-quality educational environment that supports both academic success and student growth. The ceremony provided an opportunity to highlight the hard work of Jefferson’s students, staff, and families, whose collaboration and perseverance have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. We are incredibly proud of Jefferson Elementary for representing Elmhurst District 205 on a national stage and for bringing this well-deserved honor to our community.

Veterans Day Recap

Across District 205, schools came together to honor and celebrate our veterans through meaningful events and heartfelt tributes for Veterans Day. Students and staff showed their appreciation through special assemblies, patriotic performances, and engaging activities that highlighted the sacrifices and service of those who have defended our nation. These events provided an opportunity for students to learn about the importance of honoring veterans and for the community to express gratitude to these brave individuals. Thank you to all who participated in making these celebrations memorable and impactful, and a special thanks to our veterans for their dedication and service to our country.

D205 Parent University

Join District 205 administrators for our upcoming virtual Parent University series to learn how we are educating, engaging, and empowering students through Illustrative Math and Amplify ELA.

The first session on Nov. 21, focusing on Illustrative Math, will deepen caregivers' understanding of the research behind instructional best practices in middle school math instruction. Presenters will highlight how these practices are embedded in our newly adopted, high-quality instructional materials and how they promote conceptual mathematical thinking. This session is designed for caregivers of students in grades 6-12 (and REACH 5th).

The second session on Dec. 2 will focus on Amplify ELA and provide insights into best practices in literacy instruction for middle schoolers. Presenters will explore how Amplify ELA supports skilled reading through high-quality instructional materials. This session is designed for caregivers of students in grades 6-8.

PSRP Appreciation Day 

November 20 is PSRP Appreciation Day! Join us in recognizing the incredible contributions of our Paraprofessionals and School-Related Personnel, who play an essential role in ensuring the success of our students and schools. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes and in our classrooms to create a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for learning. From assisting students with diverse needs to managing critical operations, their hard work and commitment are the backbone of our educational community. Let’s take a moment to show our gratitude and celebrate the positive impact they have on our schools every day!

Churchville Ribbon Cutting 

We’re thrilled to celebrate the completion of the newly renovated auditorium at Churchville Middle School with a special ribbon-cutting ceremony! This state-of-the-art space represents a significant milestone in our commitment to providing enhanced learning and performance spaces for our students. The updated auditorium will serve as a hub for creativity, collaboration, and community, hosting everything from school plays and concerts to assemblies and special events. We are proud to offer our students and staff a facility that reflects the excellence and innovation of District 205.

Communications Highlights

Mrs. Daniels introduced the communications highlight video, which can be viewed on BoardDocs. 

Board Communications: Dr. Henry provided an update on the recent IASB conference, discussing the resolutions that were voted on for adoption. Of the proposed resolutions, six were recommended for adoption, while four were not recommended. For those seeking more detailed information, Dr. Henry encouraged logging onto the IASB website to review the resolution committee report, where each resolution is explained in more depth.

Upcoming Meetings

- December 4, 2024 Policy Committee Meeting, 5:30 p.m.-District 205 Center, Rooms 215, 216, & 217

- December 17, 2024 Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m.–District 205 Center, Rooms 215, 216, & 217

Adjournment - End of Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm
