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Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook
City of Knoxville City Council met Aug. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Eiker, Gruner, Hillier, Hope, Moore, Rainey, Reed and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Attorney McCoy, Chief Poyner, and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: None. Also present: Mr. Dan Hiett, Mr. Tom Hoehn, Mr. Kelly Shipley, Mr. Tim Eagle, Ms. Penny Flesner.
Public Comments: Mr. Tom Hoehn, 111 Oakview Dr, asked if any progress had been made since his previous request concerning the damages to driveways and garages made by the black tar used to oil and chip Oakview Drive. Mayor Myers reported that he had contacted Engineer Cooper about the situation, but had not received a response yet.
Ms. Penny Flesner, 450 Broad Ave, stated that she could not find the Appropriations Ordinance on the city website. Clerk Wilt stated that after the ordinance was passed on July 15, 2024, it was removed from the site. However, Wilt stated she would permanently add it back to the website for the public to view.
Approval of Minutes: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the Minutes of the July 15, 2024 City Council Meeting. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent.
Attorney Report: No report.
Engineer Report: No report.
Treasurer’s Report: No report.
City Clerk’s Report: No report.
1. Employee Health Insurance 2024-2025: Mr. Dan Hiett of Hiett Insurance reviewed the current policy with Blue Cross Blue Shield, which would renew September 1, 2024 at $7,469.73 per month, a 15% increase. The secondary AmFirst Premium Saver Plan would renew with no increase at $553.77 per month. He also presented a new, levelfunded plan with Allstate Benefits for $7,293.96 per month. The plan has a large network and is a PPO. The AmFirst Premium Saver Plan would no longer be necessary.
Alderman Gruner moved to contract employee health insurance with Allstate Benefits, effective September 1, 2024. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.
2. Lighted Halloween Parade and Activities: No one from this event was present. No action was taken.
3. Demolition of 209 N Hebard St: Attorney McCoy reported that the yard had been mowed at 209 N Hebard St, and that the demolition scheduled for August 9, 2024, had been pushed back to the week of August 16, 2024.
1. Brightspeed Proposed Fiber Optic Build: Mr. Kelly Shipley, Brightspeed Government Affairs Director, presented information on their planned fiber build in Knoxville in 2025.
They are upgrading their infrastructure. They will set up a meeting with Mayor Myers to provide in-depth information.
2. Car Cruise Donation Request: Mr. Tim Eagle, on behalf of the Car Cruise Committee, requested a donation for advertising expenses for the August 24, 2024 Car Cruise. Alderman Gruner moved to donate $750.00 to the Car Cruise for advertising. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes.
3. Grocery Tax: Attorney McCoy stated that a pending Illinois law would eliminate the state’s 1% tax on groceries by 2026. Municipalities may file a grocery tax ordinance prior to October 2025 to impose their own local 1% grocery tax upon elimination of the state law. This item will be revisited at a December 2024 Council meeting.
4. Ordinance 2024-04 Amending Number of Liquor Licenses: David Fuentes, owner of the Knoxville Bar and Grill, has applied for a Class E liquor license, and has complied with all requirements. Alderman Hillier moved to approve Ordinance 2024-04
Amending the Number of Liquor Licenses, increasing the number of Class E licenses from three (3) to four (4). Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed with eight (8) Yes votes. The Knoxville Bar and Grill previously had a Class E license under a former owner.
Mayor’s Report:
• The July 15, 2024 storm blew down or damaged a large number of terrace trees and cemetery trees. Many cemetery monuments were also damaged or knocked over, and a resident’s tree pierced a water main on IL Route 150 E. City crews worked into the night following the storm, and are still working on clean up.
• Burlington Northern trimmed and cut down trees along their tracks west of town, dropping them but not cleaning them up. Part of the water main from Galesburg to Knoxville is covered, and not accessible. Burlington Northern has been notified of the situation and has been asked to rectify it.
• Met with Judge Joe McGraw, candidate for Illinois 17th Congressional District.
• An estimate is pending for concrete and street lights for the Main St. business district.
• The lead line replacement project for residents is 75% completed.
• Knoxville is part of a consortium of other municipalities to bargain for lower electric rates. An eight-month contract with Constellation for $0.07719 per kWh was signed, from October 2024 through June 2025.
• An open meeting on public transportation in Knox County, sponsored by the City of Galesburg, will be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers.
• A note from Mr. Keith Underwood, a member of the summer community band, was circulated, thanking the Council for their support of the program.
• The next regularly scheduled Council Meeting will be held on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Committee Reports:
• Administration: No report.
• Cemetery: No report.
• Economic Development: No report.
• Parks: No report.
• Police: No report.
• Sanitation: No report.
• Streets: Alderman Eiker thanked Mayor Myers for working alongside the City employees to clean up after the July 15, 2024 storm. He also noted that all employees worked cooperatively, and had coordinated efforts with the Knoxville Fire Department.
• Water/Sewer: No report.
Adjourn: At 8:03 PM, Alderman Hillier moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.