
Galesburg Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Feb. 21

Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: President Caforio called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 

Board of Education Members

Present – Mrs. Kara Caforio, President; Mr. Chris Kocinski, Vice-President; Mrs. Courtenae Trautmann, Secretary; Mrs. Athena Arvanitis; Mrs. Elizabeth Hosler; Mrs. Karen Stuefen 

Absent – Mr. Jim Collins (arrived at 5:34 p.m.)

President Caforio stated there are 6 board members present, 1 board members absent, a quorum is present. 


Present - Dr. Keisha Campbell, Superintendent; Mrs. Tonya Daniels, Exec. Dir. Communications; Mr. Rudy Gomez, Exec. Dir. Technology; Ms. Kerry Leuschel, Exec. Dir. Secondary Ed; Mrs. Katie Lyons, Exec. Dir. Elementary Ed; Mr. Luke Pavone, Asst. Supt. Human Resources; Dr. Kevin Rubenstein, Asst. Supt. Student Services; Mr. Chris Whelton, Asst. Supt. Finance & Operations

Absent - Dr. Scott Grens, Associate Superintendent

Closed Session

President Caforio asked for a motion to adjourn to closed session at 5:30 p.m to discuss matters relating to The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1);

AND The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10);

AND Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11);

AND Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 

Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Stuefen, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Collins was not in attendance.

Reconvene to Open Session

President Caforio asked for a motion to reconvene to Open Session at 6:55 p.m. Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion.  Voice Vote - the motion was carried.

Pledge of Allegiance: Board members led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


High School Students – Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA)

Mr. Patrick Baker, Director of Arts, PE and Health, introduced the group of students to be recognized. Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA) competitions are considered the most prestigious state-wide student recognition program in music education. Every year, thousands of students from schools across the greater Chicagoland area audition for the honor of being selected for the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) Mrs. Arvanitis read the proclamation and the Board congratulated the students. 

Fischer ES Spotlight

A fourth grade Fischer ES student introduced the spotlight when she shared her answer of the question (What is your favorite part of the dual language program?) asked of her a few weeks ago and provided her answer in English, Spanish, and Polish! Principal Villa continued the presentation by siting the philosophy of the program, “The philosophy of Elmhurst District 205’s Dual Language Program is to educate our students to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural in this growing global society. Ultimately, we want our students to achieve academic excellence in two languages and attain a multicultural understanding and appreciation for the different cultures represented in our Dual Language program”. She described the instruction for K-5 across all subject content areas. Principal Villa described the next steps for review of the dual language program, which will include family survey, in-person focus groups in both Spanish and English, and development of a multi-year plan.      

York Student Leadership Update

Three York students from the student leadership team presented an update of the team’s goals such as, Being a conduit between administration and students, Promoting a climate of respect in our community, Showing the importance of “This is York”, Furthering the integrity of our students, and Bringing a group of student leaders from across extra-curriculars together. They introduced March events for National Disability Awareness month that include: Spread the word, Kindness week, and Rock your Socks. The team shared future plans that include: Visiting the three middle schools to discuss with student what they can look forward to at York, York National Honor Society (NHS) will write letters to D205 Middle Schools, and promote Special Olympics track events to encourage peers to attend. They thanked the Board and District 205 administration for the opportunity, support, and look forward to continue to work together. The Board thanked them for being a light at York.

Public Comments

Public comments revolved around the following: Support of teachers, support of professionalism in making curriculum decisions, and about diversity. 

Per board policy 2:230, it is not the Board’s practice to directly engage in discussion, ask, or answer questions with the individuals addressing the Board during public comment. 

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

Approval of Regular Board Minutes: January 17, 2023  

Approval of Closed Session Minutes: January 17, 2023 

President Caforio asked if there were any changes to minutes and hearing no changes, the minutes were declared to stand as presented. 

