
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met June 21

Monmouth-Roseville Community Unit School District #238 Board of Education met June 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order/Roll Call

The Monmouth-Roseville C.U.S.D. #238 Board of Education met in a regular meeting in the High School LMC at 105 North E Street, Monmouth, Illinois. At 6:50 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Vice President Brooks and the roll was read. The following Members responded: Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer (4). Roll call #1.

Pledge of Allegiance

Vice President Brooks led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda

It was moved by Member Switzer and was seconded by Member Huston that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

(a.) The Board approved and placed on file the Minutes from the regular session held on May 10, 2022.

(b.) The Board received and placed on file the May Financial Reports that included the Treasurer's Report and Employees Self Insurance Health Insurance Program Reports.

(c.) The Board approved the May Payroll and Board Bills as presented:

(d.) The Board accepted the School Activity accounts as presented.

(e.) The Board accepted the Principal's reports if presented.

On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer (4). Motion passed. Roll call #2.

Superintendent Reports

Mr. Fletcher reviewed the following items:

Ed Pathways grant through the ROE We are proud to announce that MR, along with several other ROE 33 schools, are the recipient of an Ed Pathways grant from ISBE. Funding for the grant will be available for fiscal years 22, 23, 24, and 25. CTE programs are expanding nationwide and realigning Programs of Study to include pathways that respond to current and future economic and occupational needs. This grant will be an avenue to recruit students, including minority students, into the field of education, thus addressing the teacher shortage in Illinois. It will provide funding to eligible applicants to support the development and implementation of CTE Education Career Pathways or Programs of Study in specific partner districts and schools.

Latin Classes at MR In the past, we have had trouble getting students to enroll in Latin. Several years ago, we were considering eliminating the classes altogether. We found out that there are many community members in Monmouth passionate about Latin. Our compromise was to keep Latin, but with a part time staff member.

The compromise has worked thus far, but the number of students taking Latin continues to dwindle. We currently have 11 students in Latin I, 5 in Latin II, 2 in Latin III and one in Latin IV. If this trend continues or if our part time teacher decides to not teach any longer, we will need to discuss the viability of Latin at MRHS. There is no plan to change anything the Superintendent is keeping the Board apprised.

Bio retention Basin at High School The completion date of the bio retention basin at the high school has been pushed back to mid-October. This will cause disruption when kids arrive and when kids/buses leave at the end of the day. We have worked out a plan to minimize disruptions at the end of each day.

Kagan Prior to the pandemic, MR had been implementing Kagan Cooperative Learning structures in classrooms throughout the district. I was introduced to Kagan 20 years ago and was amazed at how student engagement in a classroom could be increased with its use. The administrative team felt it was time to reintroduce/implement Kagan in our classrooms. We held a two-day workshop on June 2nd and 3rd. We had 20 MR teachers and administrators attend the workshop. Our long-term goal is to have several staff members re-certified as Kagan District Coaches so we can train staff throughout the year and each year thereafter.

Facilities Update The asbestos abatement in the high school AP room is going as planned and scheduling a date for the

is forthcoming. Prior to floor installation, we are painting the walls in the AP room. The high school gymnasium is currently being painted and the new seat tops have been installed. The gym is getting a new sound system as well. The speakers on the old system were not working well. The high school gym will look very good for the 22-23 school year. The City of Monmouth approved our plans to address the drainage issue at the circle drive near the AP room. The next step is to obtain a permit, issue a request for proposal (RFP) and open bids. In addition, the District is working with the City to get the water run off project started at the high school. It is moving slowly. The project will not be done before the start of school and we have made plans to minimize construction related issues in the high school parking lot.

More asbestos was found at Central. Asbestos abatement bids were opened and we will move as quickly as possible on the abatement. Work in certain areas of the building cannot proceed until the abatement is completed. We were advised recently that there are additional equipment shortages (electric motors, miscellaneous items) that will delay receipt of unit ventilators (7 on the second floor of Central and 1 at Harding) These items are not expected to arrive until mid-late September. Ryan & Assoc. will have everything ready (piping, insulation, etc.) so that upon arrival the units can be slid right in and attached. The electricians are back and are working on converting all lights inside each school to LED. I hope that all schools are completed prior to the start of the 22-23 school year. Installation of the baseball irrigation system will start this coming Monday. The parking lot at Sunnylane and the JH parking lot will be oil and chipped mid-late July. Before we work on Sunnylane, we are going to fix an underground leak in the water line that feeds the irrigation system for the football field. Before we oil and chip the JH parking lot we need to adjust the storm water inlet. It is too high and water puddles up near it after it rains.

III Conference in Chicago The III Conference will be held in Chicago from November 18th to the 20th. The Board members were instructed to notify the office if they are interested in attending.

Board Correspondence


Board Committee Reports


Instructional / Operational Presentation


Old Business

A. Approval of Amended Budget

Referring to the hearing prior to the start of the meeting Mr. Fletcher asked the Board to move to accept the amended budget as presented. Member Schumm moved and Member Huston seconded the motion approve the amended budget as presented.

On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer (4). Motion carried. Roll call #3.

New Business

A. Approval/Action on 2021-2022 Property/Casualty, Worker's Compensation, Student Accident, and Treasures Bond Insurance

The Board was presented with a copy of the renewal letter and Member Switzer moved to approve the 2022-2023 Property/Casualty, Worker's Compensation, Student Accident and Treasurer's Bond Insurance coverage, providers and agents as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Schumm. Upon roll call all present members voted AYE (4). Roll call #4. Motion carries.

