
Galesburg Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Galesburg City Council met May 6

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Bradley Hix, First Ward City Council Member | City Of Galesburg

Bradley Hix, First Ward City Council Member | City Of Galesburg

City of Galesburg City Council met May 6

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

 Called to order by Mayor Peter Schwartzman at 6:00 p.m. 

Roll Call #1: Present: Mayor Peter Schwartzman, Council Members Bradley Hix, Wayne Dennis, Evan Miller, Dwight White, Sarah Davis, and Steve Cheesman, 7. Absent: Council Member Heather Acerra, 1. Also Present: City Manager Eric Hanson, City Attorney Jason Jording, and City Clerk Kelli Bennewitz. 

Mayor Schwartzman declared a quorum present. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Bonnie Ericson gave the invocation. 

Proclamation: Letter Carriers' Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day 

Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Miller, to approve the minutes of the City Council’s regular meeting from April 15, 2024. 

Roll Call #2: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Mayor Schwartzman asked for nominations for Deputy Mayor. 

Council Member Dennis nominated Council Member Cheesman, seconded by Council Member Hix. 

Roll Call #3: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, and Davis, 5. 

Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Abstain: Council Member Cheesman, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Council Member Cheesman was elected as Deputy Mayor. 


Reverend James Hailey, Allen Chapel AME, addressed the Council regarding Skate Palace and made it known that there is a new floor there and that many community churches are taking advantage of the skating rink. He feels that even if the City does not want to invest, individual Council Members should want to do something to help Mr. Spinks by taking a leadership role in helping with his vision. He invited the entire Council to visit Skate Palace and see the new floor and to help him out if they can. 

Rob Benedict addressed the Council, specifically about downtown lodging. He noted that for some time, progress has been moving forward on incentives for buildings for possible lodging and noted that Reserve Artisan Ales just held their second Beer Fest where $10,000 was donated to the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation. They had approximately 500 people downtown with 22 vendors. The biggest comment he heard was that there was no lodging downtown. They had visitors from Knoxville, Minneapolis, Florida, St. Louis, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Chicagoland, etc. He commended the Council for seeing that there is a need going forward for downtown and that incentives will help developers get that accomplished. Mr. Benedict also stated that he wanted to publicly announce that he appreciates his relationship with the Hope Foundation and the work that they are doing. Jeff Morrow and his family, staff, and volunteers are doing remarkable things and not letting naysayers get in the way. He hopes the community keeps working in a positive direction. 

Jeff Morrow, director of Hope Initiative, addressed the Council. He reported that since last month, they have had two distribution days for the residents of Galesburg, and have given out over 100,000 pieces of product during those days, including 1,512 turkeys. They have also given out over 50,000 pieces of product to the 34 nonprofits that are part of Hope Initiative in Galesburg, and have met with most nonprofits in our community. They are thankful to be part of Galesburg and want to continue to be a tool for the City Council and for the Mayor, to meet the needs of the community. He added that they have over 100 volunteers that are working each month to put these things together and to feed the people that live here. He added that last Thursday, they had an over mile long line of cars waiting to get product. 

Gabriel Wynkoop addressed the Council and stated that this is his first time attending a meeting this year. He saw on the agenda that there was a first reading for the sale of 905 Maple Avenue and researched the purpose, who was buying it and what it will be used for, including the Benedict Family Foundation for addiction recovery. He believes this is a great thing and is in favor of the sale. 


All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. 


Approve MFT Resolution for the City’s estimated $6,440 share of a project to upgrade traffic signal equipment. 


Approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Central Management Services. 


Approve bills in the amount of $918,364.80 and advance checks in the amount of $793,219.92. 

Council Member Davis noted that an agreement with Illinois CMS to reimburse the City for expenses related to the containment of a fuel leak that happened on state owned property near Lake Storey is on the Consent Agenda. She knew this was big news when it happened and a lot of people were asking questions having to do with expenses, cleanup, and if the City was going to be reimbursed by the State. For these reasons, she wanted to draw attention to this agenda item. 

