
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met July 25

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met July 25

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: President Arvanitis called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Board of Education Members

Present – Mrs. Athena Arvanitis, President; Mrs. Elizabeth Hosler, Vice-President; Mrs. Courtenae Trautmann, Secretary; Mrs. Kelly Asseff; Dr. Kelly Henry

Absent – Mrs. Kara Caforio (arrived at 5:05); Mr. Jim Collins (arrived at 5:05)

President Arvanitis stated there are 5 board members present, 2 board members absent, a quorum is present.


Present - Dr. Keisha Campbell, Superintendent; Dr. Scott Grens, Associate Superintendent; Mrs. Tonya Daniels, Exec. Dir. Communications; Mr. Rudy Gomez, Exec. Dir. Technology; Ms. Kerry Leuschel, Exec. Dir. Secondary Ed; Mrs. Katie Lyons, Exec. Dir. Elementary Ed; Dr. Kevin Rubenstein, Asst. Supt. Student Services; Mr. Joe Schumacher, Asst. Supt. Human Resources; Mr. Chris Whelton, Asst. Supt. Finance & Operations

Absent - none

Closed Session

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to adjourn to closed session at 5:01 p.m to discuss matters relating to The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity;

AND Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

AND Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Asseff, Dr. Henry, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Caforio and Mr. Collins were absent.

Reconvene to Open Session

The Board adjourned from closed session at 7:03 p.m. and reconvened to open session.

Pledge of Allegiance: Board members led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


York Badminton - 3rd in State (Sasha Neidig)

Mrs. Asseff read the proclamation stating the IHSA State Girls Badminton Doubles Team Finals is a highly competitive event that showcases the talents and dedication of student-athletes across Illinois. The proclamation acknowledged the outstanding performance of York High School's Badminton Doubles Team members Sasha Neidig and Lindsey White, who have demonstrated exceptional skill, teamwork, dedication, hard work, and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Each of the Board members and cabinet administration congratulated each of the students.

York Baseball – 4th in State

Mr. Collins read the proclamation stating the IHSA State Baseball Tournament is a competitive tournament and are immensely proud to recognize the outstanding performances of 24 students. We acknowledge the extraordinary performance of our York Community High School Baseball Team, who displayed outstanding skill, determination, and teamwork throughout the IHSA State Tournament. Each of the Board members and cabinet administration congratulated each of the students.

York Girls Track & Field - 3rd All State 3200 Meter (Bria Bennis)

Dr. Henry read the proclamation stating the IHSA Track & Field meet events are highly competitive and we are delighted to recognize the remarkable achievements of Bria Bennis, from York Community High School, for her extraordinary performances in the IHSA 3200-meter run and the IHSA 1600-meter run. Each of the Board members and cabinet administration congratulated her.

Special Olympics Track & Field - Gold, Silver, & Bronze Softball Throw

Before reading the proclamation, Mrs. Caforio stated this is the first year we offered Special Olympics track & field. Following she read the proclamation saying we are immensely proud to recognize the outstanding performances of three students, Peter Hickey, Jack Rychley, and Arri Villatoro Nevarez, who participated in the Special Olympics Softball Throw. Arri Villatoro Nevarez secured the silver medal in the Softball Throw event and Jack Rychley acheivied the highest honor with the gold medal in the Softball Throw event. Each of the Board members and cabinet administration congratulated the students individually.    

Public Comments

Public comments revolved around the following topics: Support D205 teachers; Curriculum review process and curriculum objection form; Thanks for board curriculum approval; and Curriculum rigor.    

Per board policy 2:230, it is not the Board’s practice to directly engage in discussion, ask, or answer questions with the individuals addressing the Board during public comment.

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

Approval of Regular Board Minutes: June 13, 2023; June 26, 2023   

President Arvanitis asked if there were any changes to minutes and hearing no changes, the minutes were declared to stand as presented.  

Reports and Presentations

Tentative 2023-2024 Budget

Before beginning the presentation, Mr. Whelton indicated the 2023-2024 tentative budget will be displayed on the website and in the main office for more than 30 days prior to the budget hearing on September 19 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Whelton began the presentation stating in July of 2022 the District was assigned a AA+ rating from S&P Global Ratings. This is the second highest rating given by S&P. He proceeded to review the mix of operating revenue and expenditures, staffing, investment in priority areas showing a snapshot of operating expenditures for 23-24, and a summary review of operating and non-operating funds.

A summary of the Board’s comments and wonderings are as follows: Can an overview of the staffing increase be provided, would like to see a detail breakdown; Student enrollment is one factor impacting staffing, the other factor is student needs, which are expanding and changing; The administration looked at current resources to propose reallocation of staff; Want to be cautious about tying just student enrollment to staffing needs in the budget, we also need to take into account the various needs of students; We added all-day kindergarten, which added staffing; Our goals and expectations for our students now verses 10-years ago is different, which is laid out thoroughly in our strategic plan; Call attention to all the work that is being done to carefully assess and evaluate the needs across our district through the strategic plan to identify staffing needs, curricular resources for our students, which is reflected in the budget; A significant investment for resources has been spent on professional development & upgrading our facilities to support our students and  staff, along with significant technology has been added to support our students; Making a request to review our current 10-year facilities plan (we are about 5 years in) and provide an update on the referendum projects, along with the importance to continue maintaining our facilities; and Commented that the cash flow low point is used as a metric to identify our ability to fund and support additional needs.

