
Galesburg Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met March 21

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met March 21

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 

Call to Order: President Caforio called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

Board of Education Members

Present – Mrs. Kara Caforio, President; Mrs. Courtenae Trautmann, Secretary; Mrs. Athena Arvanitis; Mr. Jim Collins; Mrs. Elizabeth Hosler;

Absent – Mr. Chris Kocinski, Vice-President; (arrived at 7:00 p.m.); Mrs. Karen Stuefen

President Caforio stated there are 5 board members present, 2 board members absent, a quorum is present.


Present - Dr. Keisha Campbell, Superintendent; Dr. Scott Grens, Associate Superintendent; Mrs. Tonya Daniels, Exec. Dir. Communications; Ms. Kerry Leuschel, Exec. Dir. Secondary Ed; Mrs. Katie Lyons, Exec. Dir. Elementary Ed; Dr. Kevin Rubenstein, Asst. Supt. Student Services; Mr. Chris Whelton, Asst. Supt. Finance & Operations

Absent - Mr. Rudy Gomez, Exec. Dir. Technology; Mr. Luke Pavone, Asst. Supt. Human Resources;

Closed Session

President Caforio asked for a motion to adjourn to closed session at 5:33 p.m to discuss matters relating to The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1);

AND Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8);

AND Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hoster seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Kocinski, and Mrs. Stuefen were absent.

Reconvene to Open Session

President Caforio asked for a motion to reconvene to Open Session at 6:51 p.m. Mrs. Arvanitis moved and

Mrs. Trautmann seconded the motion.  Voice Vote - the motion was carried.

Pledge of Allegiance: Board members led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sandburg Middle School & Field Elementary School Spotlight

Principal Thomas and Principal Fehrenbacher highlighted some 5th grade experiences, which included the annual geography bee with 17 participants; Field students participating in Art club, Choir club, Intermurals,  Yearbook club, and Student Council. Principal Thomas provided quotes from Field 5th grade students about being at Sandburg MS a year early. Field 5th grade students also attended Leadership Day at the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Principal Fehrenbacher shared some Sandburg student successes such as PLTW Regatta, 6th Grade Food & Book Drive, and Collaboration in Classes. President Caforio thanked Principal Fehrenbacher for her leadership and service to our students over her many years in D205.

YCHS Wrestler 4th in State Proclamation

This recognition will be rescheduled.

YCHS Speech Team Proclamation

Mr. Kevin Martin, York head speech coach provided an introduction of the York Community High School Speech & Drama’s Performance in the Round (PIR) piece, “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse,” who earned a state championship at the Illinois High School Association Speech State Final on Feb. 18 for the first time in the school’s history. Mrs. Hosler read the proclamation and the Board congratulated the team with a round of applause.

CTE Regional Instructor of the Year - Wendy Albert

President Caforio took a moment to honor Wendy Albert before reading the proclamation. The work that you do to change our kids lives is amazing and so glad you are honored with this award.  We see your work and are so grateful for what you do for our students. Wendy Albert, Family and Consumer Science Instructor at York High School, was named the CTE Regional Instructor of the Year; and received this award to honor instructors for their innovative teaching strategies, advocacy for CTE and their passion for education. President Caforio read the proclamation and the Board congratulated Wendy Albert with a round of applause.

Illinois Distinguished Service Award from American String Teachers Association - Ray Oswald

This recognition will be rescheduled.

Public Comments

Public comments revolved around the following: Request board to consider increasing public comment time; Student performance, proficiency, and freshman honor reading curriculum; What is the plan for the district and request to post the plan; and Fischer community dual language program, appreciate the audit and continued dialogue with parents.   

Per board policy 2:230, it is not the Board’s practice to directly engage in discussion, ask, or answer questions with the individuals addressing the Board during public comment.

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

Approval of Regular Board Minutes: Special Mtg.-February 8, 2023; COW-February 8, 2023; February 21, 2023; March 6, 2023  

Approval of Closed Session Minutes: February 21, 2023; March 6, 2023

President Caforio asked if there were any changes to minutes and hearing no changes, the minutes were declared to stand as presented.

Reports and Presentations

SY23-24 Staffing Proposal and Updates

Dr. Campbell provided an overview for the Board about the proposed staffing model for the 23-24 school year with projected staffing needs to maximize resources to achieve excellence. She reviewed the retirement data from 2022-2026, anticipated changes from FTE 22-23 to 23-24, changes in certified staff, and anticipated classified changes. Additionally, Dr. Campbell shared proposed plans for assistant principals, along with a staffing summary for Sy23-24.

