
Galesburg Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Knox County Board met Feb. 23

Webp meeting372

Knox County Board met Feb. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Knox County Board held in person at the Galesburg City Council at 6:00 p.m. Due to the coronavirus precautions, this meeting was presented via teleconference in order to alleviate the need for the public to be in person at the meeting.

The Meeting was called to order by County Board Chair Jared Hawkinson and upon roll call the following Members reported present:

District 2 Robert Bondi

District 3 Tara Wilder

District 4 Jared Hawkinson

District 5 Ricardo “Rick” Sandoval

District 1 Darla Krejci

District 2 David Amor

District 3 Pamela Davidson

District 5 Brian Friedrich

District 1 Cheryl Nache

District 2 John Hunigan

District 3 Kyle Rohweder

District 4 Sara Varner

District 5 Jeff Link

And those absent: District 1 Roland Paulsgrove

District 4 Todd Olinger

Also present was County Clerk Scott Erickson. 

Department Heads present were Nursing Home Administrator Jodi Mines, Highway Administrator Duane Ratermann, Landfill Administrator Rod Clair, Supervisor of Assessments Sonia Hochstettler, and Knox County Health Department Public Health Administrator Michele Gabriel.

County Clerk Erickson delivered the Proclamation. Chair Hawkinson led the Members in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. In lieu of a formal invocation, Chair Hawkinson asked that a moment of silence be observed.

Chair Hawkinson asked for additions or deletions to the agenda. No items were added or deleted.

Chair Hawkinson asked for public comments. Ken Springer spoke about Black Berry Solar Project off South Farnham Road. This is a 70 Million Dollar project. It would bring in five million in new property taxes. He said it would be a good neighbor, be set back 500 feet from the road and have a 3-layer buffer zone. Chair Hawkinson thanked Springer for speaking.

Andrew Bowman a 5th generation farmer from Orion spoke in favor of the project. Orion has a $150 million mega wind farm. This project is a 70 million dollar project. It has a better payoff for the farmland with no ups and downs. He said they are also Bonded for deconstruction

if needed to return the farmland back to what it was. Citizens and landowners should have no reason to oppose it. It will help with tax revenue. The Zoning Board has granted the land variances and up for approval by the Board to change the land from residential to agricultural.

Solar panels make no noise. He said this is a no brainer and he strongly supports. Chair Hawkinson thanked Mr. Bowman for speaking.

Linda Miller spoke on behalf of Save Hawthorne Pool. She said they have contacted a man at the Landmarks Department of Illinois. He said he might be able to assist. She said they have had two inspections done on the Hawthorne Pool. They have asked the Mayor for assistance and is asking for the County Council members to help. She is hoping Galesburg and Knox County can work together to help save the pool so it can stay open for the citizens.

Motion was made by Member Amor and seconded by Member Nache to approve the following items of the consent agenda: 1) minutes of the Regular and Closed Board Meetings for January 26, 2022, 2) claims for Members for per diem and mileage for the meetings of February 2022 and other claims for per diem from meetings, and 3) sales tax and various taxes for the month of November 2021 in the amount of $137,336.76 and $34,400.41 and public safety tax in the amount of $235,807.75. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link— (12). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson stated he asked Don Tomlin to speak on behalf of the Veteran’s Assistance Commission. He said they are up and going, have good activities, new leadership and the Board to assist. Don Tomlin said he is the Superintendent at the Veteran’s Assistance Commission. He wanted to clear up any confusion between them, the VFW, Department of Veteran Affairs, and the VNA. Department of Veteran’s Affairs help with grave markers and benefits for disabled Vets. The VNA deals with aging and nothing to do with Veterans. Veteran’s Assistance Commission helps with food, housing, and has activities for the Veterans. Chair Hawkinson appreciates all the help they give to the Veterans of the area. Member Davidson said thank-you for taking the lead, doing a fabulous job, and we need more people like you to spread the word that you are back in business. Member Nache said thank-you for being open and it is great having a place to send men and women to when they need help. She also wanted to thank Veterans as a whole.

