
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Nov. 13

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Courtney Rodriguez, President | Galesburg CUSD #205

Courtney Rodriguez, President | Galesburg CUSD #205

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The Community Unit School District #205 Board of Education met in closed session prior to the regular meeting on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM at 940 W. Fremont St., Galesburg, IL. The roll was read and the following Members responded: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Phelps, Taylor, Rodriguez, Lyon and Scherpe (7) Roll Call #1

Closed Session

It was moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Phelps to move to closed session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee(s), negotiations, pending litigation. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Phelps, Rodriguez, Taylor, Scherpe, Lyon (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #2

Following closed session, it was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to move to open session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Boettcher, Phelps, Rodriguez, Taylor, Scherpe, Lyon, Bess-Tabb (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #3

Roll Call

President Rodriguez called the regular meeting to order. On roll call the following Members responded: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #4

Recognition of Public Comments

Public comments were made by community member, Monique Mcherron. Presentations to the Board

A. Shine In 205

The Shine In 205 winners for the month of November were Michael Washabaugh, Assistant Principal at Galesburg Junior High School and School Nurse, Sue Knuth at Steele Elementary School.

B. Proposed Tax Year 2023 Levy Presentation

Mrs. Jennifer Hamm, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations presented on the proposed levy for the year.

C. Strategic Planning Presentation with Brian Harris

Mr. Brian Harris, with Hazard Young and Associates, presented the survey results to the board and discussed next steps.

D. Galesburg Community Foundation—Josh Gibb

Mr. Gibb presented on a new partnership between he Community Foundation and the District to coordinate and disperse the financials for donated recurring scholarships.

E. Student Council

Oliva Owen, Galesburg Senior High School Student Council representative gave an update to the Board about events at Galesburg Senior High School.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Consider Approval of Minutes:

Monday, October 9, 2023, Regular Meeting

Monday, October 9, 2023, Closed Session

B. Consider Approval of Payroll and Claims

Balance Sheet

Treasurer’s Report

Fund Balance Report

Revenue Report

Expense Report

Investment Performance Report

Accounts Payable

Check Register

Activity Accounts

Health Insurance Trust Fund Balance

Enrollment Report

It was moved by Member Boettcher and seconded by Member Phelps to approve the consent agenda as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Phelps, Rodriguez, Lyon, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #5

FOCUS AREA #1: Relevant Skills that Lead to Employability

A. Special Education Report

Mrs. Statham stated that she met the new Assistant Superintendent at the Mary Davis Home, they met to attempt to better serve students with IEPs while they are being housed there.

B. Student and Staff Supports Report

Member Lyon complimented Mrs. Ritchie on the extra help with hotel and clothing for those who are in need.

C. Curriculum Report

Nothing to add.

D. Building Reports

President Rodriguez asked about the Chronic absenteeism at the Galesburg Junior Senior High School, wanting to know if the chronic absent and late students are routinely on Wednesday. Mr. Hawkins stated that its on a regular basis and that the numbers in his report are from last year.

E. Proposed Calendars for FY25 and FY26

Dr. Asplund stated that the Calendar Committee met and the two calendars are being brought forth for approval next month after staff feedback is collected to see if there are any concerns.

FOCUS AREA #2: Facilities that Assist in Skill Acquisition

A. Building and Grounds Committee Report

Member Lyon gave an update on some projects the committee is bringing forward for approval options for Wrestling to have a space in the District that is dedicated for the program, the ongoing Facility Use Agreement and exploring options for Hawthorne.

