Dr. Anna Grassellino, Board Member | Wikipedia
Dr. Anna Grassellino, Board Member | Wikipedia
Illinois State Board of Education Teacher Assessment Task Force met Sept. 30
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order/Roll Call:
Dr. Jason Helfer called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. and asked meeting facilitator Delaney Workman to conduct a roll call. A quorum was present.
Members Present:
Senator Tom Bennett
Dr. Kathryn Chval
Dr. Marie Donovan
Shauna Ejeh
Representative Amy Elik
Dr. Andrea Evans
Shannon Fehrholz
Jessica Handy
Katrina Hankison
Gloria Helin
Dr. Terry Husband
Dr. Lori James-Gross
Dr. Christie McIntyre
Erika Mendez
Senator Laura Murphy
Jessica Nunez
Dr. Michelle Stacy
Robin Steans
Representative Katie Stuart
Kesa Thurman-Stovall
Dr. Diana Zaleski
Ex-officio member appointed by the state superintendent of education: Dr. Jason Helfer
Members Absent:
Dr. John Burkey
Elizabeth Dampf
Dr. Vito Dipinto
Lori Grant
Bob Langman
Dr. Abir Othman
Claire Siejka
Jennifer Smith
Dr. Mary Ticknor
Others Present:
Meeting facilitator: Delaney Workman
Emma Bandy
Aliyah Bryant
Madelyn Cullick-Rizner
Jill Donnel
Emily Fox
Maureen Hunt
Sara Kaufman
Jen Kirmes
Quinn McConnell
Jim O’Connor
Deanna Perkins
Julie Peters
Sierra Ryan
Omar Salem
Mercedes Wentworth-Nice
II. Approval of Minutes
Dr. Helfer called for a discussion on the minutes from the two previous meetings. Hearing no discussion, he requested a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was made by Dr. Donovan and seconded by Representative Stuart. Dr. Helfer then asked for discussion before calling for a roll call vote. Ms. Workman conducted the roll call vote on the motion.
Senator Tom Bennett - Yes
Dr. Kathryn Chval - Yes
Dr. Marie Donovan - Yes
Shauna Ejeh - Yes
Representative Amy Elik - Yes
Dr. Andrea Evans
Shannon Fehrholz
Jessica Handy - Yes
Katrina Hankison - Yes
Gloria Helin - Yes
Dr. Terry Husband - Yes
Dr. Lori James-Gross - Yes
Dr. Christie McIntyre
Erika Mendez - Yes
Senator Laura Murphy
Jessica Nunez
Dr. Michelle Stacy - Yes
Robin Steans – Yes
Representative Katie Stuart - Yes
Kesa Thurman-Stovall - Yes
Dr. Diana Zaleski - Yes
The motion was passed.
III. Public Comment
Dr. Helfer called for any public comment. Two individuals wished to comment.
Sarah Kaufman, a retired Illinois Education Association member, raised concerns about the collection of evidence and the use of video for evaluating student teachers. She questioned how much influence these videos should have on readiness decisions, considering that the college supervisor and cooperating teacher have already observed the students. She asked who would view the videos, expressed confusion about the role of the unbiased third person, and inquired about any associated costs. Additionally, she highlighted concerns about the elimination of student teachers lacking necessary skills, suggesting that earlier intervention was needed.
Julie Peters from the University of Illinois Chicago expressed concerns about the inclusion of a third party in the draft recommendation. She noted that while it does not have the support of the majority, it has still been included. She highlighted three assumptions based on her review of the transcripts and clarified that she is not an advocate for this approach. Drawing from her past teaching experience, she argued that the need for an evaluator is based on unsupported claims. Instead, she recommended using data and focused interventions specifically targeted to institutions of higher education if such evaluations occur.
Dr. Helfer clarified that the inclusion of a third-party evaluator is still an open question and does not imply a definitive decision either way. The language is present, but it remains subject to change based on next steps, as there is no consensus. The intent is to honor collective voices, acknowledging the lack of agreement, and any investigation is not mandatory.
