
Galesburg Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met April 11

Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met April 11

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Monmouth-Roseville C.U.S.D. # 238 Board of Education met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, in the LMC at Monmouth-Roseville High School, 200 South B Street, Monmouth, Illinois. At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by President Killey and the roll was read. The following Members responded: Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey and Schumm (6). Roll Call #1


President Killey led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Fletcher took this time to thank President Killey for his 12 years of service as a Board Member for the district. President Killey was presented with a plaque as his term as a Member is done this month. President Killey thanked the district for the opportunity.


It was moved by Member Brooks and seconded by Member Bratcher that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented:


(a.) The Board approved and placed on file the minutes from the regular and closed session held on March 14, 2023.

(b.) The Board received and Placed on File the March Financial Reports that included the Treasurer's Report and the Report of the Employee Self-Insurance Health Insurance Program.

(c.) The Board approved the March Payroll and Board Bills as presented:


Gross Payroll                               $899,662.61

Health/Life Insurance                    $80,623.32

FICA/Medicare                              $26,877.63

IMRF                                             $13,097.31

TRS                                               $12,561.31

Total                                         $1,032,822.18

Board Bills

Education Fund                           $320,428.45

Building Fund                                $57,979.00

Debt Service Fund                          $3,528.65

Transportation Fund                     $27,937.23 

IMRF /SS Fund                                      $0.00

Capital Projects Fund                 $373,483.71

Working Cash Fund                               $0.00

Tort Fund                                        $4,791.88

Fire Prevention & Safety Fund              $0.00

Total                                            $788,148.92

(d.) The Board accepted the School Activity accounts as presented.

On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm and Switzer (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #2


Mr. Fletcher reviewed the following with the Board:

Mr. Martinez is working directly with a company to personalize a trailer for the band program. It is our hope we have the trailer in possession over the summer.

I met with Jodi Scott recently and was able to get more information on the ROE move to Galesburg. The ROE will still have a substantial footprint at Willets, but we will have access to 5 rooms on the second floor (202, 203, 204, 206 and the RAES office area). I am still waiting on a timeline for the move to take place, but at least we know what rooms we will have available to us.

Jodi Scott informed local Superintendent's that she is moving the alternative school (RAES) to Galesburg. We have been very lucky over the years to have the alternative school in our backyard so to speak.

We currently have 4 junior high students at RAES (3 administratively transferred and 1 expelled student). We currently have 9 high school students (all administratively transferred) at RAES. We must provide transportation for any student that is administratively transferred or expelled and sent to RAES

(105 ILCS 5/13A-9)

Sec. 13A-9. Transportation. Subject to the requirements of Article 29 and except as otherwise agreed by the parents, school and regional superintendent, the school from which a student is administratively transferred shall provide for any transportation that the transfer necessitates, if transportation is required pursuant to Section 29-3. The regional superintendent shall coordinate all transportation arrangements with transferring school districts. The regional superintendent may also arrange for cooperation between school districts in the regional superintendent's educational service region regarding the transportation needs of transferred students in order to reduce the costs of that transportation and to provide greater convenience for the students involved.

(Source: P.A. 89-383, eff. 8-18-95; 89-629, eff. 8-9-96; 89-636, eff. 8-9-96; 90-14, eff. 7-1-97.)

The RAES move to Galesburg will require us to look at our current process and determine what changes need to be made. We have enough trouble finding drivers for our routes now. We will need to get very creative to deal with this change.

The Sunnylane Athletic Complex (track area, football area and baseball field) will be closed down from May 15 2023, to at least July 13th.

A plan is in place should we have an athlete advancing to Sectionals or above. We are waiting on a return call from AD Haynes on permission to use MC outdoor track for runners only.

All mats, hurdles, and all field equipment must be removed and stored no later than Friday evening, the 12th of May.

Police departments and school districts across the country are dealing with 'swatting' calls. Click HERE for a story out of lowa. Chief Switzer and I have discussed this issue and have a plan in place for dealing with this if an incident occurs in MR.

On Tuesday, March 28, our Lincoln, Harding, and Central PTC hosted a fabulous Family Bingo Night at Lincoln. Students enjoyed eating snacks, playing BINGO, and winning prizes alongside of their families. It was a great evening and one that we hope will become an annual event. Over 300 people attended this event. Mr. Fletcher, Mrs. Morrison and Mr. Pilger were celebrity BINGO Callers.

