
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

United Community Unit School District 304 Board of Education met Nov. 10

United Community Unit School District 304 Board of Education met Nov. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting of the United Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 p.m. November 10, 2022. Roll was called and answered by: Joel Johnson, Jill Jenks, Dan Toops, Amelia Tierney, Dana Poole, Craig Allaman and Hank Shimmin. Also in attendance were: Maggie Wallace, Chad Robertson, Chris Schwarz, Pat Coate, Kris Repp and several community members.


Joel Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda with a second by Dan Toops.


Ann Hulsizer and Heidi Ruderman along with several 5th grade students presented their farm to table gardening program they have been working on.

PUBLIC COMMENTS A motion to enter into closed session at 6:19 was made by Dan Toops with a second by Joel Johnson to listen to coaching concerns by a parent.

Roll Call: Aye – Jill Jenks, Joel Johnson, Hank Shimmin, Craig Allaman, Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney and Dan Toops. Nay – none.

Return to open session at 6:45 p.m.


Superintendent, Jeff Whitsitt, gave a presentation on the upcoming tax levy process. EAV numbers were updated and historical revenue figures given as they relate to the levy. The levy will be presented for final approval at the December 8th, meeting and will include a truth in taxation hearing.


The preliminary financial audit for 21-22 was presented. The District was awarded the profile designation of financial recognition.


The board discussed upcoming facility projects and wish lists.


Hank Shimmin made a motion to approve Section 6 of the policy manual. Jill Jenks seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye: Hank Shimmin, Jill Jenks, Amelia Tierney and Dana Poole. No: Dan Toops, Joel Johnson and Craig Allaman. Motion carried 4-3.


The board was presented with data from an athletic/activity survey of 5-8th graders to determine a need or desire to add activities to the Jr. High. Softball and football were both high on the survey list and will be considered for addition to the 23-24 school year in some capacity.


Dan Toops made a motion to repay working cash from torte in the amount of $193.000. Jill Jenks seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Jill Jenks, Joel Johnson, Hank Shimmin, Craig Allaman, Amelia Tierney, Dana Poole and Dan Toops. Nay – none.


Superintendent, Jeff Whitsitt, presented a summer of the District Report Card.


A motion was made by Dan Toops with a second by Joel Johnson to approve the consent agenda which included: Approval of the October 13, 2022 minutes; November bills as presented; activity funds reports; treasurer’s report, regretfully accepted the request to enter into a retirement contract for Jill Carlson 26-27. Employment of Jeff Neal Asst. Baseball Coach. Roll Call: Aye: Craig Allaman, Jill Jenks, Hank Shimmin, Dan Toops, Amelia Tierney, Dana Poole and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.

Adjourn Dan Toopw made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Joel Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Jill Jenks, Craig Allaman, Hank Shimmin, Dan Toops, Amelia Tierney, Dana Poole and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.