Member Friedrich presented the monthly report for the Finance, Insurance, Treasurer, Judicial, Veterans, and Clerk/Recorder Committee. The reports are included in the packet.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Sandoval to approve the Health Department 2021 Annual Report. Knox County Public Health Administrator Michele Gabriel spoke about the 2021 Annual Report for the Health Department. In 2021, the amount of people that they tested for the Corona Virus went down due to vaccines being available. She said that in 2021 they did not collect the food license fee from businesses and those businesses appreciated that. They are collecting those fees again in 2022. They have seen a rise in sexually transmitted diseases in Knox County. There number of dentists are down and they are down four Behavioral Health people. They finished the year $90,432 in the positive. Eighty percent of their funds come from State and Federal Grants. She said she spoke last month about test kits. They have made up baggies with two test kits and facemasks for the Board or anyone else here tonight that would like one. They will also be handing them out in the community. Member Nache thanked Gabriel and asked if she knew about a recall on home test kits. Gabriel stated that she was not aware of any recalls but she will look in to it. Member Amor asked Gabriel to thank her staff. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Amor to approve Animal Kill Claims for 2021. There were no kill claims filed for the year. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. Chair Hawkinson presented that the monthly report from the Sheriff, Jail, Mary Davis Home, Animal Control, and Building Committee. He stated the reports are in the packet. Member Davidson asked about a bill that went through Finance and the Building Committee that did not have invoices to explain the bill. She does know that it was an emergency but how do they truly know the price if they do not have the bill information to list what they had done so she will be voting no.

Member Bondi presented the monthly report for the Assessor, Zoning, GIS, Highway, IT, and Landfill Committee. He stated that the reports are in the packet. He thanked the department heads there for giving background and describing the information to them. Motion made by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve ZBA Case CU-06-22, a Request for Conditional Use, under Section 5.3-02, (11) of the Knox County Zoning Resolution, Storage and Sale of Fertilizer, L.P. (Liquid Petroleum) gas, Petroleum in Bulk, Seed, and Feed. Filed by West Central FS INC, 1455 Monmouth Blvd. Galesburg. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve ZBA Case ZA01-22, a Request for a Zoning District Change from “R” Residential Zoning District to “A” Agricultural Zoning District, Under Section 5.3 of the Knox County Zoning Resolution. Filed by

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve ZBA Case ZA01-22, a Request for a Zoning District Change from “R” Residential Zoning District to “A” Agricultural Zoning District, Under Section 5.3 of the Knox County Zoning Resolution. Filed by Applicant Blackberry Solar LLC, Highland Park, IL, along with Owner Listed as Mary Panther, Bushnell, IL. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. 

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Rohweder to approve ZBA Case CU-01-22, a Request for a Solar Energy Farm in the “A” Agricultural Zoning District, under Appendix C, Knox County Solar Energy System Ordinance. Filed by the Applicant Blackberry Solar LLC, Highland Park, IL along with Owner Listed as Mary Panther, Bushnell, IL. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Nache to approve ZBA Case CU02-22, a Request for a Solar Energy Farm in the “M” Restricted Industrial Zoning District, under Appendix C, Knox County Solar Energy Systems Ordinance. Filed by Applicant Blackberry Solar LLC, Highland Park, IL along with Owner Listed as Richard Inness, Galesburg, IL. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. 

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve Zoning District Changes as Follows: Case ZA-02-22 thru Case ZA-04-22, a Request for a Zoning District Change from “R” Residential Zoning District to “A” Agricultural Zoning District, Under Section 5.3 of the Knox County Zoning Resolution. Filed by applicant Blackberry Solar LLC (lessee) along with Owner Listed as Steven Swanson trustee, Hinsdale, IL. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve ZBA Case CU05-22, a Request for a Solar Energy Farm in the “A” Agricultural Zoning District, under Appendix C, Knox County Solar energy System Ordinance. Filed by Applicant Blackberry Solar LLC (Lessee) along with Owner Listed as Steven Swanson Trustee, Hinsdale, IL. Member Bondi said great job to the Assessors and Zoning office, Blackberry and Property owners. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. 

