
Galesburg Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Galesburg City Council met Nov. 7

City of Galesburg City Council met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Called to order by Mayor Peter Schwartzman at 5:30 p.m.

Roll Call #1: Present: Mayor Peter Schwartzman, Council Members Bradley Hix, Wayne Dennis, Kevin Wallace, Dwight White, Jaclyn Smith-Esters, Sarah Davis, and Larry Cox, 8. Also Present: City Manager Gerald C. Smith, Interim City Attorney Paul Mangieri, and City Clerk Kelli Bennewitz.

Mayor Schwartzman declared a quorum present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Pastor Tony Franklin gave the invocation.

Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Wallace, to approve the minutes of the City Council’s regular meeting from October 17, 2022.

Roll Call #2:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

City Clerk Bennewitz issued the Oath of Office to newly appointed City Manager, Gerald C. Smith.

The Mayor and Council thanked Wayne Carl for his service as the Interim City Manager over the last six months.

Presentation: A Youth Commission Report was presented by Elizabeth Varner, Parks & Recreation Department Director.


All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion.


Approve Resolution 22-54 authorizing Gerald C. Smith, City Manager, to sign checks from the City’s various financial institutions.


Approve a Motor Fuel Tax Resolution authorizing the purchase of salt, hot mix asphalt, concrete, CA-6 gravel, and high-performance patching mixture for the 2023 calendar year in the amount of $370,000.


Approve Resolution 22-55 authorizing the transfer of up to $450,000 from the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District II to the TIF IV fund.


Approve Resolution 22-56 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) agreement improving the current Mutual Aid Agreement between the Galesburg Fire Department and are Fire Departments and Fire Protection Districts.


Approve the use of the 2022-2023 State Bid for bulk rock salt in the amount of $95.12 per ton from Compass Minerals America, Inc.


Approve the purchase of various Geomelt products for the 2022-2023 winter season from SNI Solutions at the quoted prices.


Approve the renewal of a one-year contractual agreement with Assured Partners to provide Risk Management Consulting and Insurance Brokerage services for the City of a flat fee of $35,000 through December 2023.


Approve bills in the amount of $1,465,398.42 and advance checks in the amount of $550,890.43.

Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve Consent Agenda 2022-21.

Roll Call #3:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried by omnibus vote.



Council Member White moved, seconded by Council Member Smith-Esters to approve Ordinance 22-3684 on final reading, amending Chapter 50 of the Galesburg Municipal Code amending definitions and removing references to Clean Up Days.

Roll Call #4:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Cox moved, seconded by Council Member Hix, to approve Ordinance 22-3685 on final reading, adjusting the monthly refuse rate based on the approval of the new refuse contract and removing the fee for bags of ice for the Parks & Recreation Department. Roll Call #5:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Ordinance on first reading dissolving the Tax Increment Financing fund and Redevelopment Project Area 2 (East Main Street TIF II).


Ordinance on first reading amending the Tax Increment Financing fund and Redevelopment Project Area 4 (Central/East Main Street TIF IV) and deleting certain parcels.

Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to remove agenda item 22-2058 from the table.

Roll Call #6:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 6.

Nays: Council Member White, 1.

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve Resolution 22-57 to support efforts to resolve public safety concerns regarding the Illinois SAFE-T Act.

Council Member Hix noted that out of 102 counties in Illinois, 100 state’s attorneys have filed a suit to declare the Act unconstitutional. Interim City Attorney Mangieri read the definition and listing of forcible felonies and where bail would be abolished or at the discretion of a judge.

Council Member Smith-Esters stated that she feels this Resolution identifies that the City is not in favor of the entire act and that we are requesting the State to go back and review several sections. It was also noted that the bond system is complex but that the public does not need to fear that in January criminals will be set free.

Council Member White feels that the justice system is not equitable now and that if it was, there wouldn’t be as many African Americans in prison. He noted that the Act has flaws, but also has some outstanding changes too, including holding police officers accountable.

Roll Call #7:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 6.

Nays: Council Member White, 1.

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Wallace, to approve Resolution 22-58 determining the 2022 Property Tax Levy, which is not more than 105 percent and therefore will not require a truth in taxation public hearing. The tax levy request will not exceed $10,193,150.

Roll Call #8:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Dennis moved, seconded by Council Member Smith-Esters, to approve Resolution 22-59 for the purchase of four parcels from the Knox County Trustee: 1. 574 Monmouth Boulevard (99-15-155-011)

2. 215 S. Pearl Street (99-14-128-006)

3. 349 W. Brooks Street (99-15-176-025)

4. Vacant lot located behind 407 W. Brooks Street (99-15-176-040).

The City is interested in acquiring two of the parcels for demolition, and two of the parcels on behalf of Knox College. The Knox County Trustee has agreed to convey the property to the City of Galesburg for $823.00 per parcel.

Roll Call #9:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.



Louise Wilder addressed the Council and stated that she is the former HR director for the City of Galesburg and in that position she communicated with the City’s different departments, especially with Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment information. She further stated that she loves this community but feels that we have a problem with homelessness and that it needs to be addressed, possibly by using the former Churchill building as a community center. She believes that as a community we have an obligation to do something, especially with the winter months approaching.

Mayor Schwartzman announced to Ms. Wilder and the public that he is hosting a conversation with community leaders and service organizations throughout the Galesburg community to discuss potential solutions for housing the unhoused this winter. This discussion will be held this Thursday, November 10th, 6 p.m. at City Hall.


A. The Fiscal Year 2023 budget is available for inspection at the City Clerk’s office, the Galesburg Public Library, and on the City’s website.

MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS (Agreements, Approvals, Etc.)


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve a Worker’s Compensation settlement agreement with Police Officer Jacob Thompson. Roll Call #10:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to approve a Minor Plat and a waiver of an installation of a public sidewalk for the White’s Acres Extension 1. The proposed subdivision is outside the city limits, but within 1 ½ miles of the corporate boundaries and thus, subject to the City’s normal subdivision review process.

Roll Call #11:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Wallace, to approve an addendum for an extension to the cash rent lease agreement for the City’s business park. Roll Call #12:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Dennis, to approve a five-year intergovernmental agreement with Knox County regarding the use of the Knox County Landfill through 2027.

Roll Call #13:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Hix moved, seconded by Council Member Smith-Esters, to approve a $5,000 Minority/Woman Owned Business Startup Assistance grant and a $3,200 Southside Occupancy Assistance grant for Haynes Beauty, LLC, to be located at 1220 Mulberry Street. Roll Call #14:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to authorize the purchase of insurance coverage for City liability, property and vehicles from the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for 2023 at a cost of $453,359.61. Roll Call #15:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve the establishment of a 401(a) Money Purchase Plan with MissionSquare Retirement for the benefit of the city manager.

Roll Call #16:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Council Member Davis moved, seconded by Council Member White, to sit as the Town Board. The motion carried.



Trustee Davis moved, seconded by Trustee Smith-Esters, to approve Town bills and warrants be drawn in payment of same.

Fund Title Amount

Town Fund $1,000.49

November 7, 2022 Page 6 of 9

General Assistance Fund $6,501.38

IMRF Fund $1,735.82

Social Security/Medicare Fund $2,165.71

Liability Fund

Audit Fund

Total $11,403.40

Roll Call #17:

Ayes: Trustees Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Trustee Dennis moved, seconded by Trustee Smith-Esters, to approve Resolution 22-02 determining the 2022 Property Tax Levy, which is not more than 105 percent and therefore will not require a truth in taxation public hearing. The tax levy request will not exceed $531,000. Roll Call #18:

Ayes: Trustees Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Council Member Smith-Esters moved, seconded by Council Member Davis, to resume as the City Council. The motion carried.


Newly appointed City Manager Gerald Smith stated that he is looking forward to being back in Illinois, his home state, and working with staff and Council Members.

Council Member Hix welcomed Mr. Smith to Galesburg and stated he’s glad he is here and is looking forward to working with him. He also thanked Wayne Carl for the amazing job he did as the Interim City Manager and appreciated his communication to the City Council.

Council Member Dennis also thanked Wayne Carl and congratulated Mr. Smith in his new position and is looking forward to working with him as well.

Council Member Wallace thanked Mr. Carl and noted that a lot goes on behind the scenes to make our community great. He also welcomed Mr. Smith who has extensive experience, knowledge, and open-mindedness and will continue to make our community great.

Council Member Wallace stated that he voted to approve the Resolution for the SAFE-T Act in order to request clarification on some items though he doesn’t feel it needs a lot of changes. He also noted that he has had the privilege of being associated with Ms. Wilder and added that the new community center could be a place for inclusiveness.

Council Member White also thanked Wayne Carl for serving in the interim City Manager position. He noted that this day is historical in the appointment of Mr. Smith and that Galesburg is moving up and on and will be proud to work with him. He also noted that he has known Chris Winick since high school and was saddened to hear of her death. She has worked tirelessly for this community and was a great person.

Council Member Smith-Esters thanked Mr. Carl and all the staff during the transition to a new City Manager and appreciates everyone. She reminded everyone that Election Day was tomorrow and that it is important to get to the polls. She noted her appreciation for Ms. Wilder coming forward and noted that she works with the homeless, specifically veterans, and that one of the goals of the City Council is to abolish homelessness within five years. She hopes members of the public can attend the discussion on Thursday and thanked everyone for attending the meeting tonight.

Council Member Davis thanked Wayne Carl and welcomed Mr. Smith to the City. She reminded the public to be careful now that it is getting darker earlier. She also hopes that people take care of their health since COVID and RSV cases are on the rise, as well as entering into flu season. She also thanked those who attended the meeting.

Council Member Cox expressed his condolences to the family and friends of Chris Winick. He also congratulated Mr. Smith on his appointment and wishes him much success. He added his thanks to Wayne Carl as well for taking on the extra duties of the Interim City Manager.

Mayor Schwartzman announced that Chris Winick, longtime Township Supervisor, passed away on Saturday. The Trustees plan to honor her at the next meeting. He also noted that Monica Berlin, Knox College professor, also passed away on Friday.

He added his appreciation to Wayne Carl and thanked him for his excellent responsiveness to the Council. He welcomed Mr. Smith and is excited to have him at the City and knows he’s up for the task. The Mayor thanked all those who were in attendance for the welcome reception tonight.

Mayor Schwartzman presented his Mayoral Award to Leann Courson for her work with raising awareness regarding substance abuse, recovery, and the system of care in our community. He thanked her for her outstanding courage, empathy, inspiration and work ethic.

The Mayor also thanked Ms. Wilder for coming forward and is excited to have a discussion on homelessness on Thursday evening. He also encouraged everyone to get out and vote tomorrow.

There being no further business, Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Smith-Esters, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:06 p.m.

Roll Call #19:

Ayes: Council Members Hix, Dennis, Wallace, White, Smith-Esters, Davis, and Cox, 7.

Nays: None

Absent: None

Chairman declared motion carried.




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