
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Knoxville City Council met March 18

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Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook

Knoxville South Water Tower | City of Knoxville | Facebook

City of Knoxville City Council met March 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Eiker, Gruner, Hillier, Moore, Rainey, Reed, and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Chief Poyner, and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: Alderman Hope, Attorney McCoy. Also present: Ms. Morgan Seabloom, Ms. Tessa Jones, Mr. Ty Cruse, Mr. Joe Snider, Mr. Tom Worden, Ms. Penny Flesner, Mrs. Jill Davis.

Public Comments: Ms. Morgan Seabloom and Ms. Tessa Jones, co-chairs of the Shamroxville celebration held on March 16, 2024, expressed their thanks to the Council for allowing the festivities. They stated that attendance was good for the downtown businesses and the library, and that there was a large crowd at the parade.

Mr. Tom Worden, Big Catz BBQ, noted that he had many customers visit his restaurant during the Shamroxville celebration on March 26, 2024.

Approval of Minutes: Alderman Eiker moved to approve the Minutes of the March 4, 2024 City Council Meeting as corrected. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion which passed by voice vote with one abstention.


Attorney Report: No report.

Engineer Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.

City Clerk’s Report: Clerk Wilt provided the 9 month financial report for 2023-2024.

Payment of City Bills: Alderman Gruner moved to approve payment of the City Bills.

Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1)



• Mayor Myers noted that the monthly departmental operating reports were available in the online Council packet.


1. 2024-2025 Wheel Tax Sticker Design: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the 2024-2025 wheel tax sticker design featuring the Knoxville Community Fund. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent. 


1. Project Graduation: Alderman Hillier moved to donate $1,400.00 to Project Graduation at Knoxville High School, which is $20.00 for each of the 70 seniors.

Alderman Taylor seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent.

2. Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract: Mr. Ty Cruse and Mr. Joe Snider from Bock Inc, the current wastewater treatment plant service provider, presented 1,2,3,4 and 5 year contract options on behalf of owner Stan Bockowitz. The current contract expires in August 2024. Alderman Gruner moved to approve the five (5) year proposal for $756,000.00 with Bock Inc. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent. A contract will be drawn up.

3. Resolution 2024-03 Hire Part Time Police Officer Scott Twidwell: Alderman Gruner moved to approve Resolution 2024-03 to hire Part Time Police Officer Scott Twidwell at $21.50 per hour. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Absent. Mr. Twidwell is police certified.

Mayor’s Report:

• Thank you to Alderman Reed and his team of volunteers who striped the new pickleball courts. The courts have already been in use.

• Two unsigned letters to the Mayor and City Council were circulated.

• A closed session Administrative Committee meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, to discuss employee wages and departmental five-year plans.

• A Special Council meeting to tour City buildings will be held on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM, starting at the wastewater treatment plant.

• The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

Committee Reports

• Administration: No report.

• Cemetery: Alderman Hillier plans to have a mower replaced in the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

• Economic Development: No report.

• Parks: No report.

• Police: Alderman Moore asked Chief Poyner about potential squatters on personal property and Chief Poyner responded that there could be an ordinance drafted to address this. Chief Poyner also expressed concern that unauthorized immigrants could be bussed to Knoxville without prior approval, and the City does not have the resources to accommodate said immigrants. Further discussion will occur at the April 1, 2024 Council meeting.

• Sanitation: No report.

• Streets: No report

• Water/Sewer: No report.

Adjourn: At 7:24 PM, Alderman Gruner moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.
