Warren County Board Met June 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
At the regular meeting of the county board of Warren County, Illinois, held at the courthouse in the city of Monmouth at 9:30 am the following members were present:
PRESENT: Honorable Mike Pearson
Tim Bresnahan
Dan Byers
Sean Cavanaugh
Tiffany Cole
Danielle Cox
Ryan Haptonstall
Steven Hawkins
David Jenks
Melanie Monroe
Mark Richardson
Lyman Schar
Pat Spears
William Thompson
Robbie Way
ABSENT: Todd Winkler
CLERK: Tina M. Conard
The chair declared a quorum present and the meeting was opened for business.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the Building & Grounds minutes Mr. Bresnahan seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the changes/amendments ofthe agenda, add Intergovernmental Agency Agreement and discard the MTC agreement. Mr. Bresnahan seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes ofthe Road and Bridge Committee Meetings and claims for March 09, 2021 and April 6, 2021. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Byers, Cavanaugh, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Animal Control Committee Meetings and claims for March 9, 2021 and April 6, 2021. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Cavanaugh, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Thompson spoke on not having a backup for the Animal Control Officer, looking for ideas or suggestions.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the Buildings and Grounds Committee Meetings and claims for March 10, 2021 and April 8, 2021. Mr. Bresnahan seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Shadow Boxes Donation
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the donation of the two shadow boxes in the County Board Room to the Warren County Museum. Mr. Haptonstall seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Cole
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Safety Grant for Taser Purchase
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the use of the Safety Grant funds for The Sheriff's Dept. Taser purchases. Mr. Haptonstall seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cavanaugh, Cole, Cox
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTIONS #06-20-21, #07-20-21, #08-20-21 and #09-2021
Mr. Spears made a motion to approve the foregoing resolutions. Mr. Haptonstall seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall
Abstain: Cavanaugh
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the minutes of the Finance Committee Meetings and claims for March 11, 2021 and April 8, 2021. Mr. Schar seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Sheriff Tasers Purchase
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the Sheriff's Taser Purchase 15 Tasers for $44,100.00. Mrs. Cox seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Jail Food Service Contract
Mr. Jenks made the motion to approve the Jail Food Service Contract with Legacy Estates for One year at $14.00 per day. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Pearson, Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
RESOLUTION #10-20-21
A.B.A.T.E Proclamation
Mr. Jenks made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Richardson, Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Eagle View - Lease Annex
Mr. Pearson spoke on Eagle View's interest in a lease of the annex, just making you aware oftheir interest. He has asked for a copy oftheir inspection report.
COVID 19 Fund
Mr. Jenks made a motion to move the approximately $210,000 received for COVID to create a COVID 19 Fund. Mrs. Cox seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Schar, Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried
RESOLUTION #11-20-21
Local Control Zoning & Land Use Affairs
Mrs. Monroe made a motion to approve the foregoing resolution. Mr. Jenks seconded the motion and the following vote was taken:
Ayes: Spears, Thompson, Way, Bresnahan, Byers, Cole, Cox, Haptonstall, Hawkins, Jenks, Monroe, Pearson, Richardson, Schar
Nays: None
Absent: Winkler
The chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the Circuit Clerk reports for February 2021 and March 2021. Mr. Byers seconded the motion with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Hawkins made a motion to approve the Treasurer reports for March 2021 and April 2021. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the 911 reports for February 2021 and March 2021. Mr. Byers seconded the motion with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the 911 reports for February 2021 and March 2021. Mr. Schar seconded the motion with a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Warren County Housing Authority and Board of Review
Joe Romano (5 Year Term) Dave Jenks (2 Year Term)
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the appointment of Joe Romano to a 5 year term for the Warren County Housing Authority and Dave Jenks to a 2 year term for the Board of Review. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion and on a voice vote the chair declared the motion carried.
Mr. Person spoke about the possibility of some jail trips for research. He will keep the board posted.
Mr. Bresnahan made a motion to Recess the County Board Meeting. Mr. Spears seconded the motion and on a voice vote the meeting was recessed until 9:30 am on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.