
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council met June 17

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Monmouth City Mayor Rod Davies | City of Monmouth Website

Monmouth City Mayor Rod Davies | City of Monmouth Website

City of Monmouth City Council met June 17

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen Jay Grant, Brad Bone, Alderwoman Susan Twomey, Aldermen Brian Daw, Jim Conard, Kevin Ferry and Alderman VanVleet Absent: Alderman Juan Pinedo Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, Richard Nelson, Woodard and Curran

Public Works Director, Communications Director Ken Helms, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer


A. Approval of June 3, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the June 3, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Bone,

Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard, Ferry and VanVleet NAY: none PASS: Alderman Daw ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.


A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (all inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

Dennis Wilhardt of 208 South 11th asked if the City sent the recent letter about Homefield Energy. Mayor Davies explained that Homefield Energy was the low bidder on our energy contract in electric aggregation with approximately 13 other cities and counties. If a citizen wants to be included with Homefield Energy they simply do nothing and will continue to receive a bill from Ameren with Homefield Energy listed as their electric supplier. If they wish to opt out and stay with Ameren they simply return the yellow postcard to Homefield. The letter did not come from the City, but was sent by Homefield Energy. The City doesn’t pay Homefield anything. The Citizens of Monmouth are rewarded with lower rates than Ameren’s rates. Mr. Wilhardt’s final question was whether the fees collected from the Campground’s rentals are put in a special fund or the General Fund. The Mayor stated the Campground fees are deposited in the City’s General Fund.

B. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda will not be discussed unless a request is made to remove an item for discussion).

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to approve the bills as presented. AYE: Alderman Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw, Conard, Ferry, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo



A. MFD May Report – Chief Rexroat

The department responded to 142 calls in May.

There were two structure fires in May. The first was a mobile home fire on East 11th and was a total loss. The second fire was a shed just South of 11th Avenue and it also was a total loss.

The department trained on setting up the MABAS tent that is kept at the North Station and is used for large scale disasters.

The department participated in the Lincoln School carnival.

The annual retiree breakfast was held Memorial Day weekend at the North Station.

The Police and Fire Commission is in the process of establishing testing for the position of Assistant Chief as Assistant Chief Morefield is retiring in October.

Our training prop is going to be placed just North of the City Garage on South 3rd Street. It will consist of 4 shipping containers that measure 40’ X 8’. These containers are very durable. There will be no large fires in the containers, but will be filled mostly with smoke to train firefighters on how to operate within these conditions. Two local foundations provided $50,000 for the project and a private foundation added $4,000 to that. There will be concrete pads poured to set the containers on that are included in the cost, but the largest part of the project will be paying for the containers, which will have to be customized with doors and windows. The estimated cost for the customized containers is $38,000. U.S.A.-Containers, LLC out of Smithshire is providing the containers.

They were the only local company doing this type of work.

B. MPD May Report – Chief Switzer

• There were 56 MPD arrests; 106 citations; 1358 MPD calls; 2805 dispatch calls; 16 MPD accidents and 60 grant hours worked in May.

• Officers spent approximately 24 hours in court for various traffic and criminal cases.

• Officers A.J. Cox, Jorge Perez and Gara Nichols attended the Touch A Truck event at Lincoln School.

• Chief Switzer and Ken Helms took part in a Zoom meeting with Flock Safety who manufactures and sells automatic license plate recognition camera systems, which aid in resolving more criminal offenses.

• Chief Switzer and staff attended a webinar on FOIA for Law Enforcement.

• Chief Switzer and TCOII Alexis Johnston attended a NIBRS training.

• Officer Gara Nichols is progressing well through Field Training Officer program

• Officers Gresdelda Rico and Elay Galdamez-Santos are doing well at the police academy.

C. Increasing Campground Fees Discussion

During discussion it was felt that with all the costs involved with maintaining the campground and the Citizens Lake Recreation area that the site rental fees for the campground were too low. It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Grant to have City Attorney Spears draw up a resolution to raise the RV monthly site fee from $350 to $450, leave the nightly site fee at $40, the weekly site fee at $135 and the tent site fee at $15. AYE: Aldermen Daw, Conard, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone and Alderwoman Twomey

NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.


A. 1st Reading

1. 24-012, Declaration of Public Works Surplus Property

Director Nelson listed the following as Public Works vehicles as no longer operational or needed and asked to have them declared surplus.

1) 2006 Ford F-350 Vin # 1FDWF36567EA79308

2) 2006 Ford F-350 Vin # 1FDWF36547EA79307

3) 1988 Chevy Kodiak Vin #1GBM7D1Y8KV100107

4) 1994 Ford L8000 Vin #1FDZW82E2SVA11189

5) Ford 710 Leaf Loader Serial # 536314

It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Bone to approve the above-listed property as surplus in Ordinance 24-012. AYE: Aldermen Conard, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman Daw NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.


A. Per Illinois Statute 5ILCS 120/2 to Consider Possible Sale or Purchase of Real Estate.

1. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to go into Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. to consider possible Sale and Purchase of Land. AYE:

Aldermen Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw and Conard

NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo MOTION CARRIED.

2. It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Daw to return to Regular Session at 6:45 p.m. AYE: Aldermen Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Daw and Conard NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Pinedo MOTION CARRIED..


There was none to consider.


It was moved by Alderman Daw and seconded by Alderwoman Grant to adjourn the June 17th meeting at 6:45 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Alderman Pinedo, who was absent.