B. Approval/Action on 22-23 Declaration of Hazardous Condition

The Superintendent presented the 22-23 Declaration of Hazardous Condition resolution and explained this document is to be reviewed and approved by the Board Member Switzer moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the 22-23 declaration of hazardous condition as presented. Members Schumm, Switzer, Brooks, and Huston voted AYE on roll call #5 (4). Motion carried.

C. Approval/Action on 22-23 Monmouth-Roseville CUSD #238 Risk Management Plan

Member Switzer moved and Member Schumm seconded a motion to approve the 22-23 M-R CUSD #238 Risk Management Plan as presented. All present Members vote AYE. (4). Roll call #6. Motion carried.

D. Approval/Action on the Resolution/Intergovernmental Agreement between MR238 and the Delebar CTE System

Member Schumm moved to adopt the resolution / intergovernmental agreement between MR238 and the Delebar CTE System as presented. Member Huston seconded the motion. All Members voted AYE. (4). Roll call #7. Motion carried.

E. Approval/Action on Working Cash Loan to IMRF Fund

Member Huston moved and Member Schumm seconded a motion to approve the resolution for the transfer of $50,000 of Working Cash funds to the IMRF Fund as presented. All members present voted AYE.(4). Motion carried. Roll call #8

F. Approval/Action on Working Cash Loan to Social Security Fund

Member Huston moved to approve the resolution for the transfer of $200,000 of Working Cash funds to the Social Security Fund as presented. All present members voted affirmative. (4) Motion carries. Roll call #9

G. Approval/Action on Working Cash Loan to Transportation Fund

Member Huston moved and Member Switzer seconded a motion to approve the resolution for the transfer of $430,000 of Working Cash funds to the Transportation Fund as presented. On roll call Members Huston, Schumm, Switzer and Brooks voted AYE (4). Motion carried. Roll call #10

H. Approval/Action on Working Cash Loan to Tort Fund

Member Switzer moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the resolution for the transfer of $400,000 of Working Cash funds to the Tort Fund as presented. On roll call Members Schumm, Switzer, Brooks and Huston voted AYE. (4). Motion carried. Roll call #11

I. Approval/Action on Working Cash to Bond and Interest Fund

Member Switzer moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the resolution for the transfer of $430,000 of Working Cash funds to the Fund as presented. On roll call all present Members voted AYE (4). Motion carried. Roll call #12

J. Approval/Action of Bids for Food, Paper and Cleaning Supplies for 2021-2022 school year

Member Schumm moved and Member Switzer seconded a motion to approve the bids for food, paper and Cleaning supplies for August 22 to June 23 as presented. Kohl Wholesale is awarded the 22-23 Paper and Cleaning Supplies, Bimbo Bakeries USA was awarded the 22-23 bread bid, and Anderson Erickson was awarded the 22-23 milk bid. Members Schumm, Switzer, Brooks, and Huston voted AYE upon roll call #13. (4) Motion carried.

K. Approval/Action on District Payroll Coordinator Job Description

Updated job descriptions require Board approval. Member Switzer moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the District Payroll Coordinator job description as presented. Members Switzer, Brooks, Huston, and Schumm voted AYE (4) upon roll call #14

L. Approval/Action on Bookkeeper/Accounts Payable Coordinator Job Description

Updated job descriptions require Board approval. Member Schumm moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the District Payroll Coordinator job description as presented. Members Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer voted AYE (4) upon roll call #15

M. Approval/Action on MOU between the BOE and MREA

Because of last month's decision to hire a competitive cheer and swim coach an MOU was presented with the following agreements for a competitive cheer coach at 12% and a 6% agreement for a boys and girls swim coach. Member Huston moved and Member Switzer seconded a motion to approve the MOU as presented. Members Schumm, Switzer, Brooks and Huston voted AYE (4) upon roll call #16

N. Discussion regarding storage space for the District

The Board discussed storage needs. No action was taken.

Public Comments


Board Comments

Mr. Fletcher recognized the meeting as Stephanie Sikorski's last meeting after working for the District for 24 years and wished her well in her future endeavors.

Closed Session

At 7:33 p.m. Member Switzer made a motion to go into closed session for the purpose of:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)), Student disciplinary cases, Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees.

Member Huston seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Switzer, Brooks, Huston, and Schumm (4). Motion carried. Roll call #17

Return to Open Session

At 9:09 p.m. Member Brooks moved and Member Switzer seconded returning to Open Session. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer (4). Motion carried. Roll call #18

Action Taken as a Result of Closed Session

Member Brooks moved that Student 21-22-01JH be expelled from August 17, 2022 to end of the 22-23 school year, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance so that the student can attend the Regional Alternative Education Services (RAES) program until the end of the 22-23 school year and that in the event that Student 21-22-01JH is prohibited from attending RAES, the expulsion shall immediately be in effect for the remainder of its term and that Student 21-22-01JH shall not be permitted on school grounds or at school-sponsored functions during the duration of the expulsion. Motion was seconded by member Switzer. On roll call Members Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer voted AYE (4). Motion carried. Roll call #19

Action/Approval on District Employee Salaries for School Year 2022-2023

Member Schumm moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the District employee salaries as presented. On roll call Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer voted AYE (4). Motion carries. Roll call #20

Action/Approval on District Employee Salaries for School Year 2022-2023

Member Schumm moved and Member Huston seconded a motion to approve the District employee salaries as presented. On roll call Brooks, Huston, Schumm, and Switzer voted AYE (4). Motion carries. Roll call #21

Personnel Agenda

Member Schumm moved to accept the Personnel Agenda as presented. Member Switzer seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Huston, Schumm, Switzer, and Brooks (4). Motion carried. Roll call #22

Open Session


At 9:06 p.m. Member Schumm moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Switzer seconded the motion. On roll call the following Members voted AYE: Huston, Schumm, Switzer, and Brooks (4). Roll call #23