During the months of February and March, students at Lincoln and Harding have been participating in a March Madness Style Tournament of Books. Staff and students at Lincoln and Harding will be voting on each book match-up to crown a new 2023 Lincoln-Harding Champion! The winning book this year was Dragons Love Tacos

Read-A-Thon-February 27th - March 10th: February 27th-March 10th, Harding students participated in a Read-A-Thon to raise money for our Harding Library. Read-A-Thon encourages our students to read. Over the two weeks Harding students raised $1,060. Harding will receive 75% of the money donated for our library! Aycen Carlson in Mrs. Stockdale's 2nd grade classroom raised the most money of $400.00. Lycias Camp in Mrs. Youngquist's 2nd grade classroom read the most minutes at 780.

All students who participated in the Read-A-Thon will receive a gift from Read-a-thon! Mrs. Stockdale's 2nd grade classroom raised the most money of $520.00 and Mrs. Youngquist 2nd grade classroom read the most minutes at 1,042. These classes earned a pizza party! A big shout out to Ms. Harbor, our LMC aide, for organizing the Read-A-Thon and encouraging students to read in their weekly library-tech class! Harding Primary Board Report April 2023

Class Character Trait Award Winners for Cooperation: In the month of March the focus trait in our Character Strong social-emotional curriculum was Cooperation. Each classroom teacher nominated a class cooperation winner for the month of March. Teachers chose a student who displayed a lot of cooperation throughout the month of March. Classroom winners for 2nd grade were Ashton Sherman, Katelyn Szaltis, Nevaeh Barron, Juliet Jacobs, Holy Nawn, Karlie Register, Isaac Carillo. Classroom winners for 3rd grade were Ywa Soe, Samantha Johnson, Aurora Ganarilla Pereda, Treston Bishop, Gracie Kramer. Our Classroom winners get to enjoy a "Top Notch" lunch with a special decorated table with Mrs. Thornton and make-up the SLT {Student Leadership Team} for the month of April!

OSF Holy Family Medical Center Auxiliary hosted a Nutrition Poster Contest. Over 500 entries were submitted and two Central Intermediate students were honored for their submissions: Emily Thang in 4th grade and Layla Arteaga in 6th grade. Their posters are on display at the Buchanan Center until May 5th.

54th Town and Country Art Show Award Winners. On view in the Buchanan Center for the Arts Gallery from March 14-May 5, 2023, is the Town & Country Art Show. It features K-5th grade artwork of Henderson, Mercer, and Warren Counties students.

Below are the winners from Central:

*Youngblood Awards- 3rd-5th Grade: Dante Gonzalez Adrian- "Red Pinky" *Grace Buchanan Awards- Pen, Ink, Pencil: Lillian Lenover

*LYNN FINCH AWARD - Awarded to one student for unique/mature artwork and execution of technique for his/her age WINNER: Ava Carlson, Quiet Tree

3rd quarter Incentive On Friday, March 17th, 3 groups of students visited the Roseville Lanes to bowl with friends during the school day. Students earned this trip by having 1 or fewer late assignments, no behavior referrals, and less than 5 days absent since our return to school in January.

This incentive trip provided a fun, learning experience for about 75 of our students, and for a handful of the students, this was their first experience MRJH Board Report April 2023 bowling. Most students who attended the trip were able to get at least two games in during the time they were at the bowling alley. It was fun to see the students interact in a different setting than inside our school walls. It's also rewarding to be able to recognize students for doing the right thing and working hard towards their academic goals.

MRHS High School FFA Report -

Livestock Judging Team

-Placed 3rd at BlackHawk Dan Hoge Invitational

-Placed 17th at Liberty Livestock Invitational

-Placed 4th at Geneseo Livestock Invitational

Public Speaking Team

Allison Murphy- 7th Creed Speaking

Haley Frakes- 2nd Extemporaneous Speaking (Advanced to Districts) Molly McVey- 6th Extemporaneous Speaking

Job Interview

Addie Switzer- 5th

Kendyl Kane- 6th

Proficiency Interviews

Kendyl Kane placed 1st at Districts advanced to State State is on March 25th




A. Solar Energy Presentation/Discussion from QFB Energy and Ideal Environmental

QFB and Ideal Energy shared a presentation with the Board on solar for each building. They discussed the array overviews, a 15-year lease and incentive analysis, pollinators, ideal service and case studies. After some discussion, it was decided to have QFB and Ideal Energy return next month to discuss other options and answer questions.

