Jon Webb, Sheriff | Fulton County Lewiston Website
Jon Webb, Sheriff | Fulton County Lewiston Website
Fulton County Highway Committee will meet Dec. 2
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence
4. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
5. Public Comments
6. Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
7. County Engineer’s Report
8. Consent Agenda Items
a. Claims
b. Resolution HWY 25-001 – CAB, FAM, CH 6 Mitigation General Maintenance
c. Resolution HWY 25-002 – Section 23-00000-00-PP
d. Department of the Army – Right-of-Entry Agreement
9. Other
a. 2025 Committee Meeting Schedule
10. Adjournment