
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Knox County Board met June 28

Knox County Board met June 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Knox County Board held in person at the Galesburg City Council chambers on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 at 6:10 p.m. This meeting was presented via teleconference for viewing only. The zoom code used tonight will stay the same for future meetings and can be found on the County website.

The Meeting was called to order by County Board Chair Jared Hawkinson and upon roll call the following Members reported present:

District 1 Cheryl Nache

District 2 Greg Bacon

District 3 Pamela Davidson

District 4 Jared Hawkinson

District 5 Ricardo “Rick” Sandoval

District 1 Anthony Weiss

District 2 Erin Pugh

District 3 Kimberly Thierry

District 4 Joshua Kramer

District 5 Brian Friedrich

District 1 Amanda Smith

District 2 Robert Bondi

District 3 Samuel Cohen

District 4 Todd Olinger

District 5 Patty Boone

All Members present.

Also present were County Clerk Scott Erickson, Sheriff Jack Harlan, State’s Attorney Jeremy Karlin, and Treasurer Robin Davis. Department Heads present were Nursing Home Administrator Jodi Mines, Highway Administrator Duane Ratermann, Knox County Public Health Administrator Michele Gabriel, and Supervisor of Assessments Sonia Hochstettler,

Sheriff Harlan delivered the Proclamation and Chair Hawkinson led the Members in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. In lieu of a formal invocation, Chair Hawkinson asked that a moment of silence be observed.

Chair Hawkinson asked for additions or deletions to the agenda. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.

Chair Hawkinson said that there was no one signed up for public comment.

Motion was made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve the following items of the consent agenda: 1) minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on May 24, 2023 and Special Board Meeting on June 8, 2023 and 2) sales tax and various taxes for the month of March 2023 in the amounts of $141,268.56 and $30,347.63 and public safety tax in the amount of $236,738.76. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(12). Noes—(0). Abstain----Bacon, Davidson, and Bondi---(3). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve the County Audit for FY2021-2022. Rebecca Powell gave a presentation on the information that they had found. She said that she has condensed the paperwork in to 9-10 slides from the original 100 plus pages that are in the packet. She said that they have had great feedback on the condensed slide show. It was requested for them to do an unmodified opinion this year. Instead of a modified opinion like in the past. She said that the Circuit Clerk had trial balance issues due to a change in software and the timing of the audit. The new software will fix these issues. The county had a positive increase in general funds and went from having 87 days last year to having 118 days which they recommend to have 2-3 months. In the business funds the Landfill and Nursing Home had a positive increase and very comparable to last year. The IMRF is fully funded and she does not see any pension liability issues anytime soon. She said that the audit went very smooth.

Member Nache asked about the ARPA money and if we are safe. She talked about what she saw on the news about a lot of other states are having issues and having to pay it back.

Ms. Powell said that it is federal dollars but she has not heard anything right now.

Member Kramer asked what it meant to be unmodified or modified.

Ms. Powell said clean or unclean.

Member Kramer said thank you that is what I thought.

Member Bondi asked why the Nursing Home and Landfill was done together.

Ms. Powell said that it was just for presentation purposes.

Member Bondi said thanks

Chair Hawkinson spoke about the general fund balance and how much it had increased. He said that in 2014 there were in the 40’s, in 2018 there were 51 and now there are 118 days in the reserve due to the Treasurer’s office investing and allocating reserve for rainy days. He said that it is recommended to have a three-month reserve and we are now at that. He said that we used to be struggling to meet that.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Bondi to approve the appointment to Knox County Board of Health of Doug Gibb, Stephanie Grimes, and Susan Vinson. Chair Hawkinson said that they are for reappointments and Knox County Public Health Administrator Gabriel was present for any questions.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Kramer to approve the appointments to London Mills Fire Protection District of Kathy Knox and Jeremiah Ulm. Clerk Erickson said that Kathy Knox was the clerk in London Mills for years and Jeremiah Ulm is a firefighter.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve MOU with Sheriff and Knox County Fair. Chair Hawkinson said that this is the first year for having this. This covers who is paying and who is liable for the deputies when they are in uniform and working the fair July 11 thru July 15th . He said that we should have had this for years.

Member Nache said that if this is the first time doing this but they have been working there for years so why this year. She said did someone say something could happen. Chair Hawkinson said that Sheriff Harlan and Captain May realized there was no agreement in prior years and they were lucky that no one got hurt. This has also been reviewed by the State’s Attorney.

Sheriff Harlan said that in the past they paid the deputies up front. Now they will send them a bill and they will cut a check back to the County.