Council Member Cheesman also noted that our City, Fire Department and a number of our staff did a terrific job working in a very, very challenging situation with this spill. He is glad that Council Member Davis drew attention to this so that our citizens knew that the City did their part and will be reimbursed for what happened. 

Council Member Miller moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve Consent Agenda 2024-08. 

Roll Call #4: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried by omnibus vote. 



Council Member Miller moved, seconded by Council Member Cheesman, to approve Ordinance 24-3727 on final reading amending Chapter 111 of the Galesburg Municipal Code requiring photos for Peddler and Hawker License applications. 

City Manager Hanson reported that last year, the City had roughly 12 badges issued for people selling solar energy. We currently have 58 people out marketing solar energy across our community, hence the reason for this additional legislation that will hopefully help everyone better identify those who are coming to their door. 

Council Member Davis inquired about what measures will be taken to make the public aware of the rules for peddlers and hawkers. The City Manager stated that in addition to local media, social media, and the City’s website, additional press releases will be sent. He reiterated that it is not the City’s endeavor not to impede those trying to do business in our community, but to ensure that they are properly badged, licensed and representing their specific companies in accordance with this ordinance. The City Clerk also verified that the name on the badge is the name that appears on the applicant’s driver’s license. 

Roll Call #5: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 30 of the Galesburg Municipal Code regarding the election of a Deputy Mayor. 


Ordinance on first reading authorizing the sale of Lot 2 of the Greenspace Subdivision, commonly known as 905 Maple Avenue, which is a portion of Parcel Identification Number 99-10-126-030. 

Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Hix, to suspend the rules and place agenda item 24-1007 on final reading. 

Roll Call #6: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Council Member White moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve Ordinance 24-3728 on final reading authorizing the sale of Lot 2 of the Greenspace Subdivision, commonly known as 905 Maple Avenue, which is a portion of Parcel Identification Number 99-10-126-030. Roll Call #7: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, Cheesman and Mayor Schwartzman, 7. 

Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Cheesman, to approve Resolution 24-10 naming the ballfield at HT Custer Park in honor of former Coach James R. “Jimmy” Isaacson. 

Council Member Cheesman stated that this is very meaningful for all kinds of reasons, as well as a deserving and appropriate honor. He is glad he got to be a part of this and thanked City Manager Hanson, Mayor Schwartzman, Don Miles, fellow City Council Members, the Prichard family, who the initial park is named after, and a number of other people in the community.

Council Member Cheesman added that Jim Isaacson played an important and positive role in so many people's lives in our town, and not just baseball players. He also did this for almost a half a century and he can attest that during his time when he played for him, coached with him, and even umpired for him, he was always a gentleman who had a great life lesson. He reiterated that he is happy to be a part of this and feels that one of the neat things about government is that we have people in our town who have made contributions in their areas of expertise and interest that have affected and will affect generations of people positively. He is glad to be a part of this and thank all of those people that have helped work to make this happen. 

Roll Call #8: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Council Member Cheesman read the Resolution aloud in honor of Coach Isaacon for the family and public. 



Council Member Miller moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve the bid from Victory Lane Ford in the amount of $44,073 for the purchase of a 2024 Ford F150 pickup truck for the Fleet Services Division. 

Council Member Davis stated that she appreciates the transparency about what the City will be doing with the other vehicle in order to fill different needs. 

Roll Call #9: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


City Manager Hanson stated that May 5-11 is Professional Municipal Clerks Week. He would be remiss if we didn't recognize Clerk Bennewitz and Deputy Clerk Gugliotta, who do a phenomenal job running our clerk's office and managing much of the day to day licensing and permitting activity for the city. He added that he is aware they are heavily involved in their state association as well, and that the City couldn't find two people to represent our city better. 



May 6, 2024 Page 5 of 10

Council Member Miller moved, seconded by Council Member Dennis, to approve a joint agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for a project to upgrade traffic signal equipment. The City’s total share is estimated to be $6,440. 

Roll Call #10: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Miller, to approve Budget Adjustment #1 for the budget year ending December 31, 2024. 

