Sarah Davis - Sixth Ward City Council Member | City of Galesburg Website
Sarah Davis - Sixth Ward City Council Member | City of Galesburg Website
City of Galesburg Community Relations Commission met March 21
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
King called meeting to order 6:02pm
Present: McKillip, King, Wallace, and Taylor
Not present: Robinson and Kupa
McKillip made a motion to approve the minutes and Taylor seconded that motion.
Chair remarks:
Would like to see us do more this year, especially because we have an election year. Pride picnic is June 2.
Commissioner Remarks:
McKillip: Suggested the board setting up a table at community events such as the NAACP back to school cookout. July 27 is the day of the event, as school starts August 8.
Anyone who knows someone who is going to college or trade, the NAACP is doing scholarships.
April 15 is the day of the interview, will not have essays. Possibly offering five $2000 scholarship. No age limit. Needs to have proof enrollment.
Taylor: Getting our name out there more and being more proactive. Reaching out to organizations such as the Downtown Community Partnership and asking them what things that we can do as an organizations.
Any opportunity to get out and meet people is great.
Wallace: Suggestion to make review day and time that the board meets since there has been some new members.
Piggybacking off of previous remarks of being involved more within the community. Questioned about council liaison and who it is.
As of now, we will leave the schedule as is but will revisit in the near future to make sure that the first Thursday still works for everyone.
Community Events:
Taylor said that any community would be good so we can be present. What would a vendor table look like and what things could we provide. Taylor mentioned Railroad Days, Juneteenth, July 4, and NAACP Cookout
Public Remarks:
Meeting adjourned 6:40pm
Wallace made a motion to adjourn, Taylor/McKillip seconded.