Member Bacon asked if they will take taxes out.

Sheriff Harlan said yes.

Member Bacon said that the Abate writes the check right on the spot. Instead they should also do a MOU so the deputies are covered.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Weiss to approve the Acceptance of Resignation from Zoning Board of Appeals of Andrew Bowman. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Nache to approve Resolution Amending Resolution on Payroll Processing 2016 – Timeclock Entry Protocol. Chair Hawkinson said that the information is on the G-drive. He said that the timeclocks were approved in 2016 then took effect in 2017. In 2017 an amendment was made in section one the section pertaining to the roundup policies of the 7-minute buffer. The 7-minute buffer at the end of shift would change to no 7-minute buffer prior to clocking out. The 7-minute buffer would only be after the end of shift not before. So, if their end of shift was at 4:30pm then they could not punch out at 4:23pm they would have to wait until 4:30pm. He said that his opinion is that when there are people standing at the timeclock to punch out before the end of their shift that is stealing County time and funds. They would add additional time clocks to reduce the wait time. There are currently two-time clocks, one in the basement and one on first floor. They will look for the best place to add a timeclock on second and third floor. The State’s Attorney sent a request to the Board to table until we talked to the department heads. He said that the employees are paid by the taxpayers and if they leave early then their time needs to reflect that. This would take away the rounding up automatically at the end of the shift. He said that will do another with clocking in at another time.

Member Friedrich said that he has seen entire offices shutting down early and not just a couple of people. People who are leaving way before 4:30pm is an issue.

Member Thierry said time keeping is a payroll thing and is a payroll issue.

Member Davidson said that she would like to table due to being in negotiation time with the Courthouse.

Motion was made by Member Davidson and seconded by Member Cohen to table. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes— Nache, Davidson, Pugh, and Cohen—(4). Noes— Bacon, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Olinger and Boone --- (10). Abstain----Thierry---(1). Motion failed.

Chair Hawkinson said that yes, it is negotiation time but the contract says 8:30am to 4:30pm and this is not a Union thing this is a time keeping payroll thing. The County has the authority to take steps to help with time keeping.

Member Davidson said that she totally agrees but the department heads can run their departments as they wish. It should be addressed by the department heads and we need more information. They should tell their employees.

State’s Attorney Karlin wanted to make a point of correction that his office is voluntarily punching the time clock and he does not want what was not in the resolution an issue. Member Friedrich said that he respects that but this is not just a courthouse issue and not just a one department issue.

Member Cohen said that though not concrete but this could be changed to elected offices to voluntarily use the timeclock.

Member Bacon said that the policy needs changed to 7-minutes one way or another just moving forward. The policy needs fixed.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bacon, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Olinger and Boone—(11). Noes—Davidson and Cohen---(2). Abstain---Nache, and Pugh---(2). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Friedrich for a motion to renew – ZBA Case #AM-02-23 – Add Appendix E, Knox County Commercial Wind Energy Conversion System Siting Ordinance. Chair Hawkinson said that per Roberts Rules it would be a motion to renew since it was a tie so the motion had failed the first time.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(14). Noes—Friedrich---(1). Motion renewed.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Nache to approve ZBA Case #AM-02-03. Chair Hawkinson said that the Assessor and State’s Attorney said by not having ordinances in place we have no say and the fees would go straight to the State. He said that he had voted no due to not liking giving more to the State.

State’s Attorney Karlin said that we have to abide by what the ordinance says.

Member Boone said that when she voted no it was due to EPA issues of having to clean up oil leaking from the big windmills and who was responsible for cleaning up the farm land. She wanted to make sure that had been added with the companies having to clean up if an issue occurs.

Assessor Hochstettler said that all those concerns are covered under State statues and who pays for the clean-up. She said that what the State’s Attorney has put together leave us some control on zoning discussions and without it we lose the little control that we have.

Member Boone asked about waterways.

Assessor Hochstettler said that studies on animals, run offs, and flood is also all covered.

Chair Hawkinson spoke about what was sent out on June 27th. He said that we have an explanation of what we would have control of. Without this we would miss out on $40,000 in permit fees that the State would get.

Member Bondi asked about if the bonds were reviewed by the State of Illinois.

Assessor Hochstettler said that the Surety Bonds of the said amount of money is set by the State.

Member Bondi asked if the Surety Bond and the company was gone if the State will cover the cost.

Assessor Hochstettler said that she was not sure and that she would have to check.

Member Bondi was wondering if they check up on the Surety Bonds and if a copy is provided to the State.