Consent Agenda Items

Personnel Report

Financial Reports

Acceptance and Posting of FY24 Tentative Budget

Second Read Section 2: Board of Education 2:110

Second Read Section 3: General School Administration 3:40

Second Read Section 4: Operational Services 4:60

Second Read Section 5: Personnel 5:30; 5:90; 5:125; 5:150; 5:170; 5:260

Second Read Section 6: Instruction 6:135

Second Read Section 8: Community Relations - Policy Review 8:20

Semi-Annual Review of Closed Minutes

President Avanitis asked for a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Personnel Report; B. Financial Reports; C. Acceptance and Posting of FY24 Tentative Budget; D. Second Read Section 2: Board of Education Policy 2:110; E. Second Read Section 3: General School Administration Policy 3:40; F. Second Read Section 4: Operational Services Policy 4:60; G. Second Read Section 5: Personnel Policies 5:30, 5:90, 5:125, 5:150, 5:170, 5:260; H. Second Read Section 6: Instruction Policy 6:135; I. Second Read Section 8: Community Relations Policy 8:20; and J. Semi-annual Review of Closed Minutes

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Caforio seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Caforio, Dr. Henry, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Asseff, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Agenda Action Items

Foundation 205 Donation

Dr. Campbell provided some background on Foundation 205 and stated that this donation is outside of the other generous donations, such as the Thiems Educational Grants. Mr. Gomez stated that the Foundation205 expressed interest in supporting the purchase of stylus devices for all students in grades K-2. The styluses will allow for more opportunities for student engagement in creation-based activities and elevate student learning. The Board commented on being so grateful for the Foundation, all the people in the community that contribute during their fundraising events and the continuing support to our students.  

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to approve a donation not to exceed $96,000 from Foundation 205 to purchase Logitech Crayons and charging accessories. Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Caforio seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Caforio, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Asseff, Mr. Collins, Dr. Henry, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Approval of Settlement Agreement with Local No. 73, Service Employees International Union, CTW, for Union Grievance ID No. 0000266

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to its Settlement Agreement with Local No. 73, Service Employees International Union, CTW concerning Miguel Alcantar, for Union Grievance ID number 00266.

Mrs. Caforio moved and Dr. Henry seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Caforio, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Asseff, Mrs. Trautmann, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Adoption of Resolution Approving Notice to Remedy

President Arvanitis stated no action will be taken at this time.

Withdrawal of Disciplinary Action

President Arvanitis stated no action will be taken at this time.

District 205 & PSRP Council Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Dr. Schumacher stated that Elmhurst District 205 and PSRP Council have agreed to retitle the Lead Secretary and Assistant Secretary positions to Lead Administrative Assistant and School Administrative Assistant, which will reflect the essential duties of these positions more accurately.   

The Board commented that since the most recent contract was approved, this is the second time that the PSRP and the District have worked together to remedy situations that did not make sense or were not current or updated. We applaud this great working relationship.

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to approve the memorandum of understanding between District 205 & PSRP Council, as presented. Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Asseff seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Asseff, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Caforio, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Approval of Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Social Media Litigation

Dr. Grens stated this lawsuit is on behalf of many districts nationally with the law group Franz who has filed lawsuits in the United States District Court. The coordinated lawsuits are against several social media companies. The litigation is seeking to address the negative impacts these companies are having on students and school districts throughout the country. Francek PC is acting as Illinois co-counsel with Franz, the firm leading this litigation nationwide. Experts contend that the manipulative algorithms cause addiction and severe emotional distress to students, which have led to significant interference with the educational process and student learning. It is important to note that there are no attorney fees or costs to the district unless there is a financial recovery.

President Arvanitis asked for a motion to approve the resolution authorizing commencement of social media litigation, as presented. Mrs. Hosler moved and Dr. Henry seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Dr. Henry, Mrs. Caforio, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Asseff, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Arvanitis voted aye. Motion carried.

Superintendent's Communication

FOIA – Freedom of Information Act Requests

Dr. Campbell reviewed the following FOIA requests since the last board meeting.

2 FOIA requests for specific community member/parent communication, granted.

1 FOIA request for vendor information, granted.

1 FOIA request for specific administrators bonus and salary, granted.

1 FOIA request for FOIA lawsuits, not in possession.

2 FOIA requests for specific employee information, granted.

1 FOIA request for board member information, granted.

1 FOIA request for York renovation bid information, granted.

1 FOIA request for specific FOIA requests, granted.

3 FOIA requests for specific organizations communication: 1 unduly burdensome; 1 not in possession; and 1 granted.

1 FOIA request of substitute information for 5-years, granted.

Social Media Highlights:  

Mrs. Daniel introduced the social media highlight video. The video can be viewed in BoardDocs, under Superintendent’s Communication - Social Media Highlights.  

Board Communications: If applicable, Board members present reports and/or share information to the full Board. Mrs. Caforio asked to have common guidelines on how cell phones are used by students and teachers at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Upcoming Meetings

 - August 22, 2023 Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rooms 215, 216

 - September 6, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting at 5:30 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rooms 215, and 216

Adjournment - End of Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
