Knoxville Community Unit School District #202 Board of Education met Sept. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #202, Knox County, met in a regular meeting duly called and held September 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at 809 East Main Street, Knoxville, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District. The President called the meeting to order and directed that the roll be called. Upon roll being called, the following members were found to be present:
Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Stearns, and Mrs. Rose
And the following absent: Dr. Harshbarger, Mrs. Young
Recognition of Visitors: Jodi Keever, Terrah Myers, Matt Maaske, John Neubaum, Brad Weedman, Michelle McClay, Doug Atwater, Allison Atwater, Nate Fretz
Also present were: Dr. Andrea Guerrero, Jodi Grace, Kelli Nelson
2. Public Comments - None
3. Special Presentations
3.1 Doug and Allison Atwater from Country Financial presented a generous donation in the amount of $1500 to the Knoxville Jr. High School through their Operation Helping Heroes program.
3.2 Nate Fretz from Stiefel provided the board members with an informational binder regarding school bonds. Mr. Fretz explained to the board members the type of bonds that are available, what bonds Knoxville CUSD #202 currently have and provided a plan moving forward.
4. Budget Hearing
4.2 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Stearns to Open the Budget Hearing.
AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
4.3 Dr. Guerrero explained to the board members the adjustments per the Illinois State Board of Education. Also exploring transportation options moving forward (Own vs Lease). There were no public comments regarding the Budget Hearing.
4.4 It was moved by Member McCracken and seconded by Member Scalf to Close the Budget Hearing.
AYE: Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
4..5 It was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Ratermann for the Approval to Adopt the FY 24 Budget.
AYE: Mr. Stearns, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Scalf for the Approval of the Consent Agenda, Meeting Minutes as presented.
AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
5.2 It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member Stearns for the Approval of the Consent Agenda, Financial Reports as presented.
AYE: Mr. Scalf, Mr, Stearns, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
6. Communications
The review and discussion of the IASB Committee Resolution will be voted on at the October board meeting. Dr. Guerrero talked to the board members about Esser III funds. A new application will have to be submitted along with a plan on how the funds will be spent. Knox Warren Special Education has secured their own building to utilize multiple classrooms for next year. Dr. Guerrero expressed her concerns for the staffing at Mable Woolsey. She explained the need for the Interim Assistant Principal position. An update was provided for the Health Life Safety plan and the concerns regarding change orders with the architect. The board recommended repairs to the gym door at Knoxville High School.
All building principals provided the board with handouts. The handouts included building goals, data, athletic records/recognitions and building projects.
7. New Business
Member Stearns recommended removing item 7.1.5 from the presented consent agenda to vote on that item separately.
7.1 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Scalf the Approval of the Amended Personnel Consent Agenda as presented.
AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.1.5 It was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Ratermann the Approval of 7.1.5 Personnel Consent Agenda as presented.
AYE: Mr. Raterman, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: Mr. Stearns, Mrs. McCracken
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.2 It was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Ratermann for Approval of the FY 24 Risk Management Plan.
AYE: Mr. Stearns, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.3 It was moved by Member McCracken and seconded by Member Stearns to Approve the First Reading of the Policy Review 8:90, 7:180, 2:80, 2:170, 4:45, 4:100, 5:230, 6:10, 6:190, 6:240, 7:275, 7:305, 7:330, 8:25 and 8:95.
AYE: Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.4 It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member McCracken to Table the Approval of the High School Handbook Update.
AYE: Mr. Scalf, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratterman, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.5 It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member Stearns the Approval of the STEM Field Trip to UW Platteville, Wisconsin.
AYE: Mr. Scalf, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.6 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member Stearns the Approval of the Delabar Contract for FY 24.
AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.7 It was moved by Member Scalf and seconded by Member Stearns the Approval for the Opening of the Bus Bid for FY 25 Bus Leases.
AYE: Mr. Scalf, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
7.8 It was moved by Member Ratermann and seconded by Member McCracken the Approval of Country Financial's Donation to the Knoxville Jr. High School in the amount of $1500.00.
AYE: Mr. Ratermann, Mrs. McCracken, Mr. Scalf, Mr. Stearns, Mrs. Rose
NAY: None
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Member Stearns and seconded by Member Scalf that the meeting be adjourned. The President put the question to the Board and the motion unanimously carried at the meeting was so adjourned at 8:05 p.m