
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council met Sept. 16

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Brian Daw, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

Brian Daw, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

City of Monmouth City Council met Sept. 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen Jay Grant, Brad Bone, Alderwoman Susan Twomey, Aldermen Brian Daw, Jim Conard, Juan Pinedo, Kevin Ferry and John VanVleet Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, Richard Nelson, Woodard and Curran Public Works Director, Communications Director Ken Helms, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer


A. Approval of September 3, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the September 3, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard and Pinedo NAY: none PASS: Aldermen Daw, Ferry and VanVleet MOTION CARRIED.


A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (All inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

1. MCAP Update -- Andrea Monroe, Executive Director

I was gone for a week in Springfield for Midwest CDI’s community and economic development courses. I completed my certification for Year 1. Again, it is a 3yr process put on by the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs. Participating in CDI provides me the opportunity to add to my credentials. After Year 2 and 3, I will test to earn full certification as a Professional Community and Economic Developer. I also just found out, I received the scholarship I applied for from Ameren, to start the 4yr process of becoming a Certified Economic Developer, accredited by the IEDC - So, I will be traveling to Naperville in October to start those courses put on by the International Economic Development Council. Andrea then presented the City with a Certificate of Appreciation for their investment support of MCAP.

B. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda will not be discussed unless a request is made to remove an item for discussion).

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderwoman Twomey to approve the bills as presented. AYE:, Alderman Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.


A. Request for Stop signs at Lincoln Homes -- Thomas Hume

Mr. Hume was unable to appear to present his request, however Chief Switzer briefed the Council as to the reason that stop signs were being requested for the intersections at 6th Avenue and 9th Street as well as 6th Avenue and 10th Street. There was an accident in June at the 6th Avenue and 9th Street intersection involving two girls on a mini-bike and a vehicle. The girls on the mini-bike disobeyed a stop sign and pulled in front of the vehicle. Unfortunately, there were serious injuries suffered by the girls. Chief Switzer did state that mini-bikes are illegal on City streets. In the ensuing discussion, the Council expressed their concern over the terrible accident, but also felt that putting stop signs at every intersection would not prevent accidents when stop signs were not obeyed. No action was taken concerning any placement of stop signs at the above stated intersections.

B. Discussion on Replacement of Central Park Fountain with Maple Leaf Sculpture

Mayor Davies advised the Council that since the discussion at the last Council meeting on the replacement of the Central Park Fountain with a Maple Leaf Sculpture, he had received an email from Rotary asking that the fountain remain and not be replaced. During discussion, there were some concerns about who would be responsible for the maintenance of the sculpture if there were problems with the electrical part of it. The Mayor said the City is currently responsible for the water in the fountain and the maintenance of the fountain so it probably would be responsible for the maintenance of the sculpture if it is created. Sarah Walters, who presented the Maple Leaf Sculpture proposal at the last meeting said she would be happy to meetwith the Rotarians to explain her proposal and get their input. The Council felt the proposal warranted additional future discussion.

C. Hutchison Engineering Professional Services Agreement for ITEP Grant Application for 200 Block South Main Street Streetscaping Project

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that Hutchinson Engineering has prepared and submitted an ITEP Grant application for an additional 2 million dollars under the DCEO Downtown and Mainstreet program. This is the same program that the City received the 3 million dollars to do the Streetscape program for the Public Square. However, it was felt that it might increase the City's chances to receive a second grant under this program if they hired Hutchison Engineering to prepare the ITEP Grant to extend the Streetscape down the 200 block of South Main Street. Hutchison's engineering fee would be $2,500. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the Professional Services Agreement for preparing an ITEP Grant to submit under the DCEO Downtown and Mainstreet program. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant and Bone NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

D. TIF Application from Midwestern Pet Foods for Demolition of Three Houses on South D Street

Administrator Steinbrecher advised the Council that Midwestern Pet Foods is seeking reimbursement of TIF eligible funds to demolish houses at 808,818 and 824 South D Street. The demolition cost is $45,200, which includes asbestos abatement in two of the houses. The intent for the use of the property is to rezone it from residential to commercial for future plant development. This is a performance- based agreement similar to other TIF redevelopment agreements that have been granted to other area businesses. It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to approve the above-stated TIF Agreement with Midwestern Pet Foods as presented. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone and Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

E. Technical Service Agreement with WIRC-CAA to Prepare Grant Application and LMI Survey

Mayor Davies explained that for our 5th Street Sewer Project we need to do another survey of low-moderate income residences as our low-income houses in that area has decreased somewhat. Administrator Steinbrecher added that the 5th Street sewer is part of a 100-year-old sewer running from downtown out to the cemetery area. It also runs under several houses. Due to its age and condition, it needs to be repaired and redirected. It is a $965,000 project. WIRC has done a number of these CDBG grants. Their fee would be $1,750 to prepare the grant and $1,500 to conduct the survey. The Administration is recommending approval. It was moved by Alderman Conard and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve the above-stated agreement with WIRC as presented. AYE: Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman Daw. NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

F. Contract for Professional and Technical Services with WIRC to Administer a CDBG Grant if Awarded

Mayor Davies explained that if the City is awarded the CDBG grant for the 5th Street Sewer Project, WIRC would administer the grant for a fee of $35,000. There is not a timeline for applying or awarding, but it probably will not be awarded until after the 1st of the year. In response to Alderman Bone's question as to where the fee is paid from, the Mayor stated that it comes from the grant. It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Grant to approve the Professional and Technical Services with WIRC to Administer a CDBG Grant if awarded. AYE: Aldermen Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw and Conard NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

G. MFD August report -- Chief Rexroat

There were 153 calls for service in August.