B. Consider Approval of Bid Specs for Summer 2024 Flooring and Silas Willard Office 

It was moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm explained the projects that are at Galesburg Junior Senior High School and Lombard VCT flooring replacement in some areas of each building. The main office at Silas Willard needs reconfigured so that one secretary faces the door and expansion of the nursing space. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #6

C. Consider Approval of Bid Specs for the Replacement of 7-12 Domestic Water Line 

It was moved by Member Lyon and seconded Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm explained that the water line needs replaced as it is the original water line. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #7

D. Consider Approval of the Amended Facility Use Agreement

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that the only change from last month was not renting varsity spaces and adding in a 25% reduction for anyone wishing to rent for four hours or more. Discussion ensued. As a result, Member Phelps amended his motion to table the agreement, removing himself and Member Lyon from the committee and suggested that other members work on the agreement. Member Bess-Tabb seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #8

E. Consider Approval of Lease of Rose Hoben Gymnasium for Galesburg Historical Society 

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Lyon to approve as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that the historical society is losing their space and needed to rent something quickly for storage. The lease is to allow them to rent the Rose Hoben Gym. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #9

F. Consider Approval of Proposal for Architectural Services with Legat at Galesburg Junior Senior High School

Dr. Asplund stated that this item is for the dedicated space for Wrestling and adding a weight room, batting cages if everything panned out to provide the program a dedicated space. This item is just to allow Legat to begin the design process of a roughly 6500 square foot building but keeping costs down. It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #10

G. Consider Right of First Refusal for the Sale of Churchill Junior High School Building 

It was moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that the City of Galesburg has a buyer for Churchill and that in the agreement the Board needs to either vote to purchase it back or allow the city to sell it. Dr. Asplund suggested that the Board allow the City of Galesburg to sell the building to Bywater Development Group as presented to the school District. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #11

FOCUS AREA #3: Responding to the Changing Needs of our Community 

A. Consider Approval of Trip Request

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #12

B. Consider Approval of Board Policies: Section 4 (Second Reading)

It was moved by Member Bess-Tabb and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. Member Lyon asked some questions regarding specific policies. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: helps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher (6) NAY: Lyon (1) Motion carried. Roll Call #13

C. Consider Approval of Heart Technologies Proposal

It was moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that as part of the Technology breach the District has been working with Heart Technologies and the attorneys representing the District. The insurance carrier is directing pieces to be put in place or they won’t offer coverage to the District. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #14

D. Consider Approval of SEIU Custodial Maintenance Union Memorandum of Understanding 

It was moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that these are involving the health insurance plan allowing individuals to opt out of the District health insurance plan if they take coverage elsewhere. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #15

E. Consider Approval of SEIU Food Service Memorandum of Understanding 

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion Carried. Roll Call #16

F. Consider Approval of Insurance Committee Recommendation for Health Insurance Renewal 

It was moved by Member Bess-Tabb and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. Mrs. Hamm stated that the insurance renewal came in at 17% for the District and that Cottingham and Butler negotiated with the insurance company and were able to bring the renewal increase down to a 15% increase. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Shcerpe, Taylor (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #17

G. Consider Approval with Galesburg Community Foundation for Scholarship Funds 

It was moved by Member Lyon and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #18

H. Discussion on Resolutions for Joint Annual Conference

President Rodriguez went through the resolutions for the Joint Annual Conference to understand how the Board would like her to vote.

I. Board Retreat Dates

Dr. Asplund stated that as part of the Strategic Planning process the Board will hold a retreat in January, likely on a Saturday.


A. Consider Approval of Job Descriptions

It was moved by Member Scherpe and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess Tabb, Boettcher (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #19

B. Consider Approval of Personnel Report

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Phelps, Rodriguez, Shcerpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #20

C. Grievance Update

Dr. Asplund stated that there is a grievance awaiting an arbitrator.

D. Report on FOIA Requests

A request was made for copies of any records about Precision Builders Incorporated’s contract with the District to construct the soccer field at Galesburg Senior High School.

Comments by Board of Education

Comments were made by Member Lyon, Scherpe, Taylor, and Bess-Tabb. Future Agenda Items—Fifth Special, Behaviors in Classrooms.

Future Meeting Dates

The next regular meeting is Monday, December 11, 2023 at 7PM.


It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb that the meeting be adjourned—9:48PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Taylor, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #21
