
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fulton County Board met Oct. 11

Fulton County Board met Oct. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Chairman Roger P. Clark called the Regular Session meeting to order at6:32 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fulton County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.

County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)

Cindy Arnett – PVicki S. Hoke – PBrian Platt – P
Barry Beck – PDonna Hudson – PJohn Spangler – P
Stan Berry – PLaura Hepp Kessel – PJohn E. Taylor – A
Steve Bohler – PDan Kumer – PLisa Thompson – P
Roger Clark – PNestor Madson – PKarl Williams – P
Mary Deushane – PBJ McCullum – PHeidi Wilner – A
Susan Duquenne – PCraig Medus – P 
Elected/Appointed Officials Staci Mayall- Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk, Chris Helle – ESDA/ETSB Director, Justin Jochums – States Attorney, Jeff Standard – Sheriff, Tammie Denning – Clayberg Nursing Home Director, Keith Munter – Fulton County Engineer

Staff – Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Administrative Assistant, Audra Miles – Comptroller

Guests – Andrew Thornton –Director, Fulton County Emergency Medical Association, Inc.

Media- John Froehling – Fulton Democrat


A. Regular Session – September 13, 2022

Member Bohler moved to accept the minutes and place on file the regular session September 13, 2022 minutes with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-0).


A. Discussion/Action: MTAD – Multi-Township Assessment #6, comprised of Vermont Township & Farmers Township.

County Clerk O’Brian stated there was a dispute between Multi-Township Assessment District #6, comprised of Vermont Township and Farmers Township. The two townships have reconsidered the matter and elected not to contest the maps provided by the Supervisor of Assessment Russell and withdrew the rejection.

Member Spangler moved to accept MTAD – Multi-Township Assessment #6, comprised of Vermont Township & Farmers Township, with a second from Member McCullum. The motion carried by roll call vote (17-0).


A Member Spangler removed from the action agenda Finance #4 and Member Kessel removed from the action agenda Health #1.

Member McCullum moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-0).


A. Cole McDaniel – SRPED quarterly report

Cole discussed several projects going on in Fulton County. The former Family Video property was purchased by Graham Health Care System. The plan is to remodel the property and open a prompt care in the spring of 2023.

Casey’s has purchased property on the corner of East Chestnut and N. 5th avenue for a new Casey’s store. Construction will tentatively start in 2023.

The location of 147 White Court is a multifamily house, and a developer has purchased the property and will be making updates to the property for and apartments.

A Brewer/Winery/Distillery and Wood fired restaurant is planning to build in late 2022 and open in Spring 2023.

Renew You Massage is looking to expand and add additional services. The business will be moving to N. Main Street in Canton.

Farmers Insurance is expanding and the agency will have a location on North Main Street in Canton next to Walgreens.

Cole attended the Midwest Community Development Institute conference, and presented Marketing Your Hometown. The feedback received was good.

Cole visited Cook Medical at French Lick, Indiana. Cole is looking forward to potential plans and discussions for Fulton Square in Canton.

The Fulton County Visitor Guides are still being printed and distributed. The new visitor guides have QR codes added to allow all visitors with a smart phones to access the visitors guide online.


A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation

Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-0).

B. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Breast Cancer Awareness

Member Kumer moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-0).


Name: April Tatham


Topic: Co2

April Tatham opened with a quote from Lyndon B. Johnson, “There are no problems we cannot solve together and very few we can solve by ourselves”. This is something that inspired April to come to the Fulton County Board, as together, we have a chance of doing something. People in the county are thinking the Co2 pipeline is inevitable. April stated she does not believe in the inevitable and as people, we do not just let things happen. April stated she served on the Avon School Board for 12 years and the last 3 years in office were a reorganization for the Avon School District. April recognized a person is not the most popular person regarding the decision that are made but as a person you have to believe the decision being made are the best for those of the community. April discussed the intervening process is the only way to get in front of the Illinois Commerce Commission in opposition to the Co2 pipeline. Two counties, McDonough and Sangamon, have voted in opposition of the Co2 pipeline. Fulton County can intervene through several methods including: directing the States Attorney to file to intervene, hire outside counsel, join other counties that are intervening, or join the Citizens Against Heartland Greenway Pipeline. The deadline to intervene is November 15, 2022.

The other solution is to have a moratorium on construction to allow time for zoning to set guidelines. The county can look at set backs, the impacts to farmland that result from pipeline construction, and the reduction to crop yields or the severed drainage tiles that may occur. They can also update public utility permit applications to include Co2 pipelines and incorporate safety measures and required monitoring. If the Co2 pipeline is built in Fulton County it is forever.


Member Beck moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-2) with Members Hoke and Hudson voting nay.


