Warren County Courthouse in Monmouth | WikipediA
Warren County Courthouse in Monmouth | WikipediA
Warren County Board Public Transit Committee met Feb. 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Opening of meeting and agenda approval
2. Questions/Comments from guests:
3. Approval of January minutes
4. Review and Approval of bills
5. Old business:
a. Policies
1. ADA Plan, complaint procedures and form
2. Title VI policy, complaint procedures and form
3. Procurement policy
4. Drug and Alcohol Policy
5. Fiscal Procedures
7. Reasonable modification policy and form
8. Vehicle preventative maintenance
9. Personnel policy
10. Passenger policy
11. Operational training policy and procedures.
b. Compliance Findings
6. New business:
a. Monthly PCOM report
b. CVP grant
c. Audit
d. New Hires
e. Job Descriptions
f. March RTAC Conference
g. WAC employee benefits/carry over
h. Workers comp.
7. Adjournment