
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Knoxville City Council met May 5

City of Knoxville City Council met May 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: Mayor Myers called the Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

All rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Eiker, Gruner, Hillier, Hope, Moore, Reed and Taylor; Mayor Myers, Treasurer Barnum, Attorney McCoy, Chief Poyner, and City Clerk Wilt. Absent: None. Also present: Ms. Lindsey Steele, Ms. Susan Bates, Mr. Jason Motz, Mr. Randall Gaffner. Mr. Kent Wilson joined the meeting at approximately 7:15 PM.

Public Comments: None.

Approval of Minutes: Alderman Gruner moved to approve the Minutes of the April 18, 2022 City Council Meeting. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion which passed by voice vote with no dissent.


Attorney Report: No report.

Engineer Report: No report.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.

City Clerk’s Report: No report.




1. New City Hall Addition Message Sign: Alderman Hillier moved to table this item until the May 16, 2022 Council meeting. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. Clerk Wilt will invite a representative from Galesburg Sign and Lighting to the May 16, 2022 Council meeting.


1. TIF Request – Brad’s Home Improvement 102 W Main St: Brad Locke had submitted a TIF request to put an addition on his building at 102 W Main St. The Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed and recommended approval of this request at their April 21, 2022 meeting. Alderman Hillier moved to approve the TIF request for Brad’s Home Improvement 102 W Main St. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

2. TIF Request – Jason & Jackie Motz 222 E Main St: Jason Motz presented a TIF request to improve his building at 222 E Main St. The Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed and recommended approval of this request at their April 21, 2022 meeting. Alderman Gruner moved to approve the TIF request for Jason and Jackie Motz 222 E Main St. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

3. Mable Woolsey Elementary School Mulch Donation Request: Mable Woolsey Elementary School PTO President Lindsey Steele requested a donation of 1280 sq ft of treated mulch to surround their new playground equipment. It was determined that the City does not have this mulch on hand, and it would need to be purchased. Alderman Hope moved purchase mulch, the cost not to exceed $2,000.00, and donate it for the school playground. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

4. Vacate Alley West of Broad St between Mill and Locust Streets: Ms. Susan Bates, 302 S Broad St, requested that the alley west of her property be vacated as some neighbors are using the alley as an access the rear of their properties, which tears up the ground. Alderman Gruner moved to vacate the alley west of Broad St between Mill and Locust Streets, and to inform the neighbors of this change. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes. Attorney McCoy will draft an ordinance for the May 16, 2022 Council meeting, and letters will be sent to the neighboring homeowners.

5. Vacate Portions of Undeveloped Washington, West, and Jack Streets: Mr. Randall Gaffner addressed the Council about vacating these undeveloped streets around undeveloped property on West Douglas Street he is intending to purchase. Alderman Gruner moved to table the discussion until the May 16, 2022 Council meeting. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

6. Social Media Archive Software: Archive Social Inc is a social media archiving software company that will monitor and archive the City website and Facebook pages, for the express purpose of complying with Freedom of Information Act requests. Alderman Moore moved to contract with Archive Social Inc for $2,988.00 per year. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

7. James Knox Park & Other Lighting Replacement Incentive Opportunities: Kent Wilson with Premium Quality Lighting addressed the Council about participating in Ameren Illinois rebate programs for James Knox Park flood lighting. The City would purchase and install appropriate LED lighting, and Premium Quality Lighting would assist with the rebate program. Alderman Eiker moved to partner with Premium Quality Lighting for Ameren Illinois rebates. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

8. Resolution 2022-39 Hire Part Time Grounds Maintenance Worker Harold Wheatley: Former Grounds Maintenance Worker Harold Wheatley has returned to the area. Alderman Hillier moved to approved Resolution 2022-39 Hire Part Time Grounds Maintenance Worker Harold Wheatley at $12.00 per hour. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

9. Culvert Extension 510 E Ann St: Alderman Eiker reported that the homeowner has requested a 10 foot culvert extension so the driveway will cover the entire width of his garage. Alderman Eiker moved to allow the culvert extension at 510 E Ann St. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent.

10. Raise Sidewalk Concrete Prices: Alderman Eiker moved to increase the homeowner’s share of the sidewalk concrete price per square yard from $2.25 to $5.00, effective immediately. Alderman Gruner seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes.

11. Car Cruise Requests: Chief Poyner, on behalf of the Car Cruise Committee, requested a $500.00 donation for the August 27, 2022 Car Cruise advertising, plus permission to place event signs at both ends of the Main St median. Alderman Hillier moved to donate $500.00 to the Car Cruise for advertising. Alderman Eiker seconded the motion, which passed with seven (7) Yes votes. Alderman Gruner moved to allow placing Car Cruise event signs in the median. Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent.

Mayor’s Report:

• The sidewalk on the east side of the Old City Hall building will be removed.

• Alderman Taylor was appointed as Administrative Committee chairman.

• Rock River Energy Services provided options for energy suppliers for the City building accounts that expire in June 2022. They recommended immediate approval of a contract with either Constellation or Dynegy Energy as rates have drastically increased. As rates are extremely volatile, Mayor Myers will sign with the least expensive option today, and the choice will be ratified at the May 16, 2022 Council meeting.

• Some City office software programs will be updated as needed.

• The Public Library Board meets on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Mayor Myers requested that Council members take turns volunteering to attend the monthly meetings. Alderman Eiker will attend the May 3 meeting.

• The Knoxville Community Fund announced that their anonymous donor has donated an additional amount for trees for Knoxville.

• The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Annex.

Committee Reports

• Administration: No report.

• Cemetery: No report.

• Economic Development: No report.

• Parks: No report.

• Police: Alderman Moore reported that the light bar on top of one of the squad vehicles was damaged during a pursuit, and the repair cost is approximately $1,200.00.

• Sanitation: No report.

• Streets: No report.

• Water/Sewer: No report.

Adjourn: At 8:10 PM, Alderman Gruner moved to Adjourn the Meeting; Alderman Hillier seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote with no dissent. The meeting was adjourned.