
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Knoxville City Council met Sept. 16

Webp 15

Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook

Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook

City of Knoxville City Council met Sept. 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Eiker, Gruner, Hillier, Hope, Moore, Rainey, Reed and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Chief Poyner, Attorney McCoy, and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: None. Also present: Mr. Rich Clay, Mr. Eric Mayfield, Mr. Duane Raterman, Mrs. Jill Davis, Ms. Penny Flesner.

Public Comments: Rich Clay, 305 W Douglas, stated that he has family in the Knoxville Cemetery, and that he has had solar lights taken from the graves multiple times over the years. He has spoken with Chief Poyner in the past about this, and wanted to make the Council aware of the situation.

Approval of Minutes: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the Minutes of the September 3, 2024 City Council Meeting. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed by voice vote with no dissent.


Attorney Report: No report.

Engineer Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.

City Clerk’s Report: No report.

Payment of City Bills: Alderman Gruner moved to approve payment of the City Bills.

Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.


• Mayor Myers noted that the monthly departmental operating reports were available in the online Council packet.


1. Resolution 2024-45 – Temporary Road Closure for a Halloween Parade October 19, 2024: Alderman Eiker moved to approve Resolution 2024-45 – Temporary Road Closure for a Halloween Parade October 19, 2024. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

2. Demolition of 209 N Hebard St: Attorney McCoy stated that the asbestos has been removed from this property, and that demolition should occur by September 26, 2024. 

3. 1% Sales Tax: Non-home rule communities may now implement a local general sales tax, up to 1%, without need for referendum approval. Mayor Myers suggested adding a 1% sales tax across the board, which, in turn, he advocates halting the collection of annual wheel tax fees and freezing property taxes for four years. The revenue collected can be used for infrastructure and for property tax relief. This item will be discussed at the October 7 and 21, 2024 Council meetings, to allow for public input.


1. Knox County Scenic Drive – Knoxville Stop: Mayor Myers spoke on behalf of Knoxville Stop Chair Dawn Hutchison. Mrs. Hutchison has requested $1,500.00 to assist with porta-potty rental and entertainment costs, and asked permission for vendors to leave tents set up in the Central Park Square between the two Scenic Drive weekends, October 5-6 and October 12-13, 2024. Alderman Eiker moved to donate $1,500.00 to the Knoxville Stop of the Knox County Scenic Drive and to allow vendors to leave tents up between the event weekends. Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes. Vendor tent set up will not occur before 5:00 PM on each of the Fridays before the event.

2. Community Solar: Mayor Myers explained this federal program, which was recommended for City buildings by Rock River Energy Services, and presented by MC Squared Energy Services LLC. The solar fields are existing, and the City can lock in some energy rates with existing solar fields. Alderman Hope moved to approve opting in to the community solar program. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) No vote (Gruner). There is no cost to the City to make this change.

3. Zoning Board of Appeals – Variance for 101 Galesburg Rd: Chad and Monica Long submitted a request to build an accessory building at 101 Galesburg Rd that is 1060 sq ft, with a roof height of 24 ft 6 inches. The Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed and recommended approval of this request at their September 10, 2024 meeting. Alderman Gruner moved to approve the variance request for an accessory building at 101 Galesburg Rd. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.

Mayor’s Report:

• The Mayor attended a Homeland Security program at Knoxville High School on September 11, 2024. The safety of the town’s water supply is always a key concern.

• The Mayor held a department supervisor meeting on September 13, 2024.

• The 2024 Employee/Board Christmas Party will be discussed at the October 7, 2024 Council meeting.

• Further discussion is necessary to determine whether or not to replace cemetery and terrace trees lost or damaged in the July 15, 2024 storm.

• Additional information on the Main Street streetscape program should be available by the October 7, 2024 Council meeting.

• The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm.

Committee Reports

• Administration: No report.

• Cemetery: No report.

• Economic Development: No report.

• Parks: Alderman Reed stated that he had received a bid from Johnson Trucking and Blacktopping for $11,592.00 to redo the blacktop on the basketball court at James Knox Park, widening it to make it more useful. The item will be discussed at the October 7, 2024 Council meeting.

• Police: No report.

• Sanitation: No report.

• Streets: No report.

• Water/Sewer: No report.

Adjourn: At 7:26 PM, Alderman Gruner moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.
