
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Knoxville Community Unit School District #202 Board of Education met July 18

Webp 19

Dr. Guerrero & IL State Treasurer, M. Frerichs | Knoxville CUSD #202

Dr. Guerrero & IL State Treasurer, M. Frerichs | Knoxville CUSD #202

Knoxville Community Unit School District #202 Board of Education met July 18

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #202, Knox County, met in a Special meeting duly called and held July 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at 809 East Main Street, Knoxville, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District. The President called the meeting to order and directed that the roll be called. Upon roll being called, the following members were found to be present:  

Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose  

And the following absent: Dr. Harshbarger, Mrs. Young  

Recognition of Visitors: Sonya Jones, Megan Schaefer, Joy Link, Kim Steele, Barb Thompson,  Katie Smith, Brant Herring, Tyson Walters, Carries Walters, Hank Walters  

Also present were: Dr. Guerrero, Matt Maaske, Brad Weedman, Adam Mize  

3. Public Comments  


4. Consent Agenda  

Discussion - Member Scalf verified that the KJHS PE Teacher and the Varsity Boys Basketball Coach is the same candidate. President Rose asked Mr. Mize, Mr. Weedman and Mr. Maaske to explain the hiring process and what they are looking for in a candidate. Mr. Mize explained that Mr. Weedman set up the interviews for the basketball position not knowing the potential teaching candidate. Mr. Mize and Mr. Weedman asked the standard interview questions, what makes a successful program, experience, as well as goals and how to build the program starting at the  lower levels. The candidate that they chose comes to the district with a lot of experience. Mr. Weedman added that coaching is more than coaching the game, it's getting kids ready for life. Dr. Guerrero spoke on behalf of Mable Woolsey Elementary. She conducted the elementary interviews with the help of Mr. Maaske and Mrs. McClay. They were in contact with Mrs. Small throughout the process. The district had some great candidates apply and are excited for the experience that they are bringing to the Knoxville School District. Both Mrs. Small and Mr. Weedman were able to interview their candidates for the secretary positions at each of their  buildings. Both candidates are transferring within the school district to their new positions. Mr. Scalf also verified that the current boys basketball coaches will still be a part of the varsity program. Mr. Weedman stated that the new coach will be provided the contact information of  those coaches. Lastly, Dr. Guerrero provided the board members with a brief description of each candidate's experience and what they have to offer to the Knoxville School District. 

President Rose requested to remove Item# 4.1.5 Science Teacher at KJHS from the consent  agenda.  

It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Steams to Approve the  Consent Agenda items 4.1.1 , 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.1.9, 4.2 as presented.  

AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Steams, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None  

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.  

9. Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Steams that the meeting be adjourned. The President put the question to the Board and the motion was unanimously carried and the meeting was so adjourned at 6:10  p.m.