Assessor Hochstettler said that she could research that.

Member Bondi said thank you.

Member Cohen asked that since 11 and 13 both were a tied vote, that they were just broken into solar and wind.

Chair Hawkinson said yes.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Pugh for a motion to renew – ZBA Case #AM-03-23 – Add Appendix F, Knox County Commercial Solar Energy Facility Siting Ordinance. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(14). Noes—Friedrich---(1). Motion renewed.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Boone to approve ZBA Case #AM-03-23. Chair Hawkinson said that he is still not pleased that they have taken away local control. He said it is what it is but still not pleased.

Member Smith asked if it was acceptable for the person that made a motion on what is brought up and not from a person that voted on it then.

Chair Hawkinson said that it is was acceptable for him.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Member Friedrich said that the monthly report from the Ways and Means Committees are in the packet. He said that the meeting was very quick and 30 seconds shorter then the nursing home meeting. He said not to get used to it since they have budget meetings coming up.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Kramer to approve Cost of Living Wage Increases for Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and Sheriff. Member Friedrich said that the State pays 66 2/3% of the State’s Attorney’s salary they are increasing it by a 4.6% cost of living increase.

Chair Hawkinson said that with the increases the State’s Attorney would make $197,436.44, the Public Defender would make $177,692.80 and the Sheriff would make $157,949.15.

Member Bacon asked what if we did not do this increase.

Chair Hawkinson said that the Treasurer checked with the Department of Revenue and they messaged back and said that the increases are mandatory by State statutes.

Member Bacon said the he does not like it but we have to do it.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(14). Noes—Bacon---(1). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Smith to approve Budget Changes for Salaries for State’s Attorney, Public Defender, and Sheriff. Member Friedrich said this is for the annual budget to raise these salaries.

Chair Hawkinson said July 1st the year starts for them.

Member Friedrich said that it goes up July 1st.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(14). Noes—Bacon---(1). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve ZBA Case #CU-01-23 – Request for “Conditional Use”, Under Section 5.3.02, of the Knox County Zoning Resolution, (14) Kennels, Animal Hospitals and Clinics. (Effective since 19 September 1983). Filed by Matthew & Hilary Fairbrother, 452 Knox Rd. 2800N, Rio, IL 61472. Member Friedrich said that there was no concern at the committee level.

Member Davidson asked about the kennels.

Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother said that they will have 13 since they are state licensed for 13.

Chair Hawkinson said that state licensing is needed and they have that.

Member Cohen asked if they would be boarding.

Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother answered yes.

Member Smith asked if there would be training or just boarding.

Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother answered just boarding.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Member Kramer said that the monthly report from the Public Safety and Justice Committees are in the packet. He thanked Member Sandoval for standing in this month for him.

Member Bondi presented the monthly report from the Infrastructure Committee. He stated that the reports are in the packet.

Motion made by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Weiss to approve Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement for County Highway 30 Culvert/Resurfacing Project, Section 23-00159-00-BR. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion made by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the Payment Application #4 for Knox County Jail Trades Package Project.

Chair Hawkinosn said that the update from the general contractor is that the roof is 100% complete. Inside one of the four lock up pods are complete. They are moving on to the second pod. The before and now is 100% different. You are invited to go look. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion made by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Nache to approve the Payment Application #6 for Knox County Jail Upgrade Project. Member Bondi said that all releases and lien releases are in the packet. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson congratulated Highway Administrator Duane Ratermann on his 35 years working for the County. It is his 24th year as the County Highway Administrator.

Member Bacon presented the report from the Health and Human Services committee. The report is in the packet. He thanked Member Smith for filing in for him last month. He said that the nursing home is in the black for another month which is good.

Motion made by Member Bacon and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve Bad Debt Write-Off. Member Bacon said that this is the last one since they have been through all the bills. He said that they did not have to use any referendum money this month.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said that the total is $680,466.57.

Member Bacon said that it is in the packet.

Member Bondi asked how far back.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said for 2016- 1 claim, 2017-3 claims, 2019-8 claims, and some from 20, 21 and 22 which are from contract negotiations. Then for 2023-2 claims these are from WellCare that they are writing off since they will not get any money out of.

Member Nache asked if there was a way of never having these write-offs.

Member Bacon said that he had asked this same question so he was going to let Administrator Mines answer.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said that they will always have write-offs for Medicaid. She said if it is $500 per day and they put that they will pay $425 per day. Then they would have to write off the difference. We make lots of money but we will always have write offs.