Roll Call #11: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Council Member Hix moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve an agency agreement for Phase 1 of the Airport Layout Plan Project with the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics. The project will be funded with 90 percent state funds and 10 percent local funds. The City’s share for this project phase is estimated at $4,800. 

Roll Call #12: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Council Member Miller moved, seconded by Council Member White, to approve an agreement in the amount of $195,000 with Klinger and Associates for design services for replacing the five-million gallon water storage tank at 920 West Main Street. 

Roll Call #13: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 


Council Member Cheesman moved, seconded by Council Member Miller, to approve a twelve-month agreement with Constellation for the municipal aggregation of electric supply with a standard rate of $0.086770 and a 100% green rate of $0.08989. Customers will have the option to choose the standard or green rate.

City Manager Hanson reported that energy aggregation was approved by citizens in 2012. Since that time, the City has successfully negotiated five municipal aggregation agreements. The most recent agreement is scheduled to expire with the July 2024 meter read. The existing agreement scheduled to expire calls for citizens to receive the supply of 100% renewable energy at $0.05499/kWh. 

The City Manager stated that all communities are dealing with inflation, which has hit utilities, similar to everything else, and we've been very fortunate that we've been locked in. But, the City is now at the point that the contract expires, and we will be subject to where the market is currently. And unfortunately, the anticipated rate currently at 5.4 cents is going to increase nearly 60% to roughly 8.6 cents per kilowatt, which is in line with the current Ameren rate. The green energy rate is a bit higher at nine cents per kilowatt, which are more in line with Ameren rates. Currently, if people chose not to be in the aggregation program, that is roughly where they would be, which is where the market is. He noted that a year ago, the Ameren base rate was over 12 cents. 

City Manager Hanson stated that staff is recommending approval of the 12-month term option with Constellation. If the agreement were to expire, you must provide 60 days notice as part of the state statute. If we don't ultimately approve a term, there would be a gap for everyone on the aggregation program, who will then go off the program and back to the base rate, then come back to the aggregation program somewhere later this fall. At that time, the rate may or may not be better, and it's likely to only be marginally better based on the current rate trends. 

He believes that this will allow the City to lock in a market driven rate for 12 months given there's a lot of volatility in the market. Individual residents, if they can find a better rate outside the aggregation program, certainly are welcome to do so as long as they understand that once they leave, they must stay out of the program for 12 months. This is a risk if ultimately they're on a variable rate and it goes up. He noted that he is a strong supporter of the aggregation program, but we are negotiating at a very challenging time and staff have worked diligently with our broker to get the best rate possible, including negotiating as recently as today. He reiterated that the City is recommending approval of the 12-month agreement with Constellation with the intent that the City will go back out next spring and hopefully have better market conditions that ultimately will result in better savings for our residents. 

Mayor Schwartzman stated that over the course of the City’s three-year program, there has been a total savings of $8.5 million to the citizens and that the aggregation program has been very favorable, but unfortunately we are in a volatile situation. The City Manager also noted that regardless of which company Council approves, the City is simply the vehicle that locks in the rate and does not receive any fee or payment as part of the program. 

It was also clarified that we are an opt-out community, meaning citizens are automatically in the aggregation program unless they opt out. Administration is currently working on additional information for the City’s website, as well as fliers that will be available at public places in the community regarding the program and citizens’ options.

Roll Call #14: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Council Member Davis moved, seconded by Council Member Dennis, to sit as the Town Board. The motion carried. 



Trustee White moved, seconded by Trustee Davis, to approve Town bills and warrants to be drawn in payment of same. 

Fund Title Amount 

Town Fund $1,553.31 

General Assistance Fund $12,446.60 

IMRF Fund $6,037.00 

Social Security/Medicare Fund 

Liability Fund $3,360.10 

Audit Fund 

Total $23,397.01 

Roll Call #15: 

Ayes: Trustees Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. 

Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried. 

Trustee Dennis moved, seconded by Trustee Davis, to resume as the City Council. The motion carried. 


