City of Galesburg Police Pension Fund Board met July 25.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Call to order
2. Approve the January 31, 2023 minutes
3. Election of Officers
4. Receive quarterly reports from Courson and Associates
5. Review and act of investment activity
a. Rob Arth & Phyllis Gau – Morgan Stanley
6. Approve resolution for 2023 Tax Levy
7. New Business:
a. Approve pension for retiree Deputy Chief Hostens
b. Approve admission of new Officers Small, Cudd, Walsten, & Escobedo to the Police Pension Fund
c. Approve readmission of Officers Tapscott, Schlomer & Trulson to the Police Pension Fund
d. Receive resignations for Officers Utsinger & Campbell
e. Approve amendment to Police Pension Rules and Regulations
f. Approve resolution appointing pension fund authorized agents for IPOPIF
8. Certified Trustee Training
9. Public Comment
10. Adjournment,%202023%20Police%20Pension%20Agenda.pdf