Member Nache said $200 is $200 in the real world.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said no $1000 per day is $980 per day in the hospital.

Member Nache said that she askes them to itemize. She asked about having the right to question.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said yes in negotiating time.

Member Bondi was asking if they could budget for this in the reserve for the future. Member Bacon said that is a good idea.

Nursing Home Administrator Mines said that she is not sure how she could figure that to budget it in.

Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson stated that the reports from the outside committee assignments are in the packet. If anyone has a question in regards to an outside committee or their report, they should contact the Board Member that is serving on that committee and ask them directly.

Motion made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve Opening of Budget for Line Item Changes. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes— (0). Motion carried.

Motion made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Nache for the approval of Proposed Line Item Changes. Chair Hawkinson said that there was a small handful not very many. He said that there are Proposed Line Item Changes in the packet for the Highway, Nursing Home, Public Defenders office, CAC, and VAC. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes— Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone—(15). Noes— (0). Motion carried.

There were no manual checks out of the ordinary.

Motion made by Member Kramer and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve the claims by Members for per diem and mileage for the Committee Meetings of June 2023 and other claims for per diem from meetings. Member Cohen was asking for a clarification about per diems being $60/day and if other meetings the same day are an additional $25. His concern is that they are not within State Statues for consecutive meeting. He was wondering about amending to remove that additional the same day.

Chair Hawkinson asked if State’s Attorney Karlin could review those statues and have an opinion to the Board before next meeting.

State’s Attorney Karlin said that he would look into it.

Chair Hawkinson said that the redistributing is every 10 years but we will have the State’s Attorney Karlin review for next meeting.

Member Thierry said that she is having computer problems due to needing a power cord and so she is having a hard time getting into the Board packet. She was wondering when the Board packet is available to get with Clerk Erickson to get a printed copy of the packet.

Clerk Erickson said that he tries to have the Board packet by the Friday prior to the Board meeting. It is always 90-100% done. He said that she could come in late morning or late afternoon and they could get something for her by uploading it to a thumb drive for review.

Member Bondi said that the Google drive can be viewed from any computer.

Member Thierry said that she was told not to download anything with the Board.

Chair Hawkinson said that she can review and not download. That is how Google operates so you can view from any computer. He asked if she had let IT know that she was having problems.

Member Thierry said that she has not told them yet.

Member Davidson said that since she has been home lately she has had plenty of time to read. She said that in the December 23, 2020 Board rules it says the Board Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of all committee’s however, due to assigned yearly per diem, the Board Chairperson shall not be entitled to individual standing committee meeting per diem. She spoke about the $8,000 per year stipend for the Chair as an ex officio and a voting member. She said that she was a voting member for Ways and Means and was paid $25. She said he was paid as chair of executive Board but for infrastructure he has no voting power.

Chair Hawkinson said that the Board Rules that were approved then were for December 2020. On December 2022 the Board Rules that were approved were the ones on the website and it is not in those rules. He said that you are comparing one time to another. Member Davidson said that it is not right to change one to the next.

Member Cohen said that regardless what is in the rules now. What it said in the 2020 rules was now removed in the 2022 rules.

Chair Hawkinson said that they were printed in air but that was what was approved.

Member Cohen said that so they were printed in error. He said that we might bring this discussion up at a later date.

Chair Hawkinson said correct. He said other Counties have 100 pages or more in their Board Rules. He said that he would like to get ours more situated to that.

Member Davidson said that yes, the Board Rules stated at that time have not been updated. She said that she voted no due to not being on a committee.

Chair Hawkinson said he gave out a printed copy of the Board Rules from the website to each of the Board Members to read before approving.

Member Friedrich said call question. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes— Bacon, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Kramer, Friedrich, Bondi, Olinger and Boone—(9). Noes—Nache, Davidson, Pugh, Smith and Cohen--- (5). Abstain---Thierry---(1). Motion carried.

Motion made by Member Sandoval and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve the claims against Knox County, Illinois for the period of May 25, 2023 through June 28, 2023 (ordering that invoices be accepted and approved and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and directed to issue County Warrants in payment of the bills in the aggregate amount approved by the County Board). Chair Hawkinson reported that the vouchers submitted were in the amount of $2,638,899.44. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes— Nache, Bacon, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Olinger and Boone—(13). Noes— Davidson and Cohen----(2). Motion carried.

The next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., at Galesburg City Hall Council Chambers. The Zoom option is for public viewing only. Board Members will be present in person for this meeting.

Motion was made by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Sandoval to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone— (15). Noes— (0). Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.



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