IV. New Business
Dr. Helfer reviewed Draft IV with the committee, highlighting the language regarding the neutral evaluator. Members discussed the recommendation's open-ended nature, with Representative Stuart emphasizing the need to clarify the lack of consensus, as the current wording does not reflect the opinion of a majority of task force members. Senator Bennett remarked that a neutral third party is unnecessary at this stage, stating the process isn't ready for such an evaluation. Dr. Helfer proposed revisions to the draft, outlined next steps for follow-up, and noted that no consensus was reached. He underscored the need for further investigation into the evaluator language, with the background of the third party to be determined during the pilot phase.
The committee members continued to deliberate on the neutral third-party evaluator language, acknowledging differing opinions among organizations. They suggested that this language should be distinctly presented in the report, prompting Dr. Helfer to revise it accordingly. Ms. Steans raised questions about what should be learned from the pilot, stressing the importance of focusing on the evaluator's role and impact rather than generic circumstances.
Dr. Zaleski further emphasized the significance of the neutral third-party evaluator as a system of checks and balances, expressing concerns about fairness in a biased process. She highlighted the need for consistency, especially given the high stakes involved, and noted that insights from the pilot will be crucial. Citing eight years of data showing bias and discrimination in the teacher evaluation system, she pointed out that while annual training on bias is provided, it does not sufficiently address these issues. Dr. Zaleski reiterated the necessity of checks and balances and recommended that a committee with a third party examine these matters, clarifying that while it is essential to include this in the report, it does not need to be resolved immediately due to the variety of perspectives involved.
Other committee members expressed disagreement, questioning the neutral evaluator's ability to protect against bias. They highlighted the existing infrastructure, including deans and principals already involved in the evaluation process, and mentioned that some committees also address these concerns. Representative Stuart stressed the importance of clarifying who is intended to fill the evaluator role. Members questioned whether they have achieved their objectives and established a clear direction. Ms. Stovall noted that this topic has been discussed at length before and suggested revisiting previous notes for different perspectives.
From an administrator's viewpoint, she emphasized the need to focus on the quality of candidates rather than viewing them merely as numbers or checkboxes, arguing for the importance of preparing individuals to teach effectively.
Dr. Chval concluded by expressing her appreciation for the diverse perspectives shared during the discussion.
The Open Meetings Act specifies that if there is a vote on the agenda, it should proceed. Ms. Steans moved to table the vote until the next meeting, and Dr. Donovan seconded the motion. Dr. Helfer asked for any discussion. Ms. Workman then took a vote to table the draft vote until the next meeting.
Senator Tom Bennett - Yes
Dr. Kathryn Chval - Yes
Dr. Marie Donovan - Yes
Shauna Ejeh - Yes
Representative Amy Elik - Yes
Dr. Andrea Evans - Yes
Shannon Fehrholz - Yes
Jessica Handy - Yes
Katrina Hankison - Yes
Gloria Helin - Yes
Dr. Terry Husband - Yes
Dr. Lori James-Gross- Yes
Dr. Christie McIntyre
Erika Mendez - Yes
Senator Laura Murphy - Yes
Jessica Nunez - Yes
Dr. Michelle Stacy - Yes
Robin Steans – Yes
Representative Katie Stuart - Yes
Kesa Thurman-Stovall - Yes
Dr. Diana Zaleski - Yes
Next Steps
Dr. Helfer outlined potential next steps for the draft review, noting that some portions are still in progress. He requested that comments on the feedback link be submitted by the end of the day on Oct. 8. Each section has a dedicated link, and while the document is not yet comprehensive or ready for finalization, differing ideas are encouraged to allow for thorough review. The task force has three more meetings scheduled.
Dr. Helfer then asked for final comments and thanked everyone for their discussion and input.
V. Adjournment
Dr. Helfer asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Representative Stuart motioned for adjournment, and Dr. Chval seconded the motion. All members present unanimously agreed to adjourn.
The motion was passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m.