Reports and Presentations

Results from District Assessments: NWEA MAP K-8

Dr. Campbell introduced the presentation agenda: Reorientation to the NWEA/MAP Assessment; Results by: Grade and Demographic Group; Growth comparing Winter to Winter and Next Steps. Dr. Campbell conveyed some key takeaways from 2019-2022 Analysis of the Illinois Report Card Data provided by ECRA Group highlighting Math and ELA Performance, District Percentile Change (19 to 22), Growth from 2019 to 2022, ELA Growth Percentile, and Math Growth Percentile. She spoke about focus areas in Math proficiency, HS 4-Year Graduation Rate, and Attendance. The information about the NWEA/MAP Assessment shared included,

● The assessment is taken three times per year on a computer.

● Highly adaptive - no two students see the same test questions.

● Aligned with state and national assessments (IAR and SAT).  

Dr. Rubenstein reviewed the winter 2023 results for all students in math and reading indicating the various percentiles for students. Mrs. Lyons explained the MAP reading fluency assessment, which is part of the District 205 comprehensive and balanced assessment plan this year. Students in grades K-2 who performed below the 30th percentile on MAP Growth also completed the MAP Reading Fluency assessment. MAP Reading Fluency assesses key foundational reading skills, including phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, and language comprehension skills. The MAP Reading Fluency applies a predictive model to flag student results that indicate possible risk factors for reading difficulties, provides actionable data to inform instruction and drill down into each student’s strengths and needs, and provides teams in strategically utilizing Fundations to tailor whole group and small group instruction. Dr. Campbell shared building teams have begun to dug deeply into the MAP data. All building leaders are utilizing NWEA MAP data to elevate student outcomes by reviewing a Quadrant Report. The report depicts the following, Which students are demonstrating high growth in your classroom?; Which students are demonstrating lower growth in your classroom?; and Are there commonalities between students in each quadrant? 

The Board’s wonderings/comments are as follows: Do we have an objective of where we want our students to be on MAP; Appreciate the talk about students behind the numbers to see where we can provide growth; How long have we had the school level planning to utilize NWEA MAP data to elevate student outcomes; Clarification about winter MAP scores for student sub-groups; Dr. Campbell, thank you for your direction and leadership to provide for our staff the ability to dive deeper into the data; In such a short period of time, Dr. Campbell through your leadership the team is able to show student growth on assessments like MAP and have an impact on our students is tremendous, appreciate the team’s work; Appreciate focus areas for our students; Happy to see we are on the right path to change the trajectory; and When do you anticipate further actions/targeted interventions for our student sub-groups.   

Facilities Update

Mr. Schmidt presented a progress video of Field ES that can be viewed on the meeting video link in BoardDocs. He indicated Field ES is a little ahead of schedule, on budget and will be ready for students in August. Currently, we’re under construction on phase II at Fischer ES for the media center renovations and makerspace. Fischer phase III interior work (HVAC, water pipe replacement, corridor renovations, & data cables) will begin this summer. Mr. Schmidt continued with an update on the referendum projects for Bryan, Churchville, Sandburg, and York auditorium and reviewed that the Churchville auditorium renovation will begin March 2024.  

The Board wondered/commented on the following: Has there been space secured for the all the programs that typically take place in the York auditorium with it being down for a year; With being in our school buildings, the new lighting & skylights have transformed the existing spaces, which have made a hugh difference; Appreciated that you were able to repurpose some lockers for Fischer; and Thank you to Mr. Schmidt’s leadership, because in 2018 you established a 10-year maintenance plan for our facilities and the spaces have become wonderful for our staff and students. 

President Caforio called a 5-minute break at 9:04 p.m. 