Claims- Sheriff, Jail, Zoning, County Board, Miscellaneous, County Administrator, Public Defender, County Tourism and EDC, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Spay/Neuter Program, ARPA


Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning

Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk


a. Resolution: James R. Bull – Reappointment – Commissioner – East Liverpool Drainage & Levee District

b. Resolution: Samuel J. Woodrow – Reappointment – Commissioner – Langellier Drainage & Levee District

c. Resolution: Rochelle F. Liebman – Trustee – Wee-Ma-Tuk Water District

d. Resolution: Lewis L McClaughry – Trustee – Wee-Ma-Tuk Water District


a. Resolution: Kone Elevator


a. General Fund Transfer

b. General Fund Transfer

c. Other Funds Transfers

i.  Resolution: $45,200.00 From: #045-101-510510 Salary – RN

To: #045-101-510514 Salary – RN Admin Duties 

$9,000.00 From: #045-101-510561 Salary Helping Hands

$1,000.00 To: #045-101-500145 Salary – Clayberg Admin

$1,000.00 To: #045-101-505145 Salary – Business Office

$4,000.00 To: #045-101-505146 Salary – Director of Nursing

$3,000.00 To: #045-101-505202 Salary – Dietary Supervisor

d. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations

i. Resolution: $200,000.00 Immediate Emergency Appropriation from Unappropriated Funds in the General Fund to item #001-008-550100 Sheriff’s Fund for Equipment

e. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations

i. Resolution: $20,000.00 Immediate Emergency Appropriation from Unappropriated Funds in the Recorders Automation Fund to item #039-094-550100 Equipment

ii. Resolution: $10,000.00 Immediate Emergency Appropriation from Unappropriated Funds in the GIS Fund to item #060-116-525218 Contractual – GIS IT

iii. Resolution: $5,200.00 Immediate Emergency Appropriation from Unappropriated Funds in the Arrestee’s Medical Costs to item #013-056-575211 Inmate Medical Costs

f. Resolution: Fund 097: Create Expenditure line item #097-153-550100 for Election Equipment Bond $357,000.00

g. Proposed Changes to the Ambulance Response & Transport Rate Schedule


a. HWY 22-007 – Ordinance for altered Speed Zone, Canton, Township





a. ETSB Fairview Tower Lease Agreement



Treasurer Mayall reported for September, County General expenditures were $1,321,306.60 and revenue was $1,233,734.16. The deficit for September is $87,572.44. The current yearly surplus in County General is $2,937,059.62.

The last day any Fulton County resident can pay delinquent tax payments is October 27, 2022 at 4:00pm. The delinquent tax sale is October 28, 2022.

Mayall discussed the legislators changed the tax law and the maximum amount charged for property tax interest went from 18% to 9%. The mobile home tax is still 18%.


1. Discussion/Action: HFS CNA pay-scale subsidy Pulled

Member Kessel discussed the HFS CNA pay scale and the item being pulled from the agenda. Member Kessel discussed effective July 1, 2022 the Governor of Illinois gave CNAs an hourly pay increase of up to $6.00 more based on the number of years of service the CAN has. The Clayberg has been receiving the increase of pay from the state. The States Attorney has been working with the Labor Attorney to determine if the previous raises received will count toward the pay increase or not.

Currently the pay increase is indefinite, so the county is unsure how long this will be in effect.

The difference in wages between the CNAs, RNs and LPNs is the factoring issue. The Clayberg is losing staff and currently the Clayberg is not receiving applicants due to the wage difference being paid at other facilities.

The Health Department is doing the Bivalent booster clinics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The Clayberg had a fundraiser last month for Cass Putman Rescue and raised $4,400.00.

Currently, at the Clayberg, one staff member is testing positive for Covid, but no residents have Covid.

Member Hudson inquired if the loss of the daycare in Cuba has affected staffing shortages for the Clayberg. Tammie Denning Clayberg Administrator is not aware of any employees having day care issues.


Member Madson reported shoulder work, filling potholes and equipment is being prepped for the winter season.

Member Kumer received many positive comments from the public that County Highway 2 was open for the Spoon River Drive.


1. Discussion/Action: FY23 Jail Meal Bid

Member Deushane discussed two bids were received, one from Adair Café for $15.00 per day and the Clayberg for $12.75 per day. The bid included two hot meals and one cold meal per day. The Clayberg bid of $12.75 was approved for the Jail meals at the Public Safety and Campground meeting.

Member Williams inquired about the Jail meals revenue and the funds generated. Will the funds go to the General fund to help offset the costs for the CNAs or will the funds be allotted to something else. Chairman Clark stated the funds from the Jail meals will go to Clayberg.

Member Deushane moved to approve the bid for Clayberg Jail meals at $12.75 per day with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).


Member Arnett reported waiting on bids for projects.


Member Thompson has nothing to report.


1. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds – $30,000.00 Payroll Software

Member Spangler moved to approve ARPA Funds of $30,000.00 for Payroll Software with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).

2. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds – $75,000.00 – Clayberg

Member Spangler moved to approve ARPA Funds of $75,000.00 for the Clayberg capital projects with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).

3. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds – $75,000.00 – Health Department

Member Hudson inquired what capital projects are needed at the Health Department. Member Spangler stated the Health Department requested ARPA funds for new roof and parking lot repairs.

Member Hoke inquired if the Health Department received funds from the pandemic

Member Kessel discussed the Health Department did receive funds, but the funds received were for specific projects, like contact tracing or Covid related uses.

Member Spangler moved to approve the ARPA Funds of $75,000.00 Health Department capital projects with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).

4. Discussion/Action: Resolution: FY2023 Non-Union Raises for Assistant State’s Attorneys, Comptroller, ESDA Director, Assistant Public Defender, Circuit Clerk, Supervisor of Assessments, Animal Control Assistants, Court Security Officers, Courts Administrative Assistant, County Board Administrative Assistants and Public Defender Administrative Assistants. Pulled

5. Discussion/Action: Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) $100,000 Allocation

Treasurer Mayall discussed the LATCF funds of $100,000.00 are available to Fulton County. Mayall stated under this program, recipients have broad discretion on uses of funds, similar to the ways in which they may use funds generated from their own revenue sources. Mayall stated the deadline to request the funds is January 31, 2023.

Member Spangler moved to approve the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) $100,000 Allocation with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).


1. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Co2 pipeline

Member Williams inquired how the 6-month time was determined and will the Co2 need to be brought up again. Member Bohler discussed he is not sure if the resolution will need to be brought up again in 6-months. The setbacks are the biggest question, if a mile is good enough or is a mile too much.

Member Arnett discussed the resolution is worth doing. The county is making a statement as a collective decision to support the residents in Fulton County. The resolution would be sent to Springfield and Senator Koehler and representatives can see the Fulton County Board is not supporting the Co2 Pipeline. This allows representatives to voice opposition and move forward on behalf of the Fulton County residents.

Member Hudson stated she has a problem with Co2 Pipelines using Illinois as a dumping ground, and questioned what the Co2 will do to the Ag quality of the limestone used by farmers. Member Bohler stated there has not been an information from Navigator.

Member Bohler moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Hudson. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).

2. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Stone Bridge Subdivision-LuAnn Grigsby

Member Bohler moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).

3. Discussion/Action: Employment Agreement/Zoning Director

Member Bohler discussed the previous contract is used with a 3 % increase to salary for FY22- 23 and FY23 – FY24.

Member Thompson amended the employment agreement to delete the reference to compensatory time in section 3.5 and remove any reference to compensatory time in section 3.7. The contract should state through November 30, 2024.

Member Kessel discussed the vacation records on page 3 and who is tracking the time. Member Bohler stated the Zoning Officer is tracking vacation time and a monthly report is sent to Member Bohler, Treasurer Mayall and Chairman Clark.

Member Kessel stated she is not sure why the county allows the Zoning officer to drive the county vehicle from her home to work. Member Kessel stated if the Zoning officer has an early appointment the following morning the vehicle would need be to driven home that day.

Chairman Clark stated this not in the Zoning officers contract. The Community Development Committee allows the Zoning officer to drive the vehicle to and from work. Chairman Clark stated the Zoning officer does a lot of work at the North end of Fulton County in the late afternoons and by allowing Emmons to drive the vehicle home this saves the county mileage and fuel for the vehicle. Chairman Clark stated the vehicle in garaged every day and this helps protect the vehicle.

Member Hudson stated she was on the committee that decided to have the zoning officer drive the vehicle home daily. This was done due to safety concerns and possible vandalism to the vehicle.

States Attorney Jochums stated by removing items from the employment agreement that was drawn up by the labor attorney this could be problematic issue with the agreement.

Member Thompson explained the difference between exempt employees and non- exempt employees.

Exempt employees are exempt from overtime and non-exempt employees are not exempt from overtime.

The agreement states the Zoning Officer is exempt from overtime, but in the agreement, a paragraph stating the Zoning officer receives compensatory time. If the Zoning Officer does not use the compensatory time she would receive paid for the compensatory time.

Member Thompson moved to approve the Amended Employment Agreement/ Zoning Director and remove any reference to compensatory time in section 3.5 and remove any reference to compensatory time in section 3.7 with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (11-7) with Members Bohler, Clark, Deushane, Hoke, Hudson, Kumer and Williams voting nay.

Member Bohler moved to approve the Contract as Amended with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-1) with Member Williams voting nay.


1. Discussion/Action: FY2023 Budget – Approval for Public Review

Member Spangler stated on page 17 of the budget the salary for the Zoning Officer needs to reflect the new salary of $55,649.00.

Member Bohler moved to approve the amended FY2023 Budget – Approval for Public Review with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).


MISC. None


Time: 8:03pm

Member Bohler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03pm with a second from Member Hudson. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (18-0).
