
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Abingdon-Avon Community Unit No. 276 Board of Education met May 10

Abingdon-Avon Community Unit No. 276 Board of Education met May 10

Here is the agenda provided by the board: 


1. Call to Order

a. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Opportunity for Public Comment: (This is the time when visitors may request to address the Board of Education on any item germane to the role and function of the Board of Education. When the Board President so directs, persons should stand, give their name and begin their statements. Persons must refrain from making any personal comments regarding any individual. The Board President reserves the right to limit presentations to five minutes.) 

4. Correspondence/Scheduled Visitors:

5. Approval of Agenda

6. Consent Agenda* (The Consent Agenda includes matters of usual business of the Board that may be approved through one motion, second, and roll call vote, unless it is determined that one or more items be removed from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion or because one or more negative votes may be anticipated.) 

6.1 Approval of Minutes

6.1.1 April 12, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes*

6.1.2 April 12, 2023 Closed Session Meeting Minutes*

6.2 Financial Reports – April 30, 2023

6.2.1 District Fund Balance Report*             $ 17,294,524.23

Cash Balance (April 30, 2023)                     $ 12,098,525.42

Money Market (April 30, 2023)                       $ 3,695,998.80

CD’s $ 1,500,000.00 Activity Accounts (April 30, 2023)    $ 219,882.52 Payroll for April 2023                       $ 506,125.59

Approval of Payment for up-to-date May Bills**

7. Adjournment Sine Die (Concludes the Business of the 2021-2023 Board of Education)

2023-2025 Board of Education

1. Call to Order

a. Oath of Office

2. Select President Pro-Tempore

3. Nominate and Affirm 2023-2025 Board Officers:

a. President

b. Vice President

c. Secretary

d. Treasurer

4. Set and approve School Board Meeting Dates and Locations for 2023-2025

5. Principal’s Report Summaries

5.1 Mr. Weedman, AAHS

5.2 Mrs. Andrews, HGS

5.3 Mrs. Anderson, AES/AAMS

6. Superintendent’s Report/Discussion Items

6.1 Financial Update

6.2 Recognitions and Congratulations

6.3 District Facilities Planning

6.3.1 High School Track

6.3.2 Preliminary Avon Additions

6.3.3 Preliminary Hedding Cafenasium

7. New Business

7.1 Current Openings (Updates given at Board Meeting)

8. Action Items/Possible Action Items

8.1 Consider for approval the Intergovernmental Agreement for DELABAR. 

8.2 Consider for approval the May 2023 Personnel Report.

8.3 Consider for approval the Memorandum of Understanding for the Summer Custodian Pay.

8.4 Consider for Approval the ROE 21st Century Tornado Time at AAHS.

8.5 Consider for Approval the Overnight Trips for FFA; State Convention June 13-15 and FFA Leadership Camp July 24-27.

8.6 Consider for Approval the Thirty Day Placement of the Tentative Amended FY23 Budget for Public Display and Set Budget Hearing for 6:45 p.m. on June 14, 2023.

9. Executive Session

Action to enter into closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) – to consider evaluation, resignation, compensation, disciplinary action, or dismissal of specific employees, or specific individuals who serve as independent contractors, of the District; (2) – deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; (10) – other matters relating to individual students; (21) – discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, including semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes.

10. Adjournment

* Consent Agenda

** Executive Session By Order of: Mr._________________, President, Board of Education Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276