Council Member Davis reiterated what she stated earlier regarding peddlers and hawkers and who citizens give information to at their door. If anyone is questioning whether someone is legitimate, they should contact the City for information to find out who is registered to be going door to door making sales and peddling items or services. She noted that it is the season now with the good weather for people to be walking door to door and reminded people to stay alert and be cautious and make sure that you're not handing over information since identity theft is more rampant now than ever. She encouraged everyone to stay safe and enjoy the weather. 

Council Member Cheesman stated that it doesn't seem like it, but this it has been a year for Mr. Miller, Mrs. Acerra and he for serving on the City Council, which he noted went by fast. He added that from the very beginning and to this stage, he has always viewed this as an honor and a privilege and a really important responsibility. He treats it as such, whether it's helping individuals, groups, resolving issues, or getting the services and assisting with the kinds of things he can from his position as a Council Member. He believes the Council has accomplished a lot and is really moving in a good direction. He stated that he is eager to help the City move forward even further, and without a question will continue to always reiterate that. He plans to listen to everyone, seek out input from folks, and always look to see how we can work together in a positive way to get the very best for our citizens and for all of our people. 

Council Member Hix wished Council Member Acerra a speedy recovery since she is feeling a bit under the weather. He also added that it's wonderful to see some of the positive things in our community are being reflected by our mail carriers and the good work that they're doing to help collect food is wonderful. He is pleased for the Isaacson family and what a wonderful honor for their husband, father, and grandfather. He noted that this is just some good things going on in the community and he just wanted to thank everybody who came out to honor both the mail carriers and the Isaacson family. 

Council Member Dennis stated that he always remembered Coach Isaacson as being a true gentleman and it was great to see him honored tonight. He also noted that similar to what Council Member Davis said about peddlers coming to the door, he had someone at their door asking for a copy of their Ameren bill. He and his wife did not give the man a copy and encouraged citizens to be on guard and to do the same. 

Council Member Miller stated that after about three weeks, his farming crew got the last seed in the ground tonight at four o'clock. He also noted that there was a pretty good-sized fire in his neighborhood and he wanted to thank the Fire Department since it could have been a lot worse. He is also looking forward to seeing some dramatic changes in Galesburg that will be positive for the citizens and that he has had people in his ward reach out to him on different items and he appreciates this wonderful first year on the City Council. 

Council Member White noted that the firefighters have been busy and thanked them for the great job they do. He also thanked Mr. Don Miles for the work being done at the Dale Kelly Tot Lot and Lancaster Park. He stated that these parks are in his ward and that they are doing a great job and is pleased to see things moving forward and is looking forward to using the parks soon. Council Member White stated that while he is not a golfer, there is a gentleman named Tyson LaNore from Galesburg who is a fantastic golfer playing Oakwood Country Club, the John Deere Classic, and others. He has played against some great golfers and he wanted to make sure he announced his name and that he’s doing a great job representing our City. 

Mayor Schwartzman thanked the Benedict Foundation for their efforts in moving forward with the old Churchill property and the community's efforts to save the green space for future enjoyment for residents. He also stated that he made a video last week that got a lot of hits since it contained so many great things happening in Galesburg, such as the library opening, the City’s award of $650,000 to help with owner-occupied home improvements, the new floor at Skate Palace, and the list goes on. He added that he enjoys making the videos and hopes to continue doing so. He reiterated that the mail carriers will be collecting food on Saturday and urged citizens to put food out in front of their mailboxes so we can continue to make Galesburg proud and help people locally with food challenges they may have. And as was mentioned, he noted that this is the first meeting of May where there is usually a new council, although this year there was no election so we have the same Council. He has served this community now for fourteen years and it has been a tremendous honor to be a member of this Council and be an elected official in this incredible city. As he has mentioned before, he has been walking and meeting people, who have been fantastic and very inspiring. He mentioned that many are very thankful for a lot of things such as the Police and Fire departments, Public Works Department, and for all that they are doing to make this community safe and prosperous for everyone. He thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve another year. 

There being no further business, Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Miller, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:19 p.m. 

Roll Call #16: 

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Miller, White, Davis, and Cheesman, 6. Nays: None 

Absent: Council Member Acerra, 1. 

Chairman declared the motion carried.




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