
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met April 27

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met April 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The meeting was called to order by President Schaley at 6:00 p.m., in the Elementary Cafeteria. The following Board members answered roll call: Arnold, Bigger, Clark, Lenahan, Lumbeck, Schaley, and Vancil. President Schaley declared a quorum present. Also present was Superintendent Day, Recording Secretary J. Shultz, K. Lafary, J. Kirby, J. Zaiser, L. Chockley, K. Gullberg and J. Higgins, Megan Gullberg, Andy Chockley, Wes Chockley and Danielle Covert.


There were no remarks from the public at this meeting.


Motion by Bigger, seconded by Clark to canvass the votes from the April 4, 2023, election with the following being seated: Lauren Chockley, Karl Gullberg, and Joshua Higgins for a 4-year term. The following Board members voted aye: Arnold, Bigger, Clark, Lenahan, Lumbeck, Schaley, and Vancil. 7-0 Motion carried.

The Board appointed Superintendent Stacey Day to serve as President pro tem.

Motion by Clark, seconded by Bigger to adjourn sine die at 6:03 p.m. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. 4-0 Motion carried.

The meeting was called to order by Pro Tem President Day at 6:05 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. The following members answered roll call: Bigger, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil.

The three newly elected Board Members read aloud the Board Member Oath of Office.

Pro Tem Superintendent Day opened the floor for nominations for Board President. Vancil nominated Schaley. There were no further nominations and nominations for the office of President were closed.

Schaley being the only candidate nominated for the office of President, the chair declared him elected by acclamation and directed the secretary to so record in the minutes.

Schaley then moved to the head of the table and started the term as Board President.

Schaley opened the floor for nominations for Board Vice President. Higgins nominated Vancil. There were no further nominations and nominations for the office of Vice President were closed.

Vancil being the only candidate nominated for the office of Vice President, Board President declared him elected by acclamation and directed the secretary to so record in the minutes.

Schaley opened the floor for nominations for Board Secretary. Bigger nominated Clark. There were no further nominations and nominations for the office of Board Secretary were closed.

Clark being the only candidate nominated for the office of Board Secretary, Board President declared her elected by acclamation and directed the secretary to so record in the minutes.

Motion by Bigger, seconded by Vancil to approve Jaime Shultz as the Board's Recording Secretary as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Bigger, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. 7-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Bigger, seconded by Vancil to approve the listing of regular board meeting dates, times, and locations as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, and Bigger. 7-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Clark, seconded by Bigger to approve the Board sub-committees as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Bigger, and Chockley. 7-0 Motion carried.

Board President Schaley appointed the committees.

Building & Grounds: Chockley and Higgins

Policy: Bigger and Clark

Transportation: Higgins and Schaley

Farm: Schaley and Vancil

Negotiations: Gullberg and Vancil

Finance: Gullberg & Vancil

Insurance: Bigger and Higgins

Name of School Facilities: Chockley

Parent-Teacher Advisory: Bigger and Chockley

Behavior Intervention: Bigger and Gullberg

The Board was reminded that the next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the West Central Elementary Cafeteria.

Motion by Bigger, seconded by Vancil to adjourn at 6:14 p.m. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote.
