
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Jan. 9

Galesburg Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The Community Unit School District #205 Board of Education met in closed session prior to the regular meeting on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM at 940 W. Fremont St., Galesburg, IL. The roll was read and the following Members responded: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Scherpe, Rodriguez (7) Roll Call #1

Closed Session

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to move to closed session for the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee(s), negotiations and pending litigation. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #2

Following closed session, it was moved by Member Rodriguez and seconded by Member Boettcher to move to open session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Boettcher, Bess-Tabb (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #3

Roll Call

President Scherpe called the regular meeting to order. On roll call the following Members were present: Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Boettcher, Bess-Tabb, Cervantez and Lyon.

Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance

A moment of silence was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Recognition of Visitors—None

Presentations to the Board

A. Student Council representative, Bridget Leahy updated the Board on events Student Council is coordinating at Galesburg Senior High School including a blood drive and sweetheart swirl dance.

B. Dr. Asplund reported on the Solar Projects in the District.

C. Ms. Tina Imes presented to the Board on Restorative Discipline practices in the District. 

D. Laurie Aten presented on Give Back, Galesburg and the upcoming fundraisers that are taking place in the District to benefit the OSF Children’s Hospital Mark and Jeanettte Kleine Pediatric Foundation.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Consider Approval of Minutes:

Monday, December 12, 2022, Special Meeting

Monday, December 12, 2022, Closed Session

Monday, December 12, 2022, Regular Meeting

Monday, December 12, 2022, Closed Session

B. Consider Approval of Payroll and Claims

Balance Sheet

Treasurer’s Report

Fund Balance Report

Revenue Report

Expense Report

Investment Performance Report

Accounts Payable

Check Register

Activity Accounts

Health Insurance Trust Fund Balance

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Cervantez to approve the consent agenda as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Scherpe, Cervantez, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Lyon, Phelps (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #4

FOCUS AREA #1: Relevant Skills that Lead to Employability

A. Building Reports—Member Lyon asked if the benchmark data would be shared from all buildings in the future.

B. Special Education Report—Mrs. Statham stated that 48 paraprofessionals attended the training that was provided. There will be another training on de-escalation in the future.

C. Student and Staff Supports Report—Mrs. Ritchie stated that the Institute held today consisted of over twenty-eight sessions to choose from and feedback was wonderful.

D. Action to Affirm, Reverse or Modify the Superintendent Decision in Board Policy 2:260  Complaint Filed on Behalf of Student No. 01092023

It was moved by Member Lyon to amend the decision to include correctly coding the actions of discipline as interventions and removing the action of inappropriate touching and reclassify the detention. Member Boettcher seconded to amend the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #5

FOCUS AREA #2: Facilities that Assist in Skill Acquisition

A. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report

Member Phelps discussed future items that include lighting upgrades at the tennis courts, baseball and softball fields. Practice soccer field that was lost due to the solar at Gale Elementary, painting and the Fieldhouse and Wicall. Area J behind the library at the Galesburg Junior Senior High School and speedbumps around the junior senior high school. Mustain Pool has had an ongoing issue that is continuing to be addressed along with the Steele Elementary School parking lot and signage for the 940 building.

B. Consider Approval of Solar Energy Proposals for King Elementary School and Silas Willard  Elementary School

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb to approve as presented. Dr. Asplund stated that he just received the information for this proposal this week and so he understood if the Board wished to hold on this approval. Discussion ensued. The Board chose to withdraw the motion to move forward until a contract with specifics is presented or other projects are concluded.

FOCUS AREA #3: Responding to the Changing Needs of our Community A. Consider Approval of PRESS Policies (Second Reading)

It was moved by Member Rodriguez and seconded by Member Lyon to approve as recommended. Dr. Asplund called attention to policy 6:220 which is in regards to students bringing their own device. He stated that it is being added because students are bringing cell phones, which is a device. The following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Scherpe, Bess

Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #6

B. Consider Approval of Behavioral Interventions Policies and Procedures It was moved by Member Lyon and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented. Mrs. Statham said its mainly policy taken from law. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Rodriguez, Cervantez, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Phelps, Lyon, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll call #7

C. Consider Approval of Trip Request(s)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented. Mr. Matthews stated this item is for the baseball summer trips. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #8

D. Consider Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with City of Galesburg It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented. The agreement covers the officers that are used at Galesburg Junior Senior High School and how they are paid. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #9


A. Consider Approval of Job Description(s)

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez, Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez (7) Motion carried. Roll call#10

B. Consider Approval of Personnel Report

It was moved by Member Phelps and seconded by Member Boettcher to approve as presented. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez (6) Abstained: Scherpe (1) Motion carried. Roll Call #11

C. Grievance Update

Dr. Aplsund said that there is still one outstanding grievance.

D. Report on FOIA Requests—None

Comments by Board of Education

Comments were made by Member Lyon and Scherpe

Future Agenda Items

Member Cervantez stated it would be a good idea to invite athletic record holders to a future meeting.

Future Meeting Dates

The next regular meeting is Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7PM.


It was moved by Member Rodriguez and seconded by Member Bess-Tabb that the meeting be adjourned—8:21PM. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Lyon, Phelps, Rodriguez, Scherpe, Bess-Tabb, Boettcher, Cervantez (7) Motion carried. Roll Call #12