200 hours of training mainly on water supply issues were conducted in August.

The Department was on standby for the car show.

The Department also participated in the MC Freshman Walkout

The training prop containers were delivered last week and the cranes will be coming this Wednesday to put them in place.

Unintentionally I omitted Ryan Armstrong's name from the list of service anniversaries that I announced at the last Council meeting. Captain Armstrong has 18 years of service.

Captain Ralph Peeler announced that he is retiring at the end of September.

The department received a $224,000 grant from FEMA to use for the purchase of a fire safety trailer that will be used for educational purposes for the public. The City had to pay 5% of the grant.

H. MPD August Report -- Chief Switzer

• MPD Arrests - 88; citations - 143; Calls to dispatch - 3,813; MPD Calls - 1530;  Dispatch Calls - 3,087; MPD Accidents - 21; and Grant Hours worked - 66

• The Department assisted with the car show.

• The Department also took part in the MC Freshman Walkout.

• Officers spent 40 hours in Court.

• Officer Elay Santos received a leadership award and Officer Griselda Rico received a defensive tactics award upon their graduation from the Police Academy .

• John Boyer has been hired as a new officer and started this month.

• Active Shooter Training was held at Harding School.

• The License Reader cameras received approval from IDOT to be placed on strategic poles to monitor traffic and the department is just waiting for them to be placed.

• Mandated staff training continued this month.

I. Approval of West Harlem Water Main Replacement Bid -- Phase 2

Public Works Director Richard Nelson said that four bids were received with the lowest bid of $488,000.00 coming from Advanced Plumbing and Mechanical. The bids were reviewed by Woodard and Curran and they are recommending acceptance of the bid from Advanced Plumbing and Mechanical. Mayor Davies added that the funds for our local match of $500,000 came from Senator Durbin. The road piece has been with IDOT for 3-4 year and we are still awaiting approval. We do have the funding for the road to be concrete with curb and gutter from North Main to G Street. However, we did not obtain funding for the next section from G Street to the Bypass; therefore, it will be asphalt with no curb and gutter and funded by MFT funds. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderwoman Twomey to approve the bid of $488,000 from Advanced Mechanical and Plumbing for the Phase 2 of the West Harlem Water Main Replacement. AYE: Aldermen Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard and Pinedo NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.


A. Resolution 24-006 -- Participation in the state of Illinois Federal Surplus Property Program

Chief Rexroat explained that since the department has limited fiscal resources for purchasing equipment for the department, this provides an avenue to be able to take advantage of surplus property listed in the Illinois Federal Surplus Property program.

It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Brad Bone to approve the above-stated Resolution as presented. AYE: Aldermen VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo and Ferry NAY: none



A. 1st Reading

1. 24-014 -- Amending Chapter 117, Entitled Peddlers, Transient Merchants and Itinerant Vendors

City Clerk Trevor explained that there have been a number of complaints about itinerant vendors for solar energy and independent energy suppliers especially. They have misrepresented themselves, been very aggressive with citizens and some have not bothered to even come in get permits. We have consulted with some other communities and have updated our application along with putting pictures on their identification permit to be put in badges that must be worn by sales people going door-to-door, but we still are receiving complaints. After discussion, we are asking to amend our current ordinance to increase the fee for a license to be $50.00 per solicitor rather than just $50.00 per day for a company and keep the $25.00 per day for a not-for-profit organization. The ordinance would eliminate an annual license. The license will only be valid for one day from the time of issue (not earlier than 10:00 a.m. nor later than 4:30 p.m.) The hours of solicitation will be from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. In the amended ordinance, there will be a fine of $125.00 for the first offense of soliciting without a license and $250 for all offenses after that. In addition, if two or more complaints are received regarding false information, high sales pressure or asking for confidential information, the solicitor, transient merchant or itinerant vendor will have their license suspended or revoked. We are hopeful with these changes, we can reduce the problems caused by these solicitors. It was moved by Alderman Bone and seconded by Alderman Grant to approve the amended Chapter 117, Entitled Peddlers, Transient Merchants and Itinerant Vendors as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry and VanVleet NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

2. 24-017, Declaration of Surplus of MPD Surplus Property

Chief Switzer explained that the department had an electronic speed trailer, but the electronic motor has ceased to work and can't be repaired. It needs to be declared surplus. It was moved by Alderman Conard and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to approve the aforementioned ordinance as presented. AYE: Alderman Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none MOTION CARRIED.

B. 2nd Reading

1. 24-016, Zoning Change from R-2 Medium Density Residential to B-2 Neighborhood Commercial District known as 1018 South Main Street

Zoning Director Clark explained that this request was brought before the Plan Commission on August 26th from Billy McBride, owner of Complete Parts and Repair LLC at 1000 South Main Street in order to construct a 50'foot x 100'foot Wick Building for additional service and office space. Dustin McKee will also be moving his detailing business from 706 North A, which is a residential area, to this location. The Plan Commission recommends approval of this Zoning change to the Council. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the recommendation by the Plan Commission to allow the zoning change for 1018 South Main Street. AYE: Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman Daw NAY: none



There was none to consider.


It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to adjourn the September 16th meeting at 6:55 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote.