Consent Agenda Items

  1. Personnel Report
  2. Financial Reports
  3. Website Contract Renewal   
  4. Second Read Section 2: Board of Education, Policies 2:50, 2:210, 2:250
  5. Second Read Section 3: General School Administration, Policies 3:10, 3:60
  6. Second Read Section 4: Operational Services, Policies 4:10, 4:120, 4;140, 4:165
  7. Second Read Section 5: Personnel, Policies 5:190, 5:220, 5:250, 5: 270, 5:280, 5:320, 5:330
  8. Second Read Section 6: Instruction, Policies 6:15, 6:20, 6:50, 6:60, 6:65, 6:250, 6:255, 6:260, 6:270, 6:310, 6:340
  9. Second Read Section 7: Students, policies 7:50, 7:70, 7:100, 7:180, 7:190, 7:250, 7:285, 7:290, 7:340   
President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Personnel Report; B. Financial Reports; C. Website Contract Renewal; D. Second Read Section 2: Board of Education, Policies 2:50, 2:210, 2:250; E. Second Read Section 3: General School Administration, Policies 3:10, 3:60; F. Second Read Section 4: Operational Services, Policies 4:10, 4:120, 4;140, 4:165; G. Second Read Section 5: Personnel, Policies 5:190, 5:220, 5:250, 5: 270, 5:280, 5:320, 5:330; H. Second Read Section 6: Instruction, Policies 6:15, 6:20, 6:50, 6:60, 6:65, 6:250, 6:255, 6:260, 6:270, 6:310, 6:340; I. Second Read Section 7: Students, policies 7:50, 7:70, 7:100, 7:180, 7:190, 7:250, 7:285, 7:290, 7:340.   Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Stuefen, Mr. Kocinski, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Trautmann, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried.  

Before the meeting adjourned, President Caforio publicly clarified the consent agenda motion was read as first read on policies and it is second read for policies as stated on the agenda. 

Agenda Action Items

Resolution abating a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2022 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2015.

Mr. Whelton provided a review of the 2022-23 financial timeline, tax rates of other comparable districts, operating expense per pupil compared to other unit districts and fund balances. Mr. Whelton passed on the next segment to Ms. Elizabeth Hennessey with RaymondJames. She provided an a review of the assumptions used to create the three options previously presented. 

The Board wondered/commented on the following: Clarified using 2026 for the year to help us plateau or level out; What comparable districts have abated; Clarifies this is an annual discussion; This makes sense based on current situation; What is Ms. Hennessey seeing other districts do; We are planning for adequate, not excessive fund balances, and We are experiencing an inflationary period with double digit percent increases and looking to be prepared. 

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the Resolution abating a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2022 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2015. Mrs. Arvanitis moved and Mrs. Trautmann seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Trautmann, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Stuefen, Mr. Kocinski, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. 

Approval of Up to Four Full-Time Math Interventionist Positions for the 23-24 School Year

Dr. Campbell presented that D205 provides a number of support services to enable all students to achieve academic success. These academic supports have been provided as the following services: Reading Specialists, Math Interventionists, English Learners Instructors, Instructional Coaches (General/Special Education) and most recently, Virtual Teachers. In preparation for the 2023-2024 school year, the administration undertook a deeper analysis of student academic data and current academic supports allocated across D205 schools. During these reviews, it was determined that D205 could benefit from supporting students more comprehensively in the area of Math Intervention. In order to provide this additional support, we have determined that a reallocation of some current supports and the elimination of other supports can enable us to staff additional Math Intervention support at the elementary and middle school level.  The Board wondered/commented on the following: Appreciate we are looking at our supports holistically and hope reallocation will be enough support for our students; Commend you looking at reallocating staff; Are there ESSER funds still available; and Clarified the number of interventionists. 

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve up to 4 Full-time math interventionist positions for the 23-24 school year. Mrs. Hosler moved and Mrs. Arvanitis seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Hosler, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Stuefen, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. 

Approval of Positions for Director of Literacy Pathways and Assistant Director of Language Pathways and Programs.

