
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Knoxville Community Unit School District #202 Board of Education met May 28

Webp 18

Dr. Andrea Guerrero - Superintendent | Knoxville CUSD #202

Dr. Andrea Guerrero - Superintendent | Knoxville CUSD #202

Knoxville Community Unit School District #202 Board of Education met May 28

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #202, Knox County, met in a regular meeting duly called and held May 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at 809 East Main Street, Knoxville, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District. The President called the meeting to order and directed that the roll be called. Upon roll being called, the following members were found to be present:

Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose

And the following absent: Mrs. McCracken, Mrs. Young

Recognition of Visitors: Tom Hoehn, Megan Schaefer, Barb Thompson, Frank Hopkins, Terrah Myers, Lisa Pomazal, Kim Steele, Pam Brown, Stacey Farrell, Dan Kiesewetter, Darcy Thorp, Mallory Tolley

Also present were: Dr. Guerrero, Jodi Grace, Kelli Nelson, Brad Weedman, Michelle McClay

2. Public Comments - Darcy Thorp was present to speak on behalf of the Knoxville Booster Club. The Knoxville Booster Club would like to bridge the gap between them and the school district. They would like to be added to the board agenda at least quarterly to give updates on what the Boosters are paying for, what fundraisers they are working on, and how they are spending their money. Mrs. Thorp mentioned that there have been a lot of changes within the Booster Club but they have always been consistent on spending at least thirty thousand dollars for the Knoxville athletics, clubs and organizations, including junior high activities. They have purchased wrestling mats, cheerleading mats, baseball batting cages, volleyball nets and football items. They would like to find a way for everyone to work well together and ways to bring in more memberships throughout the school district and community.

3. Special Presentations

3.1 Mable Woolsey Principal Hiring Committee - Mrs. Lisa Pomazal, 4th grade teacher at Mable Woolsey spoke on behalf of the hiring committee. Lisa and seven other teachers and staff members were part of the interview committee. The committee was impressed with Mrs. Small. They believe she has a lot to offer, is upbeat with a positive attitude, genuine, and easy to talk to. They all like the fact that Mrs. Small has previous administrative experience at the elementary level. During the interview Mrs. Small communicated the importance of academic achievement but also recognized the personal side of things. She has experience with implementing professional learning communities and has expertise with social emotional learning and positive school culture. The key attributes that the committee was looking for: someone strong enough to be a leader, someone dedicated to the students and the school, and someone who is a great  communicator. The committee believes that Mrs. Small has all of the qualities that they are looking for. Mrs. Pomazal and the committee would like to recommend Mrs. Small for the Mable Woolsey Elementary Principal position.

4. Consent Agenda

Member Steams asked about Item 4.1.1 April regular meeting minutes. The minutes were not in the board packet. Copies of the minutes were printed and handed out for review. Dr. Guerrero told the board members that the administrative team interviewed Mrs. Arryn Small. The team felt that she complemented areas that the district is short of. For example the district is implementing a new math curriculum and Mrs. Small was a math teacher in Oklahoma. The last five years she has been in an administrative position at the elementary and junior high level. The admin team unanimously thought she was a good fit for the Knoxville School District. Mrs. Small, on her own, took the opportunity to fly in from Oklahoma for her second interview. She was able to be in person for the hiring committee interview and had the opportunity to tour the facility. President Rose recommended pulling Item 4.1.1 from the consent agenda to allow the board to vote on all other consent agenda items.

It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member Harshbarger to Approve the Consent Agenda items 4.1.2, 4.2.1 , 4.2.2, 4.2.3 , 4.3 .1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6 as presented.

AYE: Mr. Scalf, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

5. Administration Reports

5 .1 President Report

Mrs. Rose reported that the Western Division Meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2024. Please email Mrs. Grace if you are interested in attending. The Joint Annual Conference early bird registration opens on June 3rd. Mrs. Rose asked that only the members that know for sure register for the early bird through Mrs. Grace. If you are unsure of your November schedule, wait and register at a later date.

5.2 Superintendent Report -

Dr. Guerrero prepared and presented the board members with the District Consolidated Plan. She stated that she is completing the year end reports and data collection.

Dr. Guerrero also discussed year end financials which included the Ed Fund, OM Fund and Tort. The district is awaiting grant reimbursement as we close out the last quarter for FY24. Dr. Guerrero was asked at the April board meeting to prepare local poverty rates. She reported that the school district is not just the town of Knoxville, but includes Delong, Gilson, Appleton, Dahinda, and East Galesburg. We also house 6 Knox Warren classrooms with students bused in from both Knox and Warren Counties. Dr. Guerrero also reported that the FY25 PD plan is tentatively completed. She has sent out the opening day information to all board members. The migration of Alma is a work in progress but is on track. The handbook is completed but waiting for the attorneys to review and assist in the new grievance work. The course handbook and course descriptions are being worked on and updated. Mr. Weedman and Mr. Maaske are working on an athletic handbook. This will be a summer project as well as a job description for coaches. The FY24 district calendar approval is formality. The Insurance committee recommendation is a 10% increase which is below the 20% contractual agreement threshold. Dr. Guerrero also discussed the milk bid, insurance broker bid and 6 month school bus fuel bid. 

