Warren County Board met April 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
At the regular meeting of the county board of Warren County, Illinois, held at the courthouse in the city of Monmouth at 9:30 am the following members were present:
PRESENT: Honorable Mike Pearson
Tim Bresnahan
Dan Byers
Sean Cavanaugh
Steven Hawkins
David Jenks
Melanie Monroe
Lyman Schar
Pat Spears
Sean Stevens
William Thompson
Robbie Way
Todd Winkler
ABSENT: Tiffany Cole, Danielle Cox
CLERK: Tina M. Conard
The chair declared a quorum present and the meeting was opened for business.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2022 Warren County Board Meeting. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to change order of presentations to A. Jenna Link, B. Tim Lobdell, C. PCOM, Morgan Lewis; to remove resolution #09-21-22; to move resolution #08-21-22 under buildings and grounds; to add Bonding Update under Finance. Mr. Way seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
A. Jenna Link, spoke on the pandemic. Giving 2nd booster shots, and handed out budget YTD report.
B. Tim Lobdell gave his solid waste program and handed out the collection report.
C. PCOM Morgan Lewis:
Mr. Byers made a motion to approve Resolution# 05-21-22 5311 Application, $241,000. Mr. Winkler seconded the motion and the following vote was taken; Ayes: Byers, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan Nays: None Abstained: Cavanaugh Absent: Cole, Cox. The chair declared the motion carried;
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve Resolution# 06-21-22 Downstate Operating Assistance Application, $343,000. Mr. Schar seconded the motion and the following vote was taken; Ayes: Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers Nays: None Abstained: Cavanaugh Absent: Cole, Cox. The chair declared the motion carried;
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve Resolution #07-21-22 Rebuild IL Application & Modification, $63,000 to obtain a dispatch software. Mr. Spears seconded the motion and the following vote was taken; Ayes: Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Hawkins Nays: None Abstained: Cavanaugh Absent: Cole, Cox. The chair declared the motion carried;
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee Meetings and claims for March 8, 2022 and April 5, 2022. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins,
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Animal Control Committee Meetings and claims for March 8, 2022 and April 5, 2022. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the Buildings and Grounds
Committee Meetings and claims for March 9, 2022 and April 6, 2022. Mr. Winkler seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks,
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox,
The chair declared the motion carried.
Line of Credit Discussion
Mr. Schar questioned why do we need a line of credit?
Mr. Cavanaugh explained the CARES $1.6 million grant funds must be spent then reimbursed and WAC cannot front the expenses.
Mr. Chris Gavin and Mr. Alex Temple from Midwest Bank, mentioned that it was an automated line of credit, but they can do a manual credit. Claims there is no risk to the county.
Mrs. Lewis says she will do one project at a time and get reimbursed before moving on to the next project.
Mr. Spears asked if it is all at smaller amounts why don't we go through the working
cash fund like the auditors suggest.
Mr. Cavanaugh stated that he will answer any questions.
Mr. Spears advised that we listen to our office holder, Auditors work with our finances, we should listen to them.
Mr. Jenks asked if we open the county to other exempt organizations for support.
RESOLUTION #08-21-22
lnteragency Agreement
Mr. Pearson pointed out section 4B- WAC will submit a bill to county verses waiting for reimbursement from IDOT for 5311 or DOAP funds.
There was much discussion on this interagency agreement. No action was taken. It will be discussed at the May B&G Committee
Bonding Update
Mr. Chris Gavin and Mr. Chip Algren have had discussions with potential bonding companies.
Mr. Gavin suggested looking into the county using a financial advisor; Speer Financial has worked with the city on bond issues. The next step will be the CAC meet with Speer Financial.
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the minutes of the Finance Committee Meetings and claims for March 10, 2022 and April 7, 2022. Mrs. Monroe seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes; Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson,
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
ARPA Expenditure - Effective Today
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve, effective today April 13, 2022, the Warren County Board authorized a one-time payment of $1500.00 to each full-time hourly employee separate from normal paychecks and also be subject to the normal deductions of FICA, FWHT, SWHT,
IMRF and any legal garnishments. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and following vote was taken:
Ayes: Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #10-21-22
County Clerk Salary
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mrs. Monroe seconded the motion and following vote was taken:
Ayes: Stevens, Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears,
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #11-21-22
Treasurer Salary
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mrs. Monroe seconded the motion and following vote was taken:
Ayes: Thompson, Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #12-21-22
Sheriff Salary
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mrs. Monroe seconded the motion and following vote was taken:
Ayes: Way, Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #13-21-22
Assessor Salary
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mrs. Monroe seconded the motion and following vote was taken:
Ayes: Winkler, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Schar, Spears, Stevens, Thompson, Way
Nays: None
Absent: Cole, Cox
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the Circuit Clerk reports for February 2022 and March 2022. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Hawkins made a motion to approve the County Clerk reports for February 2022 and March 2022. Mr. Byers seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Schar made a motion to approve the Treasurer reports for February 2022 and March 2022.
Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Zoning Reports
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the Zoning reports for thru March 2022. Mr. Byers seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
9-1-1 Reports
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the 911 reports for February 2022 and March 2022.
Mr. Spears seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Ambulance Reports
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the ambulance reports for January 2022 and February 2022. Mr. Byers seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion
PCOM Reports
Mr. Winkler made a motion to approve PCOM report for April 6, 2022. Mr. Spears seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve Resolution# 15-21-22 Susan A. Higbee for Warren County Housing (WCHA) Board of Commissioners. Mr. Schar seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried
Mr. Pearson thanked everyone for their time and good discussion
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to recess the County Board Meeting. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion and with a voice vote the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 am on Wednesday, June 15, 2022.