
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

ROWVA Community Unit School District 208 Committee of the Whole met March 26

Webp 7

Scott Lake, Board President | ROWVA CUSD 208

Scott Lake, Board President | ROWVA CUSD 208

ROWVA Community Unit School District 208 Committee of the Whole met March 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment

4. Discussion Items

a. Discuss the Purpose and Continuation of the following Committees as well as offer any current reports:

i. Athletic (Kuelper/Lake)

ii. Policy (Bean/Fleming)

iii. Building and Grounds (Johnson/West)

iv. Technology (Bean/Godsil)

v. Finance (Godsil/Kuelper)

vi. Transportation (Johnson/West)

vii. Future Ready (Fleming/Lake)

5. Adjourn 
