
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Monmouth City Council met June 3

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Justin Thomas, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

Justin Thomas, City Council Member | City of Monmouth Website

City of Monmouth City Council met June 3

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rod Davies called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 East Broadway at 6:00 p.m. and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Susan S. Trevor called the roll and those answering Present were: Aldermen Jay Grant, Brad Bone, Alderwoman Susan Twomey, Aldermen Jim Conard, Juan Pinedo, Kevin Ferry and Alderman VanVleet Absent: Alderman Brian Daw Also Present: Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, City Clerk Susan S. Trevor, City Attorney Marcum Spears, Building and Zoning Director Joe Clark, Richard Nelson, Woodard and Curran Public Works Director, Communications Director Ken Helms, MFD Chief Casey Rexroat, MPD Chief Joe Switzer


A. Approval of May 20, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to approve the May 20, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. AYE: Aldermen Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry and VanVleet NAY: none



A. Presentations or Citizen Inquiries (all inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per City Ordinance)

1. Bob Rogers, 509 East 1st Avenue, addressed the Council as to his concerns with the lead water service line replacement timeline. He lives where he has a lead water service line and he wondered if there was an established schedule for replacement. He asked if it would be possible for a property owner to pay for their line replacement on their own and receive credit from the City on their property taxes. He also asked if a reverse osmosis treatment or filter use could be a solution for individual property owners while waiting for replacement of their lead service line. Another question he had was whether a person could have their name put on a scheduled list. He thanked the City for identifying the issue, but he was concerned with the 17- year compliance schedule as to how that would affect his family and others.

2. Recognition of MPD Investigator Terry Hepner’s Retirement

Chief Switzer recognized MPD Investigator Terry Hepner and publicly thanked him for his 27 plus years of service to the Monmouth Community. He will present him with a plaque later as the shipping of the plaque was delayed and did not arrive in time for tonight’s recognition.

 3. Pride Month Proclamation

Mayor Rod Davies read a proclamation recognizing June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the City of Monmouth and presented it to Alderwoman Twomey.

B. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda will not be discussed unless a request is made to remove an item for discussion).

1. Approval of Bills

It was moved by Alderman Ferry and seconded by Alderwoman Twomey to approve the bills as presented. AYE: Alderman Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet and Grant NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw



A. Building and Zoning May Report – Director Clark

Department continues to issue ordinance violations, junk and debris notices and conduct rental inspections. Demolitions Under (SCP) Grant:

✓ Demolitions were completed on 108 W. 8th (no abatement needed) and 515 North C Street. Liens will be placed on them as they aren’t owned by the City.

Brownfield Projects:

✓ Munson Properties on South Main and West 6th had Phase II, which was the collection of Geological samples completed and the testing results should be available the week of June 10th.

Open Projects:

✓ The ICS Gym continues with good progress on plumbing, electrical and HVAC work.

Completed Projects:

✓ Dame Fine Coffee at 504 N. Main Street received their occupancy permit and opened for business on May 24, 2024.

B. Woodard and Curran April Report – Director Nelson

➢ The downtown sewer work is nearing completion and should be done in the next several days.

➢ Laverdiere is nearing completion of the curb and gutter work on North 6th Street and should begin the milling and asphalt work by the middle of June.

➢ Two water department employees received their Class D Water License and will continue working for their Class C, B and A licenses.

➢ Two street department employees finished their Class A CDL class that was required by the State.

➢ The new leaf vacuum machine has been delivered and is housed at the Street Department garage.

C. Approval of the Downtown Streetscape Bid

Shane Larson from Hutchison Engineering explained that the low bid from Porter Brothers out of Rock Falls took extra time to review since they were a number of alternatives and this company had not done work in Monmouth before. After review, Hutchison is recommending acceptance of the base bid of $3,542,000.10 and 10 alternatives. The 11th alternative was removed. He introduced Steve Timm from Porter Brothers, who gave a little background on his company and stated that he personally would constantly be on site overseeing this project and communicating with all the business owners affected by the construction. Mayor Davies added that it will be a tough project and not a quick one. Shane clarified that he personally had not worked with Porter Brothers before as they had mostly done projects in the Northern part of the State. He also stressed that the key to a successful project of this nature was communication to all the business owners affected by the construction and no surprises. Administrator Steinbrecher understood the start date for the Parking Lot on the Old Auction Building site was June 17th, but was wondering when the start date for the Downtown Streetscape project was. Shane indicated that the project is set up in stages to do one quadrant at a time. Mr. Timm added that the company is aware of the Car Show the first weekend in August and will be starting right after the 4th of July with the goal of having all the medians completed by the Car Show date. It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to approve the Downtown Streetscape Bid of $3,542,000.10 by Porter Brothers Construction. AYE: Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant and Bone NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw MOTION CARRIED.

D. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Hutchison Engineering to Prepare A Grant Application for $2 million for the Streetscape Improvement in the 200 Block of South Main Street 

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that this is an agreement with Hutchison Engineering to prepare an application for a 2 million grant through the Rebuilding Downtowns and Main Street Program for the beautification of the 200 block of South Main Street. The services in the agreement are not to exceed $7,500. The Administration is recommending approval of the agreement. It was moved by Alderman VanVleet and seconded by Alderman Conard to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Hutchison Engineering to prepare a grant application for $2 million for Streetscape Improvement in the 200 Block of South Main Street. AYE: Aldermen Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone and Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw MOTION CARRIED.

E. Approval of Engineering Services Agreement with Hutchison Engineering to Perform Construction Inspection of the Public Square Streetscape Beautification Project.

Administrator Steinbrecher explained that this agreement with Hutchison Engineering would provide an on-site engineer to oversee and inspect construction to assure that it meets the City’s standards. The cost of this agreement is $399,996.00. The Administration is recommending approval of the agreement. It was moved by Alderman Conard and seconded by Alderman Pinedo to approve the above-stated engineering agreement with Hutchison Engineering. AYE: Alderman Conard, Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone and Alderwoman Twomey NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw MOTION CARRIED.

F. Increasing Campground Fees Discussion

Mayor Davies said that tonight’s discussion is to consider whether our campground fees are too low to cover our costs of operation of the campground and to compare to other campgrounds in our area. The current RV fees are $19 per night; $125 per week and $350 per month with $15 per night for tent and it is a concern that is not adequate to cover electric, water and sewer costs. The water and sewer is not metered, but the electricity is. City Clerk Trevor said that she would compile comparisons with other area campgrounds and provide background information on our campground.


A. Per Illinois Statute 5ILCS 120/2 to Consider Potential Litigation with no action to be taken upon return to Regular Session.

1. It was moved by Alderman Ferry and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to go into Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. to consider potential litigation. AYE: Aldermen Pinedo, Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey and Alderman Conard NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw MOTION CARRIED.

2. It was moved by Alderman Bone and seconded by Alderman VanVleet to return to Regular Session at 6:55 p.m. AYE: Aldermen Ferry, VanVleet, Grant, Bone, Alderwoman Twomey, Aldermen Conard and Pinedo NAY: none ABSENT: Alderman Daw MOTION CARRIED.


 There was none to consider.


It was moved by Alderman Grant and seconded by Alderwoman VanVleet to adjourn the May 6th meeting at 6:55 p.m. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote with the exception of Alderman Daw, who was absent.
