
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Knox County Board met Dec. 5

Knox County Board met Dec. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Proceedings of the Organizational Meeting of the Knox County Board held in person at the Knox County Courthouse in the Main Courtroom, 2nd floor, on Monday, December 5, 2022 at 6:02 p.m. Due to the coronavirus precautions, this meeting was presented via teleconference in order to alleviate the need for the public to be in person at the meeting and still participate. The zoom code used tonight will stay the same for future meetings and can be found on the County website.

The Meeting was called to order by County Clerk Scott Erickson and upon roll call the following Members reported present:

District 1 Cheryl Nache

District 2 Greg Bacon

District 3 Pamela Davidson

District 4 Jared Hawkinson

District 5 Ricardo “Rick” Sandoval

District 1 Anthony Weiss

District 2 Erin Pugh

District 3 Kimberly Thierry

District 4 Joshua Kramer

District 5 Brian Friedrich

District 1 Amanda Smith

District 2 Robert Bondi

District 3 Samuel Cohen

District 4 Todd Olinger

District 5 Patty Boone

All 15 Members were present .

County Clerk Erickson led the Members in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. In lieu of a formal invocation, Clerk Erickson asked that a moment of silence be observed.

County Clerk Erickson conducted the swearing in ceremony for all the County Board Members. He then reviewed the Rules for the Organizational Meeting. He asked for questions. There were no questions.

Clerk Erickson asked nominations for appointment of Chairman Pro-Tem. Member Friedrich nominated Bob Bondi and he accepted. Member Davidson nominated Kim Thierry and she accepted. Nominations closed for a vote. Roll call vote is recorded as: Bondi—Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Kramer, Friedrich, Bondi, Olinger, and Boone---(8). Thierry---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Pugh, Thierry, Smith, and Cohen---(7). Bob Bondi took his seat as Chairman Pro Tem.

Chairman Pro-Tem Bondi asked for nominations and selection of Chairman of the Knox County Board. Member Olinger nominated Jared Hawkinson for Chairman and he accepted. Member Davidson nominated Greg “Chops” Bacon and he accepted. Nominations closed for a vote. Roll call vote is recorded as: Hawkinson---Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Kramer, Friedrich, Bondi, Olinger and Boone---(8). Bacon---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Pugh, Thierry, Smith and Cohen---(7). Jared Hawkinson was elected Chair and took his seat.

Chair Hawkinson asked for nominations and selection of County Board Vice Chairman. Member Bondi nominated Brian Friedrich for Vice Chairman and he accepted. Member Davidson nominated Greg “Chops” Bacon for Vice Chairman and he accepted. Nominations closed for a vote. Roll call vote is recorded as: Friedrich---Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Kramer, Friedrich, Bondi, Olinger, and Boone---(8). Bacon---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Pugh, Thierry, Smith and Cohen---(7). Brian Friedrich was elected Vice Chairman.

Chair Hawkinson asked for appointment of Parliamentarian for the County Board. Member Davidson nominated County Clerk Scott Erickson and he accepted. Nominations closed for a vote. Roll call vote is recorded as: Erickson---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger, and Boone---(15). Clerk Scott Erickson was elected Parliamentarian.

County Clerk Erickson explained the Lottery Drawing for Term Lengths for County Board Members. Attached below are the terms that were drawn for the County Board Members. This is done once every 10 years.



Term Length


Cheryl Nache


Anthony Weiss


Amanda Smith



Greg Bacon


Erin Pugh


Bob Bondi



Pamela Davidson


Kimberly Thierry


Samuel Cohen



Jared Hawkinson


Joshua Kramer


Todd Olinger



Rick Sandoval


Brian Friedrich


Patty Boone


Term Sequence


4‐4‐2 Yr

First District Drawn


2‐2‐4 Yr

Second Position


4‐4‐2 Yr

Third Position


2‐2‐4 Yr

Fourth Position


4‐4‐2 Yr

Fifth Position


Chair Hawkinson asked everyone to look at the Board Rules for County Board and if there were any questions. Member Nache spoke about rule #13 she read it and said she did not have any changes just asked that they would follow them. Roll call vote is recorded as: Ayes---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone---(15). Noes---(0). Motion carried.

Motion made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the new Committee structure and assignments that Chair Hawkinson handed out. He said he likes to be prepared and this is a realignment of the new committees. These will be held in the Annex Room. Public Safety & Justice will be held the 3rd Monday at 6pm which will consist of Sheriff, States Attorney, Public Defender, Circuit Clerk, Coroner, Judicial and Mary Davis Home. Infrastructure will be held the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm which will consist of Info. Technology, Highway, Landfill, and Facilities. Health & Human Services will be held the 3rd Wednesday at 6pm which will consist of Nursing Home, Health Department, and Veterans. Ways & Means will be held the 3rd Thursday at 6pm which will consist of Clerk/Recorder, Treasurer, Assessor/Zoning/GIS, Insurance/Liability, and Budget. Executive will be the 3rd Thursday at 5pm which will consist of AD Hoc Negotiations and Personal. There are several External Board assignments also.

There will be some future training for all Members from UCCI, County Clerk, CIC and IT on various topics. Member Nache brought up the concern that some of these Committees would run too late at night. Member Sandoval said that he is the oldest Member on the Board and yes sometimes things run late but let’s try it. Member Davidson spoke about her concern that she is the only one on only one committee. Chair Hawkinson said that she is more then welcome to come to any committee. Chair Hawkinson said that the new Board has 90 days to complete training and have the certificate on file or puts the County in liability. Member Davidson said that she knows that she can attend but feels this is unjust. Chair Hawkinson said noted. Roll call vote is recorded as: Ayes---Nache, Bacon, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone---(14). Noes--- Davidson---(1). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson said welcome aboard and make sure you read the Board Packets.

The next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 6:00 p.m., at Galesburg City Hall Council Chambers. The Zoom option will be available to the viewing public only. Board Members will be present in person for this meeting.

Motion made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Sandoval to adjorn the meeting. Roll call vote is recorded as: Ayes---Nache, Bacon, Davidson, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Weiss, Pugh, Thierry, Kramer, Friedrich, Smith, Bondi, Cohen, Olinger and Boone---(15). Noes- --(0). Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m.
