
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met May 17

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met May 17

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Public Hearing for FY23 Funds Transfer

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Comments from Public Hearing Regarding FY23 Funds Transfer from Education Fund to O&M Fund

4. Adjournment

Regular Board of Education Meeting

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Good News Items

● Elementary IPA Student Recognition Award winners: Joseph Inman and Grace Deverell

● MIddle School IPA Student Recognition Award winners: Brian Root and Katelyn Ford

● High School IPA Student Award winners: Elaina Fisher and Alexis Strack

● With the assistance of the kindergarten teachers, WCE collected $272.00 to donate to the Henderson County Library to be used to purchase materials for the Children's Department.

● We appreciate the Stronghurst Lion's Club and the Henderson County Soil and Conservation group for partnering to provide trees to our 4th grade students in recognition of Arbor Day.

● Several of our WC students participated in the 22nd Annual Courageous Smiles Invitational at Illini West High School. We are so proud of our student athletes. This year’s special event was dedicated to Wyatt Peterson.

● Congratulations to Ms. Cory and our students on their outstanding Spring Music performances.

● Congratulations, thank you, and best wishes to Maria Martin and Richard Clifton on their retirement!

● Aidan Garner and Hailey Manes qualified for the IESA State track and field meet!

● The Bachelor King had 3 fabulous public performances and 1 private show for Oakwood Lane.

● Congratulations to Jessica Winters, Jeremy Hennings and Kim Thompson for being our 2023 ROE Excellence in Education winners for West Central. Jodi Arnold was also recognized for her 12 years on the Board of Education.

● Jeremy Hennings was selected as a Regional ROE Excellence in Education winner by the ROE staff. Congratulations to him!

5. Approve Agenda Items

6. Comments from the Public

7. Consent Agenda

a. Meeting Minutes

i. Regular Meeting, April 19, 2023

ii. Closed Session, April 19, 2023

iii. Reorganization Meeting, April 27, 2023

b. Financial Activity

i. Consider Payment of Bills (Enclosure)

ii. Consider Approval of Activity Accounts (Enclosure)

iii. Consider Approval of Treasurer’s Report

iv. Review of District Financial Report (Enclosure)

c. Resignation/Retirement/Leaves

i. Retirement: Richard Clifton, Paraprofessional (Enclosure)

ii. Resignation: Carman Hoenig, WCHS English Teacher (Enclosure)

iii. Resignation: Danna Cory, District Vocal Teacher (Enclosure)

iv. Maternity Leave: Kendrah Ruebush (Enclosure)

d. Other

i. Consider Approval of Milk and Bread Bid (Enclosure)

ii. Consider Approval of the Board’s Continued Membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards

iii. Consider Approval of Summer 2023 Behind the Wheel Driver Education Program

iv. PRESS Issue 111 Policies - 2nd Reading

v. Approval of Final 2022-2023 Public School Calendar (Enclosure)

vi. Approval of School Photographer

8. Presentation and Consideration of Approval of WCES, WCMS and WCHS SIP Plans

9. Discussion Items

a. FOIA Requests

b. Triple I Conference - Chicago

c. Student Fees - Meals

d. FY23 Amended Budget

10. Reports

a. Principal’s Reports (Enclosures)

b. Technology Report (Enclosure)

c. Special Education Reports (Enclosure)

d. Athletic Director’s Report (Enclosure)

11. Action Items

a. Consider Approval of Consolidated District Plan

b. Consider Approval of Renewal Quote for District Health Insurance with BCBS through ISEBC

c. Consider Approval of District Insurance Renewal with Unland (Enclosure)

d. Consider Approval of Scorekeeper Pay Change

e. Consider Approval of HS Greenhouse Project

f. Consider Approval of School Psychologist Consultant

12. Future Agenda Items

13. Closed Session - A Closed Session will be held pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss the following subjects:

a. Personnel - The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

b. Negotiations - Collective negotiating matters between the school board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

14. Open Session - Possible Action from Closed Session (Enclosures)

a. Employment - WCHS Head Volleyball Coach

b. Employment - Laura Lewis, Homebound Tutor

c. Employment - Joel Zaiser, WCHS Summer Credit Recovery

d. Employment - Alexander Miller, District Custodian

e. Extra-Curricular - Rehire of MS and HS Coaches

15. Future Meeting Dates

a. Next Regular Board of Education Meeting, Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary Cafeteria.

16. Adjournment