B. Update from ELA Curriculum Task Force

Amy Freitag and Katy Morrison presented an overview of curriculum resources currently being utilized within the elementary and junior high. Then presented a timeline to prepare, focus, introduce, implement and establish new curriculum for grades K-8. They also reviewed the quote from Amplify for CKLA and funding resources available to purchase the curriculum.




A. Discussion/Approval of K-8 ELA instructional materials

Member Bratcher moved to approve the purchase of K-8 ELA instructional materials as presented and was seconded by Member Switzer. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm and Switzer (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #3

B. Discussion/Approval Central Intermediate's Membership in the IESA for 2023-2024

Member Bratcher made a motion to approve Central Intermediate School's membership in the IESA for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Member Brooks seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm, Switzer and Bratcher (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #4

C. Discussion/Approval of MRJHS Membership in the IESA for 2023-2024

Member Bratcher made a motion to approve the membership of MRJHS in the IESA for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Member Brooks seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Huston, Killey, Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher and Brooks (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #5

D. Discussion/Approval of MRHS Membership in the IHSA for 2023-2024

Member Bratcher made a motion to approve the membership of MRHS in the IHSA for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Member Switzer seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Killey, Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks and Huston (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #6

E. District Handbook Changes for 2023-2024 school year

Superintendent Fletcher reviewed the suggested handbook changes for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. No board action is necessary as it is the first reading and anticipated Board action will take place next month.

F. Discussion/Approval of bid to install concrete parking lot at the Sunnylane Athletic Complex

Member Bratcher made a motion and was seconded by Member Brooks to approve the bid to install concrete parking lot at the Sunnylane Athletic Complex in the amount of $305,500 from Goetz Concrete Construction as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks and Killey (5). Member voted NAYE: Huston (1). Motion carried. Roll Call #7

G. Discussion/Approval of change order to remodel the high school bathrooms

Mr. Fletcher reviewed the cost to remodel the bathrooms at the high school. He explained the estimate was part of a change order altering the scope of a previously bid project. The estimate exceeds 15% of the total project which would violate Code that caps change orders. After some discussion Member Brooks made a motion to not approve the change order to remodel the high school bathrooms. Member Bratcher seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey and Schumm (6). Motion carried. Roll call #8

H. Discussion/Approval to deem specific items as surplus district property

Member Bratcher made a motion and was seconded by Member Brooks to approve the surplus items listed as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm and Switzer (6). Motion carried. Roll call #9

I. Discussion/Approval of the Resolution/Intergovernmental Agreement between MR238 and Delebar CTE System

Member Bratcher made a motion to approve the resolution/intergovernmental agreement between MR238 and the Delebar CTE System. Member Huston seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm and Switzer (6). Motion carried. Roll call #10

J. Discussion/Approval of Resolution/Agreement with the Galesburg Vocational Center

Member Bratcher made a motion to approve the resolution as presented and was seconded by Member Switzer. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm, Switzer and Bratcher (6). Motion carried. Roll call #11 

K. Discussion/Approval of 2023 Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards

Mitigation Plan Resolution

Member Bratcher made a motion and was seconded by Member Brooks to approve the resolution as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Huston, Killey, Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher and Brooks (6). Motion carried. Roll call #12




Member Brooks thanked President Killey for his years of service.


At 8:47 p.m., it was moved by Member Bratcher and seconded by Member Switzer to go into closed session for the purpose of:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)); The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.

On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Killey, Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks and Huston (6). Motion carried. Roll call #13


At 9:16 p.m., it was moved by Member Brooks and seconded by Member Bratcher to return to open session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Schumm, Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks, Huston and Killey (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #14



The Board approved the Personnel Agenda as presented:

Monmouth-Roseville School District 

School Board Meeting 

Personnel Items for Board Approval Tuesday, April 11, 2023 

It was moved by Member Bratcher and seconded by Member Brooks to approve the personnel agenda as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Switzer, Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey and Schumm (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #15


At 9:20 p.m., it was moved by Member Bratcher and seconded by Member Bratcher that the meeting be adjourned. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bratcher, Brooks, Huston, Killey, Schumm and Switzer (6). Motion carried. Roll Call #16



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