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Davidson to approve Foth Infrastructure & Environment Proposal for Design, Permitting, and Bid Assistance for Landfill #3 Final Cover and Gas System Design for $215,350. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Friedrich to approve Foth Infrastructure & Environment Proposal for Evaluation, Design, Permitting, and Bid Assistance for Landfill #3 Leachate Management Modifications for $170,325. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Nache to approve Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation, County Highway 10 Bridge Rehabilitation, Section 18-00043-01-BR. Member Bondi stated that the bridge was built in 1985 and is 200,000 ft. in length. Three Thousand Seven Hundred cars use it a day. The inspection revealed that the joints, concrete and structure needed repair. IDOT will cover 20% of repair funds. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. 

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Amor to approve Resolution on Local Agency Appropriation, Section 18-00043-01-BR. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Nache to approve Amendment to the 1990 Knox County/Illinois Department of Transportation County 10 Highway Agreement. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried. 

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Amor to approve Reimbursement Agreement with BNSF Railway Company, Section 18-00043-01-BR. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, and Varner—(11). Noes—Link---(1). Abstain---Hawkinson—(1). Motion carried.

Motion by Member Bondi and seconded by Member Davidson to approve Resolution on County Motor Fuel Tax Supplemental Maintenance, Section 22-00000-00-GM. Member Bondi stated that it is a 1.5-mile section North of Williamsfield just South of Wataga. He said thankyou to the Department Heads and sorry for taking so long. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Member Hunigan presented the report from the Nursing Home committee. The report is in the packet. Hunigan stated that they have no action items. They completed the contract with the Union on February 7th and on February 10th the Board approved. He wanted to thank Knox County Nursing Home Administrator Mines, Member Davidson, Labor Attorney Braskich, Chair Hawkinson, and the Union. That they all made it a good experience, willing to talk and kept going forward. Chair Hawkinson reported that the reports from the outside committee assignments will be included in the packet if provided. If anyone has a question in regards to an outside committee or their report, they should contact the Board Member that is serving on that committee and ask them directly. 

Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Amor to approve Opening of Budget Line Item Changes. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson stated that the Health Department information is in the Board Packet.

Member Davidson asked that the Health Department Budget Change expenditures concerning the vouchers to pay have invoices so they know what they are paying and why they are paying that price. Without that information, they are not doing right by the taxpayers. Member Bondi said that there was quite an effort of reviewing the documents by the Board of Directors, Administrator Gabriel and staff. We do not want to over micromanage them. He said he did appreciate Member Davidson’s comment but he feels that the system is working correctly. Motion was made by Member Friedrich and seconded by Member Bondi for the approval of Proposed Line Item Changes. Member Davidson stated that she is voting no due to not having all invoices that she felt they needed for some bills. Member Nache stated that she would also be voting no because she wants to see proof of the invoices and receipts. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(11). Noes—Davidson and Nache---(2). Motion carried.

Chair Hawkinson discussed the review of checks that were paid during the time the Board was not in session. There were no checks out of the ordinary. 

Motion was made by Member Nache and seconded by Member Rohweder to approve the claims against Knox County, Illinois, for the period of January 27, 2022 through February 23, 2022 (ordering that invoices be accepted and approved and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer by authorized and directed to issue County Warrants in payment of the bills in aggregate amount approved by the County Board). Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes— Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Friedrich, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(11). Noes—Davidson and Nache---(2). Motion carried.

The next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., in person and via zoom at the council chambers at Galesburg City Hall.

Motion was made by Member Sandoval and seconded by Member Friedrich to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote is recorded as follows: Ayes—Bondi, Wilder, Hawkinson, Sandoval, Krejci, Amor, Davidson, Friedrich, Nache, Hunigan, Rohweder, Varner and Link—(13). Noes—(0). Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.