Dr. Campbell presented that in the spring of 2022, the position of Director of Language Acquisition was redefined to Director of Language and Literacy Pathways, in an effort to encompass the multi-faceted elements of language and literacy development and combine the two (2) previous positions: Directory of Language Acquisition and Directory of Literacy. This position of Director of Language and Literacy Pathways has now been vacant for eight (8) months due to the inability to identify a candidate fitting the varying qualifications required for the position in its current design. High-quality candidates have applied; however, the candidates have often possessed qualifications for only one of the two major focus areas in the current role. As a result of program and curricular reviews, as well as data analysis, the following areas of focus have emerged: continuous improvement of literacy-related programming; support for English Learner needs; and, continuous improvement of Dual Language Programming. As a result, the request is to return to the previous staffing model of two positions by delineating the one (1) current position of Director of Language & Literacy Pathways into the following two (2) roles: ● Director of Literacy Pathways (1.0 FTE) ● Assistant Director of Language Pathways & Programs (1.0 FTE) 

The Board wondered/commented as follows: The board clarified the cost to return to the previous staffing model; Will this have a significant impact on our students; We are committed to our dual language program and we have talked about sense of urgency; Vacancy in this position has stretched staff in other positions and it’s appreciated that staff has been covering but our program and the EL students need our attention; and like the collaboration piece listed in the job description.      

President Caforio asked for a motion to approve the staffing request for the Learning & Teaching Department, with the recreation of two (2) positions: Director of Literacy Pathways and Assistant Director of Language Pathways & Programs, as presented. Mrs. Trautmann moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mrs. Stuefen, Mr. Kocinski, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried. 

Superintendent's Communication

Phase 3 - Strategic Plan Update

Dr. Campbell presented that on February 8, administration and the Board of Education held a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting to review the strategic plan process to-date, providing context and necessary information regarding the components and steps taken in planning, with attention to updates regarding Phase 3, Implementation. Administration provided board members with a deeper review of our four strategic priorities: Student Success, Learning Environment, Financial and Operational Effectiveness, and Community Engagement. Then we moved into another layer - Strategic Objectives. For each strategic objective there are strategies and indicators that define the plan and work being done at the district, school, and classroom level. The District also shared plans for the launch of a strategic dashboard in the coming months, which would be located on the District’s website. The dashboard will share detailed updates on progress monitoring of objectives and strategies for each priority area as well as updates on indicator metrics, definitions and additional information for each. 

FOIA – Freedom of Information Act Requests

Dr. Campbell reviewed the following FOIA requests since the last board meeting.

1 FOIA request for specific change in dress code, not in possession.

1 FOIA request for certified retiring staff email addresses, granted.

1 FOIA request for collective bargaining agreements, granted.

1 FOIA request for directory information, not in possession.

1 FOIA request for records regarding Newsguard, granted. 

Social Media Highlight:  

Mrs. Daniel introduced the social media highlight video. The video can be viewed in BoardDocs, under Superintendent’s Communication-Social Media Highlights.  

Board Communications: Mrs. Hosler provided a brief statement about SASED (School Association for Special Education) in DuPage county and is a special education cooperative.   

Upcoming Meetings

 - March 1, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting at 5:30 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rooms 215, and 216

   Presdent Carforio highlighted that the policy committee meeting is CHANGED TO MARCH 13

- March 7, 2023 Finance & Operation Committee Meeting at 5:30 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rms 215 & 216

- March 21, 2023 Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 p.m. - District 205 Center, Rooms 215, & 216 

President Caforio asked for a motion to adjourn to closed session at 10:34 p.m to discuss matters relating to The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) 

Mrs. Trautman moved and Mrs. Hosler seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Mrs. Trautmann, Mrs. Hosler, Mr. Kocinski, Mrs. Stuefen, Mrs. Arvanitis, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Caforio voted aye. Motion carried.   

President Caforio stated that there will be no action taken and will adjourn out of closed session.

Adjournment - End of Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 

We certify this document as the correct minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Elmhurst CUSD 205 Board of Education held on February 21, 2023.




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