
Galesburg Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

United Community Unit School District 304 Board of Education met Jan. 1

Webp meeting 10

United Community Unit School District 304 Board of Education met Jan. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the United Board of Education was called to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll was called and answered by: Dana Poole, Joel Johnson, Aaron Leary, Craig Allaman, Debbie King, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin.

CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Aaron Leary with a second by Debbie King to enter into closed session with intent to return to discuss a student discipline case. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Debbie King, Joel Johnson, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Nay – none.

OPEN SESSION At 6:02 the board entered the regular session. Roll was called and answered by: Dana Poole, Joel Johnson, Aaron Leary, Craig Allaman, Debbie King, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Also in attendance were: Several community members, Amy Schmitz, Chris Schwarz, Chad Robertson, Pat Coate, Maggie Wallace, Sheila Pressley and Kris Repp

AGENDA Aaron Leary made a motion to approve the agenda as amended with a second by Joel Johnson. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Debbie King, Joel Johnson, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Nay – none.

SHOWCASING SUCCESS Katy Fry, Carissa Elliott, Megan Robinson, Jaclyn Turner, Maggie Wallace and Pat Coate presented the standards based grading they have developed for the elementary schools.

UPDATES The board heard from Superintendent Jeff Whitsitt that the April board election will have 5 candidates running to fill 4 open positions. Those running include incumbents Hank Shimmin and Amelia Tierney, along with Jill Jenks, Dan Ott, and Dan Toops. Incumbent members Debbie King and Aaron Leary are not seeking re-election.

STUDENT DISCIPLINE Aaron Leary moved that based upon and after the Board’s consideration of the evidence and testimony of the expulsion hearing held on January 14, 2021, the Board of Education find that Students No. 110728924 has committed an act of gross misconduct on December 10, 2020, charged by the District’s Administration in that Student No. 110728924 has possessed a knife and made threats to staff that interfered with, disrupted, or adversely affects the school environment, in violation of Board Policy 7:190, Student Behavior.

Aaron Leary moved that the Board of Education expel Student No. 110728924 through the 2021-22 school year, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance and Student No. 110728924 be administratively transferred to an alternative school as determined by the District’s Administration, pursuant to Article 13A of the Illinois School Code. Prior to considering a recommendation for expulsion, the District’s Administration attempted other behavioral and disciplinary interventions such as counseling service, detentions and an incentive program for positive behaviors, and determined there are no other appropriate and available behavioral and disciplinary interventions. Student No. 110728924 has had access to all of the student services through her years in high school.

Removing Student No. 110728924 from the learning environment is in the best interest of the school because of the adverse effect on the school environment. Possessing a knife and making threats to staff pose a serious threat to the school safety of the people in a school district. The expulsion period through the 21-22 school year ( approximately 1.5 calendar years) is appropriate based upon the seriousness of the incident and the level of disruption to the school and community.

The expulsion being held in abeyance is contingent upon the student’s full participation in the alternative school program, including regularly attending school; complying with attendance policies, school rules, and any referrals for service or counseling made by the alternative school; and successfully completing the alternative school’s curriculum.

Aaron Leary moved that should Student No. 110728924 fail to fully participate in the alternative school program and the alternative school refers the student back to the District, Student No. 110728924 shall immediately expelled from United High School District #304 for the remainder of the District Administration’s recommended expulsion duration through June 30, 2022.

Hank Shimmin seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Debbie King, Joel Johnson, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Nay – none.

TRACK BIDS A resolution to seek bids for all-weather track base layers was made by Amelia Tierney with a second by Aaron Leary. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Debbie King, Joel Johnson, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Amelia Tierney and Hank Shimmin. Nay – none.

SUPT. REPORT Superintendent Whitsitt updated the board on the recent education legislation passed in the Illinois State house. Graduation requirements, initiatives to address teacher shortage, and improved access to early childhood are all part of the new legislation. Whitsitt noted that this legislation will be important as the board sets new goals and plans for future curriculum and staffing changes. The board plans to meet in retreat fashion in early February to discuss the setting of new goals for the district moving forward.

CONSENT AGENDAA motion to approve the consent agenda as presented was made by Aaron Leary with a second by Amelia Tierney. Those employed in the consent agenda include Jennifer Lair and Miranda Carson as High School Counselors for the 2021-22 school year. Sandra Harvey as part time cook at United Jr. High. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney, Debbie King, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin and Joel Johnson.

Nay – none.

RESIGNATION Aaron Leary made a motion to regretfully accept the resignation of Vanessa Bannister, West Paraprofessional effective January 15, 2021 .

Amelia Tierney seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney, Debbie King, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.

A motion to accept the resignation of Jodie Martin as West Paraprofessional was made by Debbie King with a second by Joel Johnson. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney, Debbie King, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.

Hank Shimmin made a motion to employ Madison Prater as 1:1 Paraprofessional at United North Pre K. Amelia Tierney seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney, Debbie King, Craig Allaman, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.

EMPLOYMENT A motion to approve the employment of Jodie Martin, Paraprofessional at United West was made by Amelia Tierney with a second by Aaron Leary. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Amelia Tierney, Debbie King, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin and Joel Johnson. Nay – none.

Adjourn Joel Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Joel Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye – Dana Poole, Aaron Leary, Hank Shimmin, Craig Allaman, Amelia Tierney and Joel Johnson.. Nay – none.
