
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

McDonough County Board Human Resources and Planning Committee met Sept. 14

McDonough County Board Human Resources and Planning Committee met Sept. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Human Resources and Planning Committee met on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was  held at the McDonough County Courthouse, Courtroom 201. Committee Members in attendance included Chair Letha  Clark, Dustin Berg, George Dixon, Michael Kirby, Dave Nissen, Jerry Raby, and Dana Walker. Vice Chair Vicky Kipling was  absent. Others in attendance included Animal Control Officer Zach Welch, Patrick Stout, Bonnie Skripps, John Vigezzi,  Karen Blakeley, County Chair Scott Schwerer, and Deputy Clerk Stacey Alexander. 

Chair Letha Clark called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

Review and Approve Minutes from August 10, 2023 

Member Kirby moved with a second by Member Raby to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried on a voice  vote. 

Animal Control Report 

Animal Control Officer, Zach Welch gave the report. There were 18 dogs and 38 cats in the shelter at the end of the  month.  

Humane Society 

Bonnie Skripps with the Humane Society informed the Committee that last weekend they held their fundraiser, Pay It  Forward and collected $4,200 to go towards the new shelter. They have more events in the works and will have a special  on adoption fees for black dogs. 

Policies and Procedures 


Cat Registration 

A large discussion was held regarding cats being registered. The Committee agreed that registration fees should be the same for both dogs and cats. Karen Blakeley wanted to know if they could remove the outside drop off kennel and give  keys to the police officers so that they can drop the dogs off and put them inside. Welch stated that the outside kennel  is currently locked and that the police do have a key. 

A motion was made by Member Berg moved with a second by Member Kirby to start having cats registered in  McDonough County. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 4 yeas, 2 nays, 0 pass, and 1 absent. 

A motion was made by Member Raby moved with a second by Member Kirby to raise the dog registration fees to $15.00  for an altered dog, and $25.00 for an unaltered dog. Increase late fees to $25.00 for an altered dog, and $35.00 for an  unaltered dog. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 4 yeas, 1 nays, 1 pass, and 1 absent. 

Village Fees 

Moved to the October 12th meeting. 

GIS Update 

No report.  


Member Dixon moved with a second by Member Raby to approve the claims as submitted. Motion carried on voice  vote.  



County Board Chair Comments 

County Chair Schwerer informed the Committee that the County Board meeting will be held at the Spoon River College  Outreach Center on September 20th at 7:00p.m. 


Member Raby moved with a second by Member Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Motion carried on a voice  vote. 

The Human Resources and Planning Committee met on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was  held at the McDonough County Courthouse, Courtroom 201. Committee Members in attendance included Chair Letha  Clark, Dustin Berg, George Dixon, Michael Kirby, Dave Nissen, Jerry Raby, and Dana Walker. Vice Chair Vicky Kipling was  absent. Others in attendance included Animal Control Officer Zach Welch, Patrick Stout, Bonnie Skripps, John Vigezzi,  Karen Blakeley, County Chair Scott Schwerer, and Deputy Clerk Stacey Alexander. 

Chair Letha Clark called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

Review and Approve Minutes from August 10, 2023 

Member Kirby moved with a second by Member Raby to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried on a voice  vote. 

Animal Control Report 

Animal Control Officer, Zach Welch gave the report. There were 18 dogs and 38 cats in the shelter at the end of the  month.  

Humane Society 

Bonnie Skripps with the Humane Society informed the Committee that last weekend they held their fundraiser, Pay It  Forward and collected $4,200 to go towards the new shelter. They have more events in the works and will have a special  on adoption fees for black dogs. 

Policies and Procedures 


Cat Registration 

A large discussion was held regarding cats being registered. The Committee agreed that registration fees should be the same for both dogs and cats. Karen Blakeley wanted to know if they could remove the outside drop off kennel and give  keys to the police officers so that they can drop the dogs off and put them inside. Welch stated that the outside kennel  is currently locked and that the police do have a key. 

A motion was made by Member Berg moved with a second by Member Kirby to start having cats registered in  McDonough County. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 4 yeas, 2 nays, 0 pass, and 1 absent. 

A motion was made by Member Raby moved with a second by Member Kirby to raise the dog registration fees to $15.00  for an altered dog, and $25.00 for an unaltered dog. Increase late fees to $25.00 for an altered dog, and $35.00 for an  unaltered dog. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 4 yeas, 1 nays, 1 pass, and 1 absent. 

Village Fees 

Moved to the October 12th meeting. 

GIS Update 

No report.  


Member Dixon moved with a second by Member Raby to approve the claims as submitted. Motion carried on voice  vote.  



County Board Chair Comments 

County Chair Schwerer informed the Committee that the County Board meeting will be held at the Spoon River College  Outreach Center on September 20th at 7:00p.m. 


Member Raby moved with a second by Member Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Motion carried on a voice  vote.