
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met April 10

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met April 10

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The Community Unit School District #205 Board of Education met in closed session prior to the regular meeting on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 6:15 PM at 940 W. Fremont St., Galesburg, IL. The roll was read and the following Members responded: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Scherpe, Rodriguez (7) Roll Call #1

Closed Session

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to move to closed session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee(s), negotiations and pending litigation—6:15PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #2

Following closed session, it was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to move to open session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #3

Roll Call

President Scherpe called the regular meeting to order. On roll call the following Members were present: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez and Lyon.

Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance

A moment of silence was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Recognition of Visitors—None

Presentations to the Board

A. Student Council representative, Bridget Leahy updated the Board on events Student Council has coordinated and an upcoming Glow Run to benefit Knox County Relay for Life. Breakfast of Champions will be May 10th and the last week with Seniors, the week will be spirit days and a blood drive.

B. Board Member Bess-Tabb presented on the COSSBA Conference she attended in Tampa, Florida.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Consider Approval of Minutes:

Monday, March 13, 2023, Special Meeting

Monday, March 13, 2023, Closed Session

B. Consider Approval of Payroll and Claims

Balance Sheet

Treasurer’s Report

Fund Balance Report

Revenue Report

Expense Report

Investment Performance Report

Accounts Payable

Check Register

Activity Accounts

Health Insurance Trust Fund Balance

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Cervantez to approve the consent agenda as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Cervantez, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #4

FOCUS AREA #1: Relevant Skills that Lead to Employability

A. Building Reports

Member Phelps asked a question about Title IX and Mrs. Ritchie explained the process and that the District has worked closely with the District Attorney to be sure the District is handling allegations appropriately.

B. Special Education Report—No questions were asked.

C. Student and Staff Supports Report—No questions were asked.

FOCUS AREA #2: Facilities that Assist in Skill Acquisition

A. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report

Member Lyon stated that most buildings are finished but still pieces that are being fixed. Summer projects are being scheduled by the architects. The committee is also continuning to look for a permanent home for wrestling. Member Cervantez asked if the committee was looking into more parking near the baseball fields. Member Lyon said it’s a discussion.

FOCUS AREA #3: Responding to the Changing Needs of our Community

A. Consider Approval of Building Times for 2023-2024 School Year

Dr. Asplund stated that the objectives have been to alleviate late busses and families who have students in multiple buildings and more staff collaboration times. He stated that he worked with staff and the GEA to find a workable solution. The recommendation is that King Elementary, Silas Willard Elementary and Steele Elementary building times be 9:00am until 3:45pm, with drop off times in the morning being as early as 8:30am and PALS will be available prior to 8:30am. Lombard Middle School will be 7:30am until 2:15pm with a drop off start time at 7:15am. Galesburg Junior Senior High School will be the same schedule on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with every Wednesday being a two hour late start of 9:45am until 2:55am. Member Boettcher asked if Paraprofessionals would be helping students load and unload from busses. Dr. Asplund stated Paraprofessional times are attached to the contract and negotiations is still taking place so he can’t answer if Paraprofessionals will be doing that work. Member Lyon asked about bussing of Lombard students with the junior high and high school students. Dr. Asplund stated that the Lombard student behavior seems better when riding with the older students so K-4 will be stand alone as much as possible. Member Rodriguez asked if some routes would be ran twice, for instance on the late starts. Dr. Asplund stated that everyday they will. Member Rodriguez stated she has concerns with the late start every week considering the truancy problems in the District. Member Rodriguez stated she feels like the schedule change creates a parent problem. Member Boettcher asked why late starts and not early outs. Dr. Asplund stated that it created an issue with extra curriculars. Member Rodriguez asked if the changes were discussed with staff and that all are aware. It was moved by Member Bess-Tabb and seconded by Member Phelps to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Phelps, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon (6) NAY: Rodriguez (1) Motion carried. Roll Call #5

B. Consider Approval of Proposed District Fees for 2023-2024 School Year

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Cervantez to approve as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that the fee schedule is the same as last year and the only change is the mandatory school lunch fee that must increase yearly but is only on a second purchased lunch. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Cervantez, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #6

C. Consider Approval of Quote for Maintenance Forklift

Mrs. Jen Hamm stated that the District has been looking for a forklift for three years. The forklift only has 3900 hours on it. It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #7

D. Consider Approval of Branching Minds for MTSS Quote

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Cervantez to approve as presented. Mrs. Ritchie stated that the District would be following research and new mandates with the program. Mrs. Carrie Cooper also spoke regarding the needs for the District. Discussion ensued between the Board and Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Cooper with explanations on how it works. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #8

E. Consider Approval of Custodial/Maintenance/Transportation Agreement

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve the agreement as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that it is a four-year agreement with roughly a 12% salary increase. The custodial/maintenance union has already ratified the contract. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, BessTabb (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #9


A. Consider Approval of Personnel Report

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Bess-Tabb, Cervantez, Scherpe, Boettcher (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #10

C. Grievance Update—None

D. Report on FOIA Requests

Data Research Partners requested employee names and email addresses and Strong Law requested a video pertaining to transportation.

Comments by Board of Education

Comments were made by Member Cervantez, Bess-Tabb, Rodriguez, Boettcher, Lyon and Scherpe.

Future Agenda Items

Policy in June.

Future Meeting Dates

The next regular meeting is Monday, May 8, 2023 at 7PM.


It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb that the meeting be adjourned—8:24PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #11
