Mercer County School District 404 Board of Education met June 11.
Mercer County School District Bray Architects
Scott Petrie Mark Miller - Project Architect
Bill Smock Nick Woodard - Project Architect
Mike Brown
Bill Fleuette
Tab Balmer
Don Yates
Mark Bieri
Reported By: Bray Architects
Purpose of Meeting: Mercer County School District and Bray Architects met to discuss the district-wide master plan.
Overall Summary: Mercer County School District and Bray Architects met to review and discuss the results of the possible solution options proposed strategy for the district-wide master plan.
Meeting Minutes
1. New Boston Elementary
Nick presented an overview of the updated plans for the New Boston project which included comments from the last meeting. The plans included a two-story classroom / gymnasium addition which encroaches on the north property setback line while maintaining the existing on-site parking/ drive lane and adds a proposed parking lot to accommodate 40 cars, placed on the south side of the site, preserving existing fields.
The group approved the new parking lot but suggested the exit drive lane be separated from the existing drive lane. The bus lane is to be a separate drive lane as shown.
It was noted that the second level floor plan currently shows a special education classroom cantilevered over the first level. Bray to revise plan.
It was suggested that a building exit at the east end of the 1999 addition be added to provide playground access. Bray to revise plan.
The group reviewed a proposed floor plan by Mr. Bush that included a 9,000 square foot addition east of the main entrance which included two additional classrooms for high needs students, revised administrative offices, and a new entrance. It was agreed that the proposed addition could be pursued at a future date but to not include it in the scope of the current project.
The group discussed the School District's plans for furniture in the new facility. It was agreed that it should include new furniture systems. Bray to provide a proposal for furniture design services.
Mark discussed technology infrastructure and noted that data ports will be included in the new facility. It was noted that devices connecting to data ports are not to be included in the project scope. Bray to meet with facility technical staff to coordinate data locations with device locations.
Mark discussed fire protection, noting that the new facility and the existing building will require a sprinkler system. A fire hydrant test will determine if existing water pressure is sufficient for the new sprinkler system. If not, an on-site storage tank and pump will be required.
It was noted that the kitchen in New Boston is to remain a serving kitchen only.
2. Apollo Elementary
Nick presented two possible solutions for a multi-purpose room addition to be added to the east side of building utilizing the existing kitchen. One solution fits within the existing unpaved area without encroaching on the existing sidewalk and drive lane. The second solution encroaches on the existing sidewalk and drive lane. The second solution was approved with a comment that the drive lane could be revised at a future date if needed.
The School Board has approved proceeding with the Apollo addition. Apollo and New Boston to bid as a single project.
The group discussed the required exit corridor. There were concerns about the size. Bray to review.
It was noted the Apollo has new tables and chairs and will not require additional furniture for the addition.
It was noted that the existing kitchen at Apollo is to remain a serving kitchen only.
The group discussed replacing the existing Gymnasium VCT finish floor with a new floor to be to be continuous from Gym to Multi-Purpose Room.
Life safety issues at Apollo, discussed at previous meetings, are to be included in the project scope.
3. Mercer County High School
The Group reviewed a schematic plan prepared by Mark Bieri which included a new
Gymnasium, Wrestling Room, and Weight Room in the location of the current classroom addition. Discussion ensued. Bray to continue to study schematic options.
4. General Discussion
Nick presented a project schedule with a construction document completion date of January 20, 2023 with intermediate document review dates noted. See attachment.
Meetings with user groups and administrators and Bray will be required to determine specific project needs. Dates to be determined.
Site surveys and soil borings will be required. The District will contract directly with the companies providing those services. Bray will provide a recommendation.
The above information is the interpretation of the meeting activities and comments; and should be reviewed by all attendees. Please comment on any discrepancies and inform the writer as soon as possible of any changes required.
Date issued: Tuesday I July 12, 2022
Bray Associates Architects, Inc.
Nick Woodard, AIA, LEED AP