5.3/ 5.4/ 5.5 Principal Report

All building principals provided the board with specific building reports. The reports included building goals, data, athletic records/recognitions and building projects. Mr. Weedman congratulated Megan Schaefer on her recent recognition. On April 27th at the Illinois DAR State Convention, Ms. Schaefer received the Outstanding Teacher of American History Award. Knoxville High School graduation was well attended and was a smooth event. High school students will complete finals on May 29th and May 30th. Mr. Weedman reported that he is working on year end data and summer gym schedules. The spring sports season has ended. Congratulations to the girls track 4x800 team who placed 9th at the IHSA State Track Meet. All-Conference teams were announced and 6 softball players and 1 baseball player were acknowledged. Softball 1st Team included Natlie Harshbarger and Lexie Harshbarger. 2nd Team included Emma Way and Jasmine Peppers. Softball Honorable Mention was Abby Harshbarger and Emma Racke. 1st Team Baseball All Conference was Mitchel Parrish. Knoxville High School also had sixteen athletes make the Academic All Conference Team. To make that team you have to participate in a varsity sport and maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher. The 8th graders traveled to Springfield for their year end field trip. The students were able to visit the State Capital and Lincoln Museum. KJHS sent four students to the IDEA Advocacy Day. Mrs. Hopper and Mrs. Frey also attended the event with the 8th grade STEM students. They were able to meet with local representatives and show off their skills from the year. The 7th grade 4x100 relay, 8th grade 4x100 relay and a shot put athlete all medaled at the IESA State Track Meet. Mrs. McClay reported that they are currently going through data Star assessments. The admin will be recognizing students with certificates and candy bars. Star math and reading reports will be sent home with report cards. IAR data is starting to come in and will be released in the fall. Mrs. Keever, MWES Principal, was absent for the board meeting however Dr. Guerrero reported a few highlights from her report. Mable Woolsey Field Day was a very organized event. They had a lot of parent volunteers and the students had a great time. The students are wrapping up the school year with field trips. The staff PD plan is complete and goals were met. The building is also celebrating student growth.

6. Old Business

6.1 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Mr. Stearns the Approval of the Policy Review and Updates, second reading, for Press Policy Issue 114 with no changes from the first reading. Policy 2:40, 2:50, 2:60, 2:80-E Exhibit, 2:140, 2:140-E Exhibit, 2:260, 2:265, 2:270, 4:20, 4:40, 4:110, 4:190, 5:10, 5:20, 5:35, 5:40, 5:100, 5:300, 6:10, 6:40, 7:10, 7:10-EExhibit, 7:20, 7:180.

AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Stearns, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7. New Business

7 .1 It was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Harshbarger the Approval of the Milk Bid for FY25.

AYE: Mr. Steams, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.2 It was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Scalf the Approval of the Bread Bid for FY25.

AYE: Mr. Stearns, Mr. Scalf, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.3 It was moved by Member Steams and seconded by Member Ratermann the Approval of the 6 Month School Bus Fuel Bid.

AYE: Mr. Stearns, Mr. Ratermann, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None 

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.4 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Scalf the Approval of the Bid for District Insurance Coverage for a 3 year period.

AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.5 It was moved by Member Steams and seconded by Member Harshbarger the Approval of the Renewal of District Health Insurance Plan.

AYE: Mr. Steams, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.6 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Harshbarger the Approval of the FY24 Final Calendar.

AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7. 7 It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member Steams the Approval of the FY25 Consolidated District Plan.

AYE: Mr. Scalf, Mr. Steams, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7 .8 It was moved by Member Steams and seconded by Member Harshbarger the Approval of the FY25 Student Handbook.

AYE: Mr. Steams, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None 

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

7.9 It was moved by Member Steams and seconded by Member Scalf the Approval of the

Breakfast & Lunch Increase of $0.10 for the 24/25 School Year.

AYE: Mr. Steams, Mr. Scalf, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

President Rose made the suggestion to table Item 4.1.1 due to the length of the meeting minutes.

It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Harshbarger to Table Item 4.1 .1, April 22, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.

AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Dr. Harshbarger, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Steams, Mrs. Rose

NAY: None

8. Future Agenda Items

Dr. Harshbarger would like to see the district enforcing more coach and student athlete conduct. She feels that their actions are becoming an embarrassment to the district. We also need to stand behind and support the coaches that are enforcing student athlete conduct. Dr. Harshbarger also feels like the vaping at the high school is out of control. She would like to see the district help with transition from elementary to junior high.

9. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Harshbarger that the meeting be adjourned. The President put the question to the Board and the motion was unanimously carried and the meeting was so adjourned