The Board wondered/commented as follows: The board asked for clarification about the potential staff cushion; Asked to expand on the why of reduction/reallocation of staff to address the needs of our students; Appreciate the intentionality with using the data to determine the needs of our students by placing our staff experts in the right places and the flexibility to address increased enrollment based on different needs of students; Appreciate clarity around staffing needs, appreciate highlighting the leadership pathways for assistant principals, and highlighting the focus on being student centered at the core of these decisions; Can a snapshot be provided on how principal and assistant principals help students in the classroom; and Keep the Board appraised about the math and dual language audits.

Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption for 2023-2024

Ms. Leuschel reviewed that the instructional materials selection and adoption process aligns with the strategic plan of a student journey of excellence for D205 students to be Educated, Engaged, and Empowered to be ready for college, career, and life. Mrs. Lyons provided detail on how high-quality instructional materials and the high-impact instructional priorities promote. She reviewed past selection of instructional priorities & materials adoption, along with the process for identifying 2023-24 instructional priorities and materials for literacy, social studies, world language, math and science. With this proposal to the Board, the materials will be on public display for 30 days. The timeline and next steps are as follows:

1. Instructional Materials Presentation to the Board of Education on March 21.

2. Instructional Materials Available for Public Display and Review Posted and Accessible on the District 205 website, March 22 - April 21, where Review Form for 23-24 Instructional Materials due by April 21.

3. Update and Recommendation for Board Approval at April 25 Board of Education Meeting.

The Board wondered/commented as follows: Thank you for all that was entailed to bring this to the Board, it appears it might be an easy process but it’s not because there had to be a review, analysis, data review to determine the gaps, look at new materials, and work with the teacher teams to determine materials to be proposed; Passionate about having a constant cycle of curriculum review and evaluation; Where will grade 6 ELA be piloted; Like the fact that all teachers will receive professional development; What does Estrellita  bring to Conrad Fischer and dual language programing; How does the math review impact the selection of materials; Regarding the AP graph, encourage all students to register for a least 1 AP class; Does the College Board dictate the resource; Encourage the public to review the materials; Can you explain the feedback form process; and We are already seeing positive impact with K-5 Wit & Wisdom and wondering where high school English texts are in the review process.   

Consent Agenda Items

Personnel Report

Financial Reports

First Read Section 2: Board of Education - Policy Review 2:20, 2:40, 2:60, 2:80, 2:100, 2:105, 2:140, 2:160, 2;170, 2:200, 2:265

First Read Section 3: General School Administration - Policy Review 3:50

First Read Section 4: Operational Services - Policy Review 4:30, 4:40, 4:45, 4:100, 4:130

First Read Section 5: Personnel - Policy Review 5:05, 5:20, 5:35, 5:60, 5:120, 5:130, 5:170, 5:200, 5:230, 5:290, 5:300, 5:310

First Read Section 6: Instruction - Policy Review 6:135, 6:210, 6:240, 6:280

First Read Section 7: Students - Policy Review 7:20, 7:130, 7:170, 7:330

First Read Section 8: Community Relations - Policy Review 8:20, 8:25, 8:30, 8:80

Jackson PTA Fundraising Plan

Bid #23-09 - Bryan MS Asbestos Abatement

Bid #23-10 - Churchville & Sandburg MS Asbestos Abatement

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Personnel Report; B. Financial Reports; C. First Read Section 2: Board of Education - Policy Review 2:20, 2:40, 2:60, 2:80, 2:100, 2:105, 2:140, 2:160, 2;170, 2:200, 2:265; D. First Read Section 3: General School Administration - Policy Review 3:50; E. First Read Section 4: Operational Services - Policy Review 4:30, 4:40, 4:45, 4:100, 4:130; F. First Read Section 5: Personnel - Policy Review 5:05, 5:20, 5:35, 5:60, 5:120, 5:130, 5:170, 5:200,5:230, 5:290, 5:300, 5:310; G. First Read Section 6: Instruction - Policy Review 6:135, 6:210, 6:240, 6:280; H. Section 7: Students - Policy Review 7:20, 7:130, 7:170, 7:330; I. First Read Section 8: Community Relations - Policy Review 8:20, 8:25, 8:30, 8:80; J. Jackson PTA Fundraising Plan; K. Bid #23-09 - Bryan MS Asbestos Abatement; L. Bid #23-10 - Churchville & Sandburg MS Asbestos Abatement.

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Arvanitis, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

President Caforio called a 5-minute recess at 8:52 p.m.

Agenda Action Items

SASED Board of Control Resolution Approving Proposed Amendments to the SASED Articles of Joint Agreement

Dr. Campbell stated that for more than twenty years, Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 has been a member of the School Association for Special Education in DuPage County (SASED). SASED provides highly specialized and cost-efficient special education services to the District and are governed by a Board of Control (BOC), which includes one representative from each of its 18 members. Currently, SASED member districts sends either a superintendent or member of their board of education to the monthly BOC meeting. This has led to challenges with continuity within the BOC. Therefore, to ensure continuity and assist the cooperative with achieving its long-term goals, the current BOC agreed to amend the Articles of Agreement to change the structure in two ways: 1) The name will change from a Board of Control to Board of Directors, and 2) The Board of Directors will only be made up of member district superintendents.

President Caforio asked for a motion to adopt the SASED Board of Control Resolution Approving Proposed Amendments to the SASED Articles of Joint Agreement.

Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, Mr. Kocinski, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Resolution Authorizing Partial Settlement of JUUL Litigation

Dr. Rubenstein provided a summary that back in 2021 the District authorized litigation against Juul Labs, Inc. and other parties responsible for the, “production, marketing, sale, and distribution of e-cigarettes and vaping devices.” More than 1400 public school districts across the country participated in the litigation, which alleged that school districts were spending money to prevent the use of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices due to the enhanced, targeted marketing efforts of Juul towards young adults. A partial settlement agreement has been reached with Juul Labs, Inc. to settle the pending lawsuit and pay the District no less than $134,733. 50.0% of that amount will be paid out later in 2023 and four additional payments will be made to the District in 2024, 2025, and 2026. Mr. Rubenstein stated the district completed an extensive survey, which included questions about the district’s drug and alcohol prevention program. The settlement money will go towards the district’s drug and alcohol prevention program.

The Board confirmed there was no cost to the District.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing Partial Settlement of JUUL Litigation. Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Avanitis, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Collins, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Trautmann, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Approval of Amendment to Superintendent Contract

President Caforio provided a statement stating it is customary in education during the second to the last year of a superintendent contract, the Board of Education reviews the performance of a Superintendent and either extends the contract or is silence signaling the relationship will be ending. After reviewing the performance of Dr. Keisha Campbell, the Board of Education would like to extend her contract for two additional years giving her time to continue to improve student outcomes and increase district effectiveness through the established strategic plan. Ongoing feedback from our District 205 community has emphasized the need and desire for stability in leadership. We are sensitive to the reality of an upcoming board election and have intentionally opted to extend for just two years allowing new board members to have time to understand the work and the challenges of the Board of Education. We are incredibly proud of the work Dr. Campbell has accomplished in her tenure thus far in District 205. Dr. Campbell has understood the urgency of addressing our student’s academic needs, after analyzing our data, she and her team immediately systematically began targeting our gaps.  In recognition of her work and our commitment to her leadership, Dr. Campbell will be receiving a 3.9% salary increase and a market adjustment of $10,000 bringing her salary for the 2023-2024 school year to $250,000 and in line with our comparable unit district leaders. And an opportunity for a performance bonus based on growth metrics, as determined by the Board of Education.

The Board commented, Thank you for the hard work and look forward to more progress in the future; Thank you for the thoughtful plan we worked on together with feedback from our stakeholders, the plan gives us direction and shared goals; Your leadership in our district has been quite profound and should be very proud in what has been done in a short period of time for our community, students, administrators and our staff.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the amendment to the Superintendent contract.

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Kocinski, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

After the Board vote, Dr. Campbell stated this work is not done in isolation of a phenomenal team, but the work that has been accomplished in a short amount of time is contributed to the leaders in this room but also contributed to the leaders and staff in all 13 of our buildings. Thank you for coming along side and welcoming me to the team. At the end of the day, we are here for the kids. Lastly, thank you to the Board

Bus Transportation – First Student Contract

Mr. Whelton reviewed the First Student bus transportation contract presented during the January board meeting, with a 12% increase, which is mainly due to driver wages, minimum daily hourly guarantees, gas prices, fixed costs (rent, utilities, maintenance), and an increase in insurance. National bus driver shortages have resulted in contractors paying more in wages and benefits. Back in January, the Board asked to add performance measures to the contract. In conjunction with First Student, performance measures such as, late AM drop offs, late PM arrivals, failure to operate a route, and camera system being non-functional were added to the contract. The Board thanked Mr. Whelton for going back to First Student to add the performance measures.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the extension of the contract for regular transportation services with First Student, Inc. with a 12% increase in route and field trip rates for the 2023-2024 school year. Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Bus Transportation – Cottage Hill Contract

Mr. Whelton stated that Cottage Hill has been our special education bus contractor for many years. They are seeking a 12.0%, which includes several provisions that help to retain drivers during the national bus driver shortage.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the extension of the contract for special education transportation services with Cottage Hill with a 12% increase in route and proposed changes for charters and special movement for the 2023-2024 school year.

Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force of Teachers & Support Staff

Dr. Rubenstein explained this is a typical agenda item the Board takes action on every March. The resolution will provide the reallocation opportunity for reading specialists, special educational instructional coaches, virtual teachers, and technology assistants to apply for open positions.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force of Teachers and Support Staff, as presented. Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mr. Kocinski seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Resolution Authorizing Non-Renewal of Support Staff

Dr. Rubenstein explained the Board takes action in March for this type of agenda item for non-renewal of staff contracts.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing Non-Renewal of Support Staff, as presented. Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Resolution Authorizing Notice of Dismissal to Non-Tenured Teachers Other than Final-Year Probationary Teachers

Dr. Rubenstein explained the Board takes action in March for this type of agenda item for certified staff contracts.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing Notice of Dismissal to Non-Tenured Teachers Other than Final-Year Probationary Teachers, as presented. Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mr. Kocinski seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Kocinski, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Trautmann, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Dismissal of Teachers

Dr. Rubenstein explained we employ about 20 individuals in a part-time capacity across the district and each year by law we are required to reduce these individuals and only hire them back if we actually require those positions. 

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Dismissal of Teachers, as presented. Mr. Kocinski moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Arvanitis, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Facilities Use Fee 2023-2024

Mr. Whelton stated each year the Board reviews the Facilities Rental Use Agreement, which was discussed at the March 7, 2023 Finance and Operations committee meeting. The rental agreement is intended to be cost neutral to District 205. The Facility Rental Usage Agreement for the 2023-2024 school year includes a 4% increase (which is significantly less than the 7% CPI). We are making a minor change from $20 per hour for each area of the York Fieldhouse to $60 per hour for the three basketball courts, and $20 per hour for the track/batting cage. The rental staff charges are aligned with the actual cost incurred by the District.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the facility rental usage fees for the 2023-2024 school year as outlined in the Facility Rental Usage Agreement. Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Kocinski, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Student Fees 2023-2024

Mr. Whelton indicated the EC-8 student fees for 2023-2024 are proposed to stay at the same rates as the current school year and there are no changes for food service fees (breakfast & lunch). For high school fees, there is a slight change in cost for student activities, printed transcripts, and cap & gown fee. There is an increase in the Chromebook price from $407.00 to $433.00, due to the cost of the device but the student does get to keep the Chromebook devise.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the 2023-2024 EC-8 and high school student fees, as presented. Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement for Mutual Assistance in Response to Crises in Public Schools of DuPage County, Illinois

Mr. Schmidt stated almost a year ago, the DuPage County State’s Attorney and the DuPage County Regional Superintendent of Schools initiated the development of a crisis response intergovernmental agreement (IGA). Under the IGA, DuPage County school districts and cooperatives would make their staff, facilities and equipment resources available to each other on a voluntary basis in natural disaster and violence crisis situations, which exceeded the capacity of the district or cooperative in crisis to effectively handle on its own. The IGA being presented for Board approval represents the work of the staffs of the State’s Attorney and the Regional Superintendent and many DuPage superintendents and their staffs and legal advisors. The Board qualified that it would be our employees that would help other districts after first responders. Mr. Schmidt stated that if could be our staff, our facilities, or equipment if we were asked to assist.

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the “Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Mutual Assistance in Response to Crises in the Public Schools of DuPage County”, substantially in the form presented by the Superintendent, and to authorize the President and Secretary to sign the Agreement.

 Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Arvanitis, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Stuefen was absent.

Superintendent's Communication

FOIA – Freedom of Information Act Requests

Dr. Campbell reviewed the following FOIA requests since the last board meeting.

6 FOIA requests for information using specific search terms, 4 granted and 2 unduly burdensome.

1 FOIA request for construction and maintenance work, granted.

1 FOIA request for employee information, granted.

1 FOIA request for school bus information, granted.

1 FOIA request for six academic curriculum books, 3 granted and 3 not in possession.

As Mrs. Daniels prepared for the social media highlights, Dr. Campbell shared with the Board and our community that on February 8, 2023 during the Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting, we shared not only our Phase 3 implementation process and plans but also shared our aspirations within the coming months that we would have our strategic dashboard available. The dashboard will share additional details, so today there will be a soft launch of the strategic plan dashboard on our district website. A tremendous amount of thoughtful, intentional and strategic work has taken place to support students and elevate student achievement and outcomes. We felt that is was important to move forward with this soft launch, understanding there will still be quite a few updates and modifications.

The Board said thank you for the soft launch and it’s a nice way for the community to see the progress of the strategic plan, it’s awesome, and fantastic.

Social Media Highlight: 

Mrs. Daniel introduced the social media highlight video. The video can be viewed in BoardDocs, under Superintendent’s Communication-Social Media Highlights. 

Board Communications: Board members present reports and/or share information to the full Board.

President Caforio wanted to draw attention to the pop-up on our website to submit questions, along with a page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Upcoming Meetings

 - April 12, 2023 Committee of the Whole Bd. of Ed. Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.– Dist. 205 Center, Rms. 215 & 216

 - April 25, 2023 Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rooms 215 & 216

Adjournment - End of Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. 




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