
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Williamsfield Community Unit School District Board of Education met Dec. 12

Williamsfield Community Unit School District Board of Education met Dec. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order by Board President Stewart.

Roll Call was taken. All BOE members were present.

There was an opportunity for public comment.

The following Consent Agenda items were approved.

Approval of December bills

Approval of minutes of regular Board of Education meeting on November 14, 2022

Approval of ISBE Competency-Based Education Plan renewal

Approval of ISBE District Consolidated Plan (Title Funds)

A 5-year renewal of the out-of-district tuition waiver for the children of school employees was approved.

BOE policy updates were approved upon second read (see here for list of policies)

Mr. Farquer provided the monthly administrative report.

The BOE entered executive session to discuss student discipline as well as employment and performance of personnel pursuant 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

The BOE returned to open session.

The BOE hired Ms. Darien Gordon as a full-time certified instructor.

The meeting adjourned.

The next regular BOE meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, January 9 at 7:00pm in the Kutkat Conference Room of